In this sense Salazar, Nike and society are one in the same. Under the illusion of free will the ‘athlete’ embraces their approach supported by the crowds desire to see performance and therefore experience themselves in this individual. Honnold and free solo is a good example of this in climbing, a bewildered man acting on motivations beyond his control for difficult to fully articulate reasons, held aloft by a community and idolised in this way. We all experienced a bit of what it was like to be him in the cinema. Some level of insight into this can offer a sense of freedom and opportunity to be more ‘yourself’. It’s clear many ‘great’ performances and endeavours have been undertaken in this way, smashey and nicey for example. I’d hazard that in the end the more driven and owned by the ‘other’ real person or abstraction (money, grades and it’s symbolism) the results are inevitably problematic for some if not all the people involved. Perfectionism exists because others make it so. This is a paradox in restrictive eating disorders and many other things, the society / government which is working so hard to ‘cure’ them is the very thing creating them e.g the education system