Went on Thursday night, the whole of the wave area was dry, although a few holds we still slightly damp/greasy. Didn't go to woodies myself but was told that the main roof (soul crusher, etc) was dry. On the whole good conditions, and should stay dry for a while now I would have thought.
Given tomorrow's forecast (strong westerly winds, mid-80s humidity, raining in the Peak but dry further east), does the UKB crystal ball predict a dry Anston?
Beretta was logged there yesterday and looking at the weather station I linked above the readings are very similar to today, so it might be worth a look. Planning to go tomorrow so maye I'm being a bit hopeful
Everything on bullet/wave/ebola dry. Nice and cool - friction good.
Evidence that someone has been along with a saw and taken down a few branches and some ivy I noticed.. esp around the ebola area (that was already a bit sparse on the tree/shade front. Not sure why etc.. just sayin...
Only just spotted this, sorry. Been about as good as it gets all week, maybe slightly spoogier yesterday with the temps rise but still dry and good nick