There’s no harm in finger-boarding full crimp if you’re used to crimping.
Fifteen years of finger-boarding and training on a board had ‘trained’ me to prefer half-crimp over full crimp; and I found that outside on limestone I was subconsciously half crimping everything instead of utilising the full power of the full crimp that I used a lot before I stared finger-boarding.
So in recent years I always perform a few hangs at full crimp at the end of my warmup during every f-board session, to remind myself how to full crimp!
Fifteen years of finger-boarding and training on a board had ‘trained’ me to prefer half-crimp over full crimp; and I found that outside on limestone I was subconsciously half crimping everything instead of utilising the full power of the full crimp that I used a lot before I stared finger-boarding.
So in recent years I always perform a few hangs at full crimp at the end of my warmup during every f-board session, to remind myself how to full crimp!