Last time I was posting on this part of the forum I was asking for help with upper back issues. The general wisdom and advice from the generous replies and a couple of pm's helped massively in sorting it out, very grateful for that. So thought it worth asking for help again, this time lower back is the problem...
Though never really severe, I've been struggling on and off for months now with tightness, soreness, stiffness in the lower back on both sides. (I'm sure this is all too familiar for many). Having done a lot of building work for over a decade, (occasionally heavy stuff though I try to avoid it) I'm fairly used to looking after my back and being aware of when it's a bit tired and achey. This has always gone away fairly quickly by being extra careful and also climbing seems good for lower back. This time however, it's just not seeming to put itself right so Iooking for the best ways forward.
I went to see a local osteopath a couple of weeks ago but found it to be a waste of time and money really. Was slightly useful in that potential disc/structural problems were ruled out and muscular/connective tissues ruled in as the source of the problem (which I was already pretty confident was the case but good to have confirmed by a professional). Maybe a Physio would be a better bet?
I'll list a few of the symtoms to give a sense of problem (again probably familiar to a lot of people):
-typically have to be slow and careful straightening up / standing up. Much better / fine once body is more warmed up
-have to be very careful (even more than usual) when lifting anything
- often have to use that 'old person, hands on knees trick' to assist with straightening up from cold...
- nervous when sneezing
Don't really know or understand what caused it. No particular trauma or anything so guess just cumulative. Fairly confident it's not climbing related, intuitively feel climbing in fact helps it.
Any advice on where to start with self fixing it or best type of medical professional to see would be much appreciated.
Though never really severe, I've been struggling on and off for months now with tightness, soreness, stiffness in the lower back on both sides. (I'm sure this is all too familiar for many). Having done a lot of building work for over a decade, (occasionally heavy stuff though I try to avoid it) I'm fairly used to looking after my back and being aware of when it's a bit tired and achey. This has always gone away fairly quickly by being extra careful and also climbing seems good for lower back. This time however, it's just not seeming to put itself right so Iooking for the best ways forward.
I went to see a local osteopath a couple of weeks ago but found it to be a waste of time and money really. Was slightly useful in that potential disc/structural problems were ruled out and muscular/connective tissues ruled in as the source of the problem (which I was already pretty confident was the case but good to have confirmed by a professional). Maybe a Physio would be a better bet?
I'll list a few of the symtoms to give a sense of problem (again probably familiar to a lot of people):
-typically have to be slow and careful straightening up / standing up. Much better / fine once body is more warmed up
-have to be very careful (even more than usual) when lifting anything
- often have to use that 'old person, hands on knees trick' to assist with straightening up from cold...
- nervous when sneezing
Don't really know or understand what caused it. No particular trauma or anything so guess just cumulative. Fairly confident it's not climbing related, intuitively feel climbing in fact helps it.
Any advice on where to start with self fixing it or best type of medical professional to see would be much appreciated.