Hotter curry?
No idea what you're all talking about. I've rarely been ill, ever.
Dunno but following deep road rash i got a dose of cellulitis (swolen red fat arm) and never really got better. arm fixed itself but felt shit, went back to the docs who said tonsilltis, stayed off work more, back to docs, said post viral, back to work, completely knackered the whole time, missed all end of term piss ups, coughed up some bloody mucus, back to docs said chest infection, more antibiotics, still knackered. result is been ill for nearly 5 weeks, will have had 24 days of antibiotics in that time and am getting seriously pissed off with being kinda ok but unable to do any fun stuff.Pig flu? Im kinda hoping for tb - terribly dickensian. (and a better GP)
we have an alert system now in the n.h.s. called flucon which i think is designed on the terrorist alert system
The Daily Mash take on Swine Flu
He added: "From what we have been able to determine so far, it does seem to be the same sort of people who believe that MMR jabs will turn their kids into Rain Man."You know, arseholes."
Tom Logan, from Finsbury Park, said: "I would say I'm about 30% sure I'm not feeling well, but I'm 100% sure that I have just come up with a copper-bottomed reason to extend my summer holidays."The website is far too complicated. They should just replace all the symptom related questions with 'would you like two weeks off work?'."
Meanwhile a doubling of the number of actual swine flu cases in the last week has led doctors to believe it may be some sort of infectious disease.
I've had the freshers variety which left me feeling like complete and utter shite for a good few days.