So it seems most training plans do two separate phases for strength and endurance. Is it possible to do both at the same time? Or do you see better gains if you focus on them purely. I was reading the Ukb science list of articles, specifically one my McClure about feet on campusing for power endurance. Is it worth tagging this on as an exercise to a bouldering session. Or should I reserve it for a strictly power endurance session so not to interfere with strength recruitment?
I finally got around to uploading a document I wrote on this stuff: should take you to a downloadable pdf. Hope some people find it interesting/useful!
Also: For finger strength, do repeaters develop strength or PE? Going by specificity would you not want max hang and then a long rest instead of short rest periods for strength?
Like Sasquatch says, gotta see what works for you with much of this stuff. I recently tried a variation of repeaters doing 5s hang 10s rest 5 times , then 5 min rest. So much more maximal than normal repeaters but more volume than max hangs. For me it felt lime the best fingerboard workout I've tried.
I may also try doing a base phase with no aero cap for a while this winter (i.e. strength and an cap only) as it probably does tire me out and thus inhibit strength gains a bit to do them at the same time..
What do people do to benchmark their finger strength progress? Is it worth doing a max hang on various girls at the end of each week to have a variable to measure?
Does anyone do any antagonist shoulder exercises?What do people do to benchmark their finger strength progress? Is it worth doing a max hang on various girls at the end of each week to have a variable to measure?
Cheers for this Alex, I've often fount it difficult to complete fingerboard sessions using the standard 7 to 3 second repeater cycle but after following your recommend hang and rest times I have noticed a big improvement and actually stuck with a period of finger board training for the first time ever so thanks a lot for your advice.What would you suggest for increasing the difficulty now that I can complete all the hangs.1)More sets2) reduced rest times/ increased hang times3)smaller holds4)added weight.Thanks again.