Aims for 2022

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James Malloch said:

- keep up with physio and get running again
- climb twice a week to get happy on board circuits/problems after injury
- some pre-hab (TBC) to work on some grips I don’t use much

April onwards

- Quit job and head off in van
- 7b onsight
- 7b+ onsight
- 7c onsight
- cent patates (7b+) in ceuse
- don’t get sucked into hard boulders
- have fun and take time to properly relax
- do some big multi day walks in Europe
- eat a lot of french pastries
- find job to start in 2023 for when we come back

- if I can’t get a visa to stay in Europe for 9 months, tick off some of my 2021 route aims

Sounds like you've got a good year lined up. If EU stays don't work out and you've got the time, Norway is flipping awesome if you haven't been.
csl said:
Train consistently
  • Do at least 90% of planned sessions
  • Climb 50% of my "#ldnclmbr" ticklist

Perhaps this needs publishing in the next issue?!
1. Climb Zippy's Traverse in the damp having driven from #ldn
2. Climb Captain Hook in the damp having driven from #ldn
Fiend said:
1. Climb Zippy's Traverse in the damp having driven from #ldn
2. Climb Captain Hook in the damp having driven from #ldn


You got this, brah.
P.S. tha's me preempting the #ldnclmbr ticklist of course. Just in case there's any confusion :alien:
Fiend said:
1. Climb Zippy's Traverse in the damp having driven from #ldn
2. Climb Captain Hook in the damp having driven from #ldn

You fucking bellend

Ged said:
James Malloch said:

- keep up with physio and get running again
- climb twice a week to get happy on board circuits/problems after injury
- some pre-hab (TBC) to work on some grips I don’t use much

April onwards

- Quit job and head off in van
- 7b onsight
- 7b+ onsight
- 7c onsight
- cent patates (7b+) in ceuse
- don’t get sucked into hard boulders
- have fun and take time to properly relax
- do some big multi day walks in Europe
- eat a lot of french pastries
- find job to start in 2023 for when we come back

- if I can’t get a visa to stay in Europe for 9 months, tick off some of my 2021 route aims

Sounds like you've got a good year lined up. If EU stays don't work out and you've got the time, Norway is flipping awesome if you haven't been.

Yeah I can’t wait! Been at this work thing for too long…

Norway won’t work but Croatia is the current plan if I can’t get the visa. Combined with some trips to the U.K. and maybe Turkey once it’s cool enough.
abarro81 said:
Ged said:
abarro81 said:
Norway is still Schengen isn't it?

Oh right, my mistake. Same restrictions then is it?

I believe so, at least re 90 in 180. Though it may have it's own long-stay or 'digital nomad' visa options

Gotcha. I've given so little thought to foreign trips for the last 18 months that I'm very out of touch. So it's 90 out of 180 in all Schengen area?
Yup. There are country specific visas that allow you to stay longer too (options and rules vary by country but at least some of these are additional to the 90, so a 6 month visa in Spain might get you 12 months as you could tag 90 tourist days on the front and again on the back)
Everything's a bit up in the air at the moment because aim #1 is:

- Sort out long covid/post viral issue that stops me doing very much at the moment.

Assuming this gets done in a reasonable amount of time - one month, three months, six months, I have no idea! - then my other aims are basically a re-run from last year.

- 7b/7b+ probably Portland, Cheddar, Brean, but not fussed. Get a bit more stuck into redpointing.
- Get on one or more E3s/E4s. Doesn't matter if I don't finish them, or dog them, the point is to try, as I'm quite good at sabotaging myself by not being "ready".
- Climb in North Wales, Pembroke, Cornwall, etc at least once. Ideally several times.

If it takes me a long time to get better then my scaled down goals will be:
- 7a sport
- E1/2

- Get a job.
- Support partner.
- Improve Sinhala.
Sorry Fiend, way off the mark. But now you mention it that would be much more on brand, perhaps I need to rename it :-\
In the age of Covid-19 and Brexit, having aims beyond avoiding respiratory failure and not having to sell a kidney to buy chorizo seems like hubris, but here goes.....

