Sharkathon 2025

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Set off to the gym to do weights but... it closed at 5pm on a Saturday! I had no idea.
So with temperatures around 0c, I got stuck into 30m shuttle sprints outside the boat. It was tough getting the legs to warm up at all but I persevered, then did some Qi Gong to finish.
3 - dog walks, back and elbow rehab. An hours squash in the evening.
4- walk up to Simon and lord's seat. Found possibly the only dry rock in Yorkshire.
5- walking and rehab exercises.
4 - gentle gym / rehab / stretching session plus 5-10 minutes of vigorous shaking after dipping.
5 - ultra-bumbling re-warming-up routes session at Summit Up.
4: Barden Fell bouldering. Climbed all three dry problems on the Fell (McNab, Bird Flu, Hen Pecked).
5: About 2.5 hours of sledging, snowball fighting, snowman building.
Saturday the 4th: Morning swim

5th: Works. Edge Lifts up to 70kgs both arms. Board for an hour, 6C+, felt weakened by squats still. Easier climbing, was moving well but core and back just tired. Clean and Jerk doubles up to 70kgs.
Day 5: Complete flop. Did a bunch of decorating and tweaked my back during the day so streching and conditioning went out of the window...
4. MB @ AW - 2019@25 Degrees - 10 x 5+ to 6B inc. new 6B benchie and repeast of training problem that spat me off after the last lurgy - thankfully felt easy! F7a on Autos (lobbed then did it...)
5. Snowboarding down Meersbrook Park - no lift so covered a load of ground up and down! Tired...

No booze since 1st...
Hopefully this Sharkathon contains a Squat PB

Program says at the end of the month I can test my 5 rep max... 120 maybe???

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