STG: fix fingers (getting there) and keep working on shoulder stability
M. decent indoor training session and shoulders, weighted reverse flies etc
T. rest, shoulder stability
W. more shoulders and brief FB session
T. decent indoor session inc. bit of fingerboarding, more shoulders
F. dragged myself to the wall with my girlfriend because she had a rare burst of enthusiasm, feeling tired so did some easy problems
S. uncharacteristically lazy day
S. no car this weekend so went indoors again, did some training on the circuit board realising how miserable my stamina is
reasonable if uneventful week. I heard the wall is installing a pulley system with the FB, which I'm pathetically excited about. Hopefully will get out for some mileage this weekend and in the meantime the finger continues to improve which is no.1 priority.
M. decent indoor training session and shoulders, weighted reverse flies etc
T. rest, shoulder stability
W. more shoulders and brief FB session
T. decent indoor session inc. bit of fingerboarding, more shoulders
F. dragged myself to the wall with my girlfriend because she had a rare burst of enthusiasm, feeling tired so did some easy problems
S. uncharacteristically lazy day
S. no car this weekend so went indoors again, did some training on the circuit board realising how miserable my stamina is
reasonable if uneventful week. I heard the wall is installing a pulley system with the FB, which I'm pathetically excited about. Hopefully will get out for some mileage this weekend and in the meantime the finger continues to improve which is no.1 priority.