Sharkathon 2025

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"There's no cure for being a c#nt"
Jul 26, 2007
Who's in?

I asked Shark if he would be leading the way into 2025, but he answered as below

I did think about calling it The First Annual Memorial Sharkathon, but he's more alive than most of us.
I'm in (will be a couple of days late start). As usual. Body feels pretty mediocre in every aspect and quite deconditioned - regularity of volume will be a main aim to try to regain the latter....
  • Regularity of volume (wall and gym)
  • Stretching + rehab day counts (e.g. if resting or ill)
  • 15 min Cripplerun(tm) day counts (as active rest)
  • No more than avg 2 hours well-paced, non-fatiguing gardening / week.
  • Cut down on drinking (been a small beer / small wine glass most evenings, more than I usually have)
  • Aim = feel reconditioned, avoid injury.
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Early start to the month for me.
Cycled home from work. Added on a bit more hill to bring the total time to 30 minutes.
Ended up with some extra heart rate time that I hadn't planned - I asked a few lads huffing noz to pick up their takeaway rubbish from the road and pavement by their car (near our house). I was pretty angry and fully expected a bit of confrontation, so the adrenaline was flowing. They were either usually nice lads or found the sudden appearance of my rain soaked bloated gammony mass clad in high viz intimidating - they apologised and picked up their rubbish.
This required ten minutes of stretching to wind down and get myself ready for bed.
This doesn't mean I'm into stretching though
After a couple of years of absenteeism I'm in this year - I find the public declaration motivates me. Not a great start though, just a 45 minute meander with the kids today as my energy has been put into putting up with family for the day.
Early start to the month for me.
Cycled home from work. Added on a bit more hill to bring the total time to 30 minutes.
Ended up with some extra heart rate time that I hadn't planned - I asked a few lads huffing noz to pick up their takeaway rubbish from the road and pavement by their car (near our house). I was pretty angry and fully expected a bit of confrontation, so the adrenaline was flowing. They were either usually nice lads or found the sudden appearance of my rain soaked bloated gammony mass clad in high viz intimidating - they apologised and picked up their rubbish.
This required ten minutes of stretching to wind down and get myself ready for bed.
This doesn't mean I'm into stretching though
I can add more to this - 30 mins getting my arse kicked at table tennis and then cycled to work (mostly downhill and flat)
I'm in - did a couple of hours at the climbing wall today. Still feeling my way back to any sort of fitness after the horrors of long covid and MECFS but....
I'm really enjoying it currently.

An hour in the boulder room on easy stuff up to V2, followed by the autobelay. Laps on the F5s and then a number of goes on a crimpy 6b+.
I'm in - did a couple of hours at the climbing wall today. Still feeling my way back to any sort of fitness after the horrors of long covid and MECFS but....
I'm really enjoying it currently.

An hour in the boulder room on easy stuff up to V2, followed by the autobelay. Laps on the F5s and then a number of goes on a crimpy 6b+.
Long covid and MECFS to Sharkathon is quite a journey 💪
Long covid and MECFS to Sharkathon is quite a journey 💪
Cheers Lagers - if I'm honest, all the recuperation stuff like the lymphatic massage has kept me in the zone. It's been daily, I haven't skipped a day in two years, I treated it like training for recovery and because of that, it's been easier than I thought to get back into a 'must do something today' kinda attitude.
We'll see how I feel by the middle of the month 🤣
1st - edge lifts up to 75kgs on the right, 72.5kgs for the left. matching my PBs consistently. Hour+ on the board after that, felt strong as fuck
Oh shit, it's Sharkathon time! Well, I failed already by only going for a walk for 20 minutes yesterday, but apart from that, I'm in. Made it to the gym today and lifted heavy things with difficulty.

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