significant repeats

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duncan said:
Probably not significant but Jack Palmieri has done Superman at Crag X

Don't know why you've bothered with this one tbh.

well done Jack!
Duma said:
She's 15 and writing in a second language, I think I can forgive bit of pretension .

Yes that would sound totally unpretentious in her first language..

Bon effort though!
Duma said:
Better video and background

Ah thanks for that, says at the end that Charles has repeated the low start so that must have been the vid I saw.
JackPal said:
Ned put probably the hardest problem on grit up this week.

Thought sprung to mind today on this for some reason; why hasn't more been made of it? New hard boulder problem in the middle of the Peak, took one of the UK's best more than a season of effort, so likely to now be the hardest problem on grit (given Ned did Voyager Sit in 3 sessions...), even if it is "only" 8B+.

No news article on the other channel, no interview, no video, nothing. Seems rather a shame to me. Shark fancy doing another interview?
Maybe not grade significant for her but still pretty cool in my opinion. She hikes Partage and Big Bang doesnt see many ascents but mainly cause it's always wet.
Nice! Anyone seen other comp wads out on the real thing while walls are shut? Surprised Janja hasn't ticked Slovenia in the last few weeks - Jernej Kruder seems to have made a good start!
Laura Rogora has done Pure Dreaming Plus 9a+. Second ascent after Ondra apparently. And no knee pad by the looks of it.
Great effort, although totally believable. His fingers are so strong! I wonder if he tried Dandelion Mind? I actually thought Dandelion was harder than Bewilderness, I just think I am in the minority here.
Incredible stuff. What an amazing bit of climbing, how cool must it feel to just be able to basically piss up something that hard (for everyone else...)?!
One for the trad climbers.

Death Arete up on Scafell got its 2nd and 3rd ascent yesterday. By Andy Mitch and Nathan(forget surname)

One of last few birkett routes needing a repeat. This one E8.

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