Quality chuffing videos...


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It's a sad day for UKB when someone can't post a link to redbull and then in a subsequent post complain about it getting auto corrected and then another person chipping in to say how is this still a thing....

Gone are the good days. :no:
Udo Neumann just put Performance Rock Climbing (1993) on his youtube channel.

Surprised no one has shared the recent Arc’teryx film ‘Ground Up’ about climbing El Niño on El Cap. I know these sorts of films are ten a penny thesedays, but there’s some pretty cool footage of the climbers looking fairly at their max on some of the crux pitches. The route looks flippin’ awesome - way more inspiring to me than the pure crack routes as it actually looks doable.
spidermonkey09 said:

Episode 3. The pace picks up!

For anyone wanting to sample some Dorys chossaneering, I can highly recommend Three Dandy Scuttlers, which I’ve done twice (while hosting on the international meet). First pitch is very loose but very easy ledge shuffling, and belays just below Nick in the still above. You then break left around the roof on yellow wall cheese followed by bomber quartzite. The same band of quartzite forms the crux crimpy wall of Byzantium just round the corner, a pitch of two halves with the bottom 2/3rds being E2 5a.
I’ve done 3DS twice too. Perhaps first with you, and I led the second pitch then later I decided that pitch and pulled a hold off
Johnny Brown said:
spidermonkey09 said:

Episode 3. The pace picks up!

For anyone wanting to sample some Dorys chossaneering, I can highly recommend Three Dandy Scuttlers, which I’ve done twice (while hosting on the international meet). First pitch is very loose but very easy ledge shuffling, and belays just below Nick in the still above. You then break left around the roof on yellow wall cheese followed by bomber quartzite. The same band of quartzite forms the crux crimpy wall of Byzantium just round the corner, a pitch of two halves with the bottom 2/3rds being E2 5a.

What year was it Adam?? My first introduction to proper choss, I remember it feeling quite serious with just us down there, and the weather being not great…… the next day, we went back with a full team and the sun out and it felt like a different place.

It’s a pretty special place, highly recommended to anyone keen on adventure.
:agree: They’ve really got the best out of them in the interviews in this. Classic Odd Couple combo.

It’s only half way through though surely?
Could also go under Megoswad and quality bouldering topics (probably not significant repeats tho)

That was awesome.

Does anyone know why he doesn't top it out / why it doesn't top out? Looks like it'd be prime to go all the way to the summit.
I reckon it would be a bugger to work if the anchor was on the easy angled rock. It's also probably very easy to to the summit I guess?

Smol crack, big number. Also good headbanging to get the crux lock in :punk:

Wideboyz better be planning a beta-flash.

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