In the age of Covid-19 and Brexit, having aims beyond avoiding respiratory failure and not having to sell a kidney to buy chorizo seems like hubris, but here goes.....
Get back into the Yorkshire lime sport scene
Covid was the excuse for stepping aside, but really, after 10 years of RPing, I felt I had done most of the pleasant / feasible routes in the local area and lost my enthusiasm. The last year of bouldering was a very enjoyable break (and included a break I definitely didn't enjoy!) but I now feel the need to retrieve the rope and harness. Targets will depend on how much fitness I can recover. Even in my peak years, I went from 8a+/b to 7b over the winter... I dread to think what a 2 year hiatus will have done. I have faint hopes of attending to unfinished business with Main Overhang at Malham but an entire year of RPing Wasted Youth and Sticky Wicket might await!
As much outdoors bouldering, preferably at new crags, as the above allows
An aim for Jan-March and Oct-Dec - go outdoors as much as possible. Even if it's just to do a warm-up circuit somewhere new, although doing any of the 7B+/7Cs on my wish-list would be nice.
Keep up the mid-week training
Try to do at least some max hangs, weighted pull-ups, core exercises during the mid-week.
Enjoy the opportunity to have the odd non-climbing weekend day
If the rock is wet, rather than just another session on the same, tired plastic problems, maybe consider a decent hill walk (there'll always be time for an extra fingerboard session!)
Non Climbing
Work / life balance - or at least if the work is unavoidable, try not to beat myself up too much about matters beyond my control.
Food - try to cook a new recipe every week.
Drink - less [or, more realistically, at least better]
Visit my brother in HK / Singapore - very much dependent on his and his wife's wants / needs, but I'll be an uncle in Feb and haven't seen him for 2 years so a first trip to 'the East" seems warranted.