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erm sam

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2003
Apart from all the other ills in the world, one thing that does piss me right off is the amount of rubbish at crags. It is not always bad, eg Apparent North today was spotless, but it is very common to find a light smattering of rubbish around whatever venue one visits (Peak, at least). And don't get me started on the plastic bags full of dog shit at the Roaches the other day! Fume.
Anyway. In the spirit of "Donkeylines/Tickmarks Hall of Shame", I offer you the "Other Peoples Rubbish" thread.

Pick it up and post it up.

Roaches on Sunday.
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

Yup - the plastic bag of dogshit left around pisses me off. Dogshits not a nice thing to find lying around, but on its own it does eventually disappear. If you scoop the fucking stuff up and dont take it away thats just miles worse. *seeth*
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

Looks like someone had an Interesting time. An empty can of Stella, an empty packet of Amber Leaf and the flight from a dart most probably bought from Argos?! Wild.
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

Having had a couple of bits of litter escape my pockets while topping out on windy crags this year, I’ve since been trying to develop the ‘pick up three bits’ habit every time I go out as penance.
Compared to many euro venues I reckon the UK’s crags are pretty litter free (with a few near urban exceptions like Black Rocks and Shipley Glen), remarkably so given the high user numbers. That said if every climber got in the habit of taking home a couple of bits they’d quickly become actually spotless. Having a rucksack with external pockets that you don’t mind getting manky helps to make this a less annoying task.
That reminds me, there’s been a wheelie bin on the path over the river from Chee Tor all this summer!
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

Bonjoy said:
That reminds me, there’s been a wheelie bin on the path over the river from Chee Tor all this summer!

When is collection day?
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

ok, this isn't totally on-topic, but relevant I think nonetheless...

Nicely impressive pile of flytipped rubbish at Denham the other week. As I couldn't really fit it in me back pocket I got the council to shift it, it's now gone, thankfully!

Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

Hobson Moor today. First time I've been there in TIME. I was surprised by how unbombed out it looked. I'd heard about peeps setting fires next to the rock etc and was expecting it to be even more of a graffitied choss pit than my last visit back in the day, but it was actually in pretty good nick.
Never the less, Mrs Erm Sam was inspired to wander around gathering rubbish while I reaquainted myself with the traverse.

Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

you may have noticed a few of the holds have changed/dropped off since you were last there then
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

I did notice a bit of sika here and there... My memory is gratifyingly hazy so can't remember anything specific.
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

nice one, i've been trying to make a point of this too. Been trying to continue the trend when out running as well, although rather less portage space in running shorts than a rucksack, surprisingly.
A mate turned up at Malham a while ago toting a nappy which he had public spiritedly cleared from the approach path. That's some dedication.
Re: Other Peoples Rubbish

I think I might have left the nappy for the way back down.....
This is great!

Get posting folks


Great effort from Sam to start it, and agree to the renaming, and for Shark to move it.

On UKB's ex-sister site UKCaving (now under new management) they have a scheme whereby their advertisers donate prizes which are then awarded to anyone going the extra mile on conservation/ litter picking etc. Sounds like it is working really well over there, could we do something similar?
VP would be happy to donate a few books for heroic acts of crag tidying etc.
Your small head is my command. I mean your wish. Your wish is my small head. Command. You know what I mean.

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