Get back into the Yorkshire lime sport scene
Covid was the excuse for stepping aside, but really, after 10 years of RPing, I felt I had done most of the pleasant / feasible routes in the local area and lost my enthusiasm. The last year of bouldering was a very enjoyable break (and included a break I definitely didn't enjoy!) but I now feel the need to retrieve the rope and harness. Targets will depend on how much fitness I can recover. Even in my peak years, I went from 8a+/b to 7b over the winter... I dread to think what a 2 year hiatus will have done. I have faint hopes of attending to unfinished business with Main Overhang at Malham but an entire year of RPing Wasted Youth and Sticky Wicket might await!

As much outdoors bouldering, preferably at new crags, as the above allows
An aim for Jan-March and Oct-Dec - go outdoors as much as possible. Even if it's just to do a warm-up circuit somewhere new, although doing any of the 7B+/7Cs on my wish-list would be nice.

Keep up the mid-week training
Try to do at least some max hangs, weighted pull-ups, core exercises during the mid-week.

Enjoy the opportunity to have the odd non-climbing weekend day
If the rock is wet, rather than just another session on the same, tired plastic problems, maybe consider a decent hill walk (there'll always be time for an extra fingerboard session!)

Non Climbing

Work / life balance - or at least if the work is unavoidable, try not to beat myself up too much about matters beyond my control.

Food - try to cook a new recipe every week.

Drink - less [or, more realistically, at least better]

Visit my brother in HK / Singapore - very much dependent on his and his wife's wants / needs, but I'll be an uncle in Feb and haven't seen him for 2 years so a first trip to 'the East" seems warranted.
James Malloch said:
- 7b onsight
- 7b+ onsight
- cent patates (7b+) in ceuse

Good combination of goals. Cent patates is eminently onsightable!
HNY all!

-Planning on trianing through Jan and Feb and into March with the aim of hitting Malham in the Spring. Would love to finish off Predator and really want to climb Bat Route. Plan to go on other routes there too to help build fitness and dial into the style again. Predator not fully my style so if it's taking ages and using up dry crag days I may just crack on with Bat Route.
-Get back to doing more Fr8a's and above. Think I only did a few in 2021. Aim for >10
-Whilst training this next few months will try to get out locally and want to finish off Sub-Moron (Tom Newman's Fb8a at Grinshill) and maybe the odd day out elsewhere to keep the motivation up
-Hopefully carry some form and fitness out of the Spring and just enjoy some good climbing around the country through the summer. I've got loads of trad and sport routes that have been on my wish list for the past 5 years now. With the kids I've had to manage my expectations better so I will be grateful for just doing anything really, I just want to feel like I've pushed myself.
-Finish some things on the Slate like Quarryman Groove (and should try the rest too) and Wall Within.
- I would like to try Unchi Maka on the Sialouze in the French Alps if I can create an oppurtunity to get out there at the right time with somebody psyched. Also the Brandler Hasse in the Dollys (see below)
-Couple of routes that I never got back on after getting close in a session are Supercool and Nemesis so be good to finish these off.
-If I get to Pembroke and am feeling fit and have any trad momentum would be keen to try From A Distance .

-Got a 1 and a 3 year old so I'm always trying to get the balance right of doing my bit at home to maximise time away from the family, and juggling it all with work and being knackered.
-Once early winter climbing training is out of the way and I'm getting outside more will start cycling again in preparation for hopefully doing the Dolomites Haute Route event in September. I'd like to tie this into to doing something like the Brandler Hasse which I have always wanted to do. Don't want it to take over my climbing but I'm crap at back to back days of sport climbing anyway so mixing it up with the odd bike day here and there shouldn't be too detrimental, and it feels good to get fit.

Game on! :2thumbsup:

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