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- Mar 4, 2004
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Next week STG: Keep intensity the same or less on elbow - kinda, worked okay by the end. Look after neck - kinda, eased off overall. Continue with conditioning - not really. Learn to do stretching at home - no too lazy.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes - n/a. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope or a pad - a couple of reasonable things. Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners - bit slack at this tbh. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out - n/a. Look after injuries - mixed bag, neck and elbow eased gradually, random lower back thing annoying, (gym x 1) - x 1, elbow rehab x 2 - x 2, shoulder rehab x 2 - x 1, stretching x 3 - x 3.
M - Mixed activity. 20 mins walk. 2 hours sporadic gardening and brushing. Woke up with lower back sore and stiff for no reason whatsoever. Elbow sore throughout.
T - Nothing. Should have stretched to turn it into a proper rest day, but was too lazy. Lower back more sore and stiff.
W - 30 mins walk. 6C+, 6C. Stretching session. Elbow sore. Lower back more sore and stiff to start but eased off.
T - Rest. 5 mins insertion / 1.5 mins immersion cold water torture. Sun and no wind so more tolerable - especially getting out - although gf in a sulk again. Stretching session. Elbow rehab. Elbow okay to start, then increasingly sore without any activity, then even worse with elbow rehab - shouldn't have done it. Lower back and glutes sore and stiff but slightly less.
F - 50 mins walk. 6C, attempted 6C. Elbow a bit sore in morning but surprisingly okay later on. Lower back and glutes sore and stiff but slightly less.
S - Indoor bouldering @ RockOver Noblot. 6 x V2-4, 10 x V3-5 (8 flash, 2 x 2nd go), 9 x V4-6 (3 flash, 4 x 2nd go, 2 x 3rd go (mostly silly mistakes) plus attempted 2 more), 4 x V5-7 (1 flash, 3 briefly worked). Good fun as ever but quite weird / frustrating that I was punting and not flashing as many 4-6s as I felt I could - maybe being complacent? Warmed up with 1 hour digging and scraping - a sensible amount. Elbow okay in morning, and a bit sore after climbing but really quite okay given the intensity. Lower back and glutes sore and stiff, same as previous day. Neck a little bit sore.
S - Gym. Misc conditioning and a few machines. Basically warming up to stretching. Felt tired and shoulders felt mediocre. Was interested to notice that I can just manage dips on an assistance machine with 20kg taken off. Obviously the typical climber has at least 10kg taken off naturally in comparison, but still quite a discrepancy - probably shoulder dysfunctionality. Elbow rehab. Shoulder rehab. Stretching session. Elbow okay in morning. Lower back and glutes only a bit sore. Neck sore and stiff but eased off.
Hmmm. Mixed week AGAIN. Quite exciting having random aches and strains popping up, completely unrelated to any activity or training. On the plus side, the elbow easing off enough for a good volume session at ROB was reassuring.
Next week STG: Keep steady on elbow. Look after shoulders. Continue with conditioning. Learn to do stretching at home.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope or a pad. Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out. Look after injuries, (gym x 1), elbow rehab x 2, shoulder rehab x 2, stretching x 3.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes - n/a. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope or a pad - a couple of reasonable things. Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners - bit slack at this tbh. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out - n/a. Look after injuries - mixed bag, neck and elbow eased gradually, random lower back thing annoying, (gym x 1) - x 1, elbow rehab x 2 - x 2, shoulder rehab x 2 - x 1, stretching x 3 - x 3.
M - Mixed activity. 20 mins walk. 2 hours sporadic gardening and brushing. Woke up with lower back sore and stiff for no reason whatsoever. Elbow sore throughout.
T - Nothing. Should have stretched to turn it into a proper rest day, but was too lazy. Lower back more sore and stiff.
W - 30 mins walk. 6C+, 6C. Stretching session. Elbow sore. Lower back more sore and stiff to start but eased off.
T - Rest. 5 mins insertion / 1.5 mins immersion cold water torture. Sun and no wind so more tolerable - especially getting out - although gf in a sulk again. Stretching session. Elbow rehab. Elbow okay to start, then increasingly sore without any activity, then even worse with elbow rehab - shouldn't have done it. Lower back and glutes sore and stiff but slightly less.
F - 50 mins walk. 6C, attempted 6C. Elbow a bit sore in morning but surprisingly okay later on. Lower back and glutes sore and stiff but slightly less.
S - Indoor bouldering @ RockOver Noblot. 6 x V2-4, 10 x V3-5 (8 flash, 2 x 2nd go), 9 x V4-6 (3 flash, 4 x 2nd go, 2 x 3rd go (mostly silly mistakes) plus attempted 2 more), 4 x V5-7 (1 flash, 3 briefly worked). Good fun as ever but quite weird / frustrating that I was punting and not flashing as many 4-6s as I felt I could - maybe being complacent? Warmed up with 1 hour digging and scraping - a sensible amount. Elbow okay in morning, and a bit sore after climbing but really quite okay given the intensity. Lower back and glutes sore and stiff, same as previous day. Neck a little bit sore.
S - Gym. Misc conditioning and a few machines. Basically warming up to stretching. Felt tired and shoulders felt mediocre. Was interested to notice that I can just manage dips on an assistance machine with 20kg taken off. Obviously the typical climber has at least 10kg taken off naturally in comparison, but still quite a discrepancy - probably shoulder dysfunctionality. Elbow rehab. Shoulder rehab. Stretching session. Elbow okay in morning. Lower back and glutes only a bit sore. Neck sore and stiff but eased off.
Hmmm. Mixed week AGAIN. Quite exciting having random aches and strains popping up, completely unrelated to any activity or training. On the plus side, the elbow easing off enough for a good volume session at ROB was reassuring.
Next week STG: Keep steady on elbow. Look after shoulders. Continue with conditioning. Learn to do stretching at home.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope or a pad. Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out. Look after injuries, (gym x 1), elbow rehab x 2, shoulder rehab x 2, stretching x 3.