Sharkathon 2025

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Skipped out of work for an hour this morning - the client's daughter was taking a shower and I needed to do some work in the bathroom, so I headed to the climbing wall.

10 minutes to drive there.
4 minutes to get ready.
31 minutes to climb.
6 minutes to change.
11 minutes to drive back.

3 x F5c
3 x F5c
Half a crimpy 6b+.
1 x overhanging F5a
Half a overhanging F6a

Failed on the two 6s due to holds I can't use with my dodgy wrist. Worked out a method for the 6a but the 6b+ still stumps me.
8km walk today which wouldn't normally be much for me but with two older folk and two small children it was over 3 hours on my feet, with a significant amount of energy spent cajoling everyone to keep going and several periods of carrying smallest child - my hips and back are ruined!
Today - squat session, maxed out my 10RM, did 100kgs for 10 which I was dead pleased with. Then;

6 Supersets of 27.5kg rows and 30 sec superman holds, and 5 supersets of 30 second planks and 10 banded clams per side. 1hr of gentle blocks :)
Shlagerthon it is then

Ist - first day feeling well enough to leave the house. Managed a half hour walk, was going to go out for longer, but decided it was too cold and lungs still not happy.
2nd - a walk in the falling snow. Felt much better than the day before, didn't leave a trail of phlegm behind me like a snail.
45min of mobility this morning - neck, shoulders, thoracic spine, deep squat.
Plus some dynamic stretching to try and hit tight calves and hamstrings.
Day 3
Cycled home from work and added a bit of extra hill to make it 30 mins.
Only half a sleep to make the transition off working nights.
An hour of easy bouldering following the boy around The Works.
Seem to have another cold starting. Bastard.
1st - 45 mins on the board, feeling more wooden than the holds. Easy 5k run, 25 mins.
2nd - intervals session, 2 x 6 x 400m, 90 secs rest between reps, 4 mins between sets. Struggled at the start, but warmed into it and second set was decent (faster than 5k race pace).
3rd - circuits at Depot (6a, 6b, 6c, 7a, 7a+, 7b (80%), 7a, 6b), 5k run later.
3: Bit of a cop out but a few miles walk around the west end (it was my partners birthday), drinks and food definitely cancelled it out too...
Day 3
Cycled home from work and added a bit of extra hill to make it 30 mins.
Only half a sleep to make the transition off working nights.
An hour of easy bouldering following the boy around The Works.
Seem to have another cold starting. Bastard.
Think I saw you at the works, a ghost in the mist...

Wanted to have a BIG SESSION but heavy squats day before put paid to that. Instead edge lifted to 70/67.5 and did a good hour and a half on reds, irn brus, odd yellow. Felt weak but that I was climbing well.

Bench program week 3 session 2, 62.5kgs 6x6, then supersetted triceps extensions and barbell curls, and then supersetted chin ups and skull crushers

Interesting program, the accessories are harder than the lifts. Feel very good for athleticism rather than just raw numbers
I'm in! Setup the turbo in the spare room - cutting down on the booze - this will be THE YEAR!!
1: 5miles around Baslow in the rain.
2: Routes @ AW - 10 routes up to F6c+ Inc. 3.5 laps on F6c
3. 30mins walk - long way round to the chippy for poorly daughters tea...
Day 3: walk from the bus stop, couple of hours at the Works mostly spent trying to keep my hands from freezing. I may well have coincided with some of you, but I have no idea what most of you look like.

Day 4: half an hour desultory yoga and stretching, one hour strength training at home.

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