Power Club 779 11-17 Nov 2024


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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2005
in the moment
M - Siurana, Herbolari. Bit hot in the sun but we wanted a gentle intro and there's a bunch of low 6's. High quality but a bit run out for some of the team's taste. I kept it easy with a couple of 6a's to warm up, then Remus showed the way on the gloriously positioned Cojón Prieto 7a, I managed a flash without feeling like I was risking the finger. The harder stuff looked very fingery though so just finished off on (the excellent) Arrebato 6b+
T - Siurana, Siuranella. Friendlier bolting but pretty cold especially in the wind. Feeling pretty broken after 7 out of 9 days on, but rain forecast for Weds and psyche of new team members got me out. El Mareao 6a to warm up, then the excellent and continually interesting Kun 7a. Remus got the draws in Memorias de Una Sepia 8a and I dogged up, mostly testing out whether the holds were ok for my finger, pleased that not only was there only one hold/move that felt dodgy (and that was very low down) but also to do all the moves quick. Will be back. Knackered after that though and looking forward to a proper rest tomorrow.
W - rest
T - Siurana, Primavera. Couple of easies to warm up, sadly gf tweaked her back on the second so helped her back to the accommodation. Nipped back to the crag in time to look longingly at Mandragora 7b+, think it sensible to avoid hard onsighting this trip though. Did fit in a quick flash of Se M'apaga la Baldufa 7a, fun jug hauling to a surprisingly tough boulder before the chains.
F - Siurana, Ca la Isabel. A 5 on the left to start, then Diedre 6c+ wasn't the warm up I was hoping, tough low crux. Moved the clips over to the adjacent 7b, Death Metal, while lowering. Decent flash go but off a couple of moves before easy ground. Terrible 2nd attempt, too casual, faffed clipping just before the crux, too boxed to get through. Easy 3rd try. Remus smashed out the epic looking Boys Don't Cry 7c in the meantime, should have used my beans on that tbh.
S - rest.
S - Siurana, Siuranella. Warmed up on the excellently positioned Mort de Gana 7a, was in the cloud for this, but it burnt off quick to leave Memorias de una Sepia in the full and blazing sun. Despite that we both had good first attempts, Remus getting impressively through to the 6th bolt but then ruining it all by succumbing to the lure of the resting jug out right (this is only marginally off route, but the pure of heart (and those of us who want the 8a tick) know it's not in). My go wasn't quite as good, fell going to the good pocket you clip the 6th from. Chuffed to get there so quick though, also linked from 5th to dropping the last delicate rockover. Then hid from the sun for a few hours, once it started to cool had a really good 2nd RP, feeling good through the low crux, but overly casual at the 6th and came up short on the pocket again. Tweaked sequence there and refined the top rockover crux. Remus' second go was sabotaged by thin skin (or was it the gods punishing him for lack of moral fibre?) I snuck in a final attempt as the sun got low, slightly worse through the tricky crimps up to the second, good 3rd to 5th but carrying the effort from the early mistakes. Better sequence got me past the 6th this time, bit of a fight though the last of the PE section, then lots of resting through a couple of clips of good holds, trying to get as much back as possible before the final rockover, also drinking in the awesome views of sunset down the valley, trying to fix it in the memory as these are the moments I'm here for. Final crux was fine in the end and a romp to the belay. Brilliant day, and one of the aims for this trip ticked off.

? kg.
Next week STG: Keep up with general conditioning - yup, slight drop overall but feeling okay. Keep up with gentle elbow usage - yup, still injured but can take a bit more intensity - must stay vigilant though.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes - n/a. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope (fuck above a pad) - nope and nope. Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners - basically couldn't be arsed but met enough humans out and about. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out - yes, albeit a bit small. Look after injuries - overall okay, (gym x 1) - x 1, elbow rehab x 2 - x 2, lower weight + slower seems to help, shoulder rehab x 2 - x 2, stretching x 3 - x 2 and only just.

M - Active rest. 2 miles walk. 6 x 5-6A+. Elbow rehab. Shoulder rehab. Should have stretched, but didn't.

T - Active rest. 5 mins entry / 30 seconds immersion cold water torture.

W - Indoor routes @ Parthian. F6b, 2 x F6b+, 2 x F6c, 3 laps F6c top-rope, attempted F7b (3/4 height), attempted F7a (3/4 height). Small practise falls on all. Dire selection of routes with the main wall partly dedicated to try to get British team members in, hence utterly rubbish for the other 99% of climbers. LOTS of cuddles with Charlie the 3 month old Jack Russell x Chihuahua x basically alsation markings on a dog the size of a small cat. Elbow mostly okay but sore after one slopey squeezy move on the F7b.

T - Active rest. 6 mile walk. Elbow okay in morning.

F - Indoor bouldering @ PrestonWall. 12 warm-ups V1-4, 2 x V4-5 (1 flash, 1 x 2nd go, plus attempted 1 more), 5 x V5-6 (2 flash, 2 x 2nd go, 1 briefly worked, plus attempted 2 that were too weird / hard). One of the V5-6s was a line of 1/2 pad rat crimps - lovely! Elbow a bit sore after but not too bad. Warmed up with 2 hours gardening / tree clearance, a bit tiring on shoulders but okay.

S - Gym. Misc WeakWeights(tm) and conditioning. A bit weaker than the usual weak on bench (max 3 x 65kg n.b. this was a warm-up a few years ago), but slightly less weak on OH press (max 10 x 16kg/arm) and single arm pull-downs (5 x 40kg, slow and controlled for elbow rehab, on my way back to 2 x 5 x 40kg + 3 x 47kg which was when my previous left arm rehab peaked). Shoulder rehab, elbow rehab, full stretching session. Elbow okay in morning.

S - Rest. Ugh. Horrible business. Finally forced myself to do a stretching session at 9:30pm with the help of DJ Smurf doing a live Youtube mix of old skool 250bpm+ hardcore. Elbow okay. Brachialis slightly sore.

Okay week. Returning to a bit more volume in previous weeks has got my body feeling a bit better and more energised. Golfer's elbow still injured but coping with slightly higher intensity - I think gym and tweaked wrist curls are helping. Brachialis on and off but okay with climbing. Slacked off on the stretching this week which is lazy of me.

Next week STG: Keep up with general conditioning. Keep up with steady elbow usage. Take care with cold weather.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope (fuck above a pad). Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out. Look after injuries, (gym x 1), elbow rehab x 2, shoulder rehab x 2, stretching x 3.
M had to drive to Oxford and back and wanted to do “the county’s best arête” in Leicestershire on the way but sadly it was wet. Didn’t realise how close I was to Forest Rock
T Golf. Not like that. I’m not one of those cunts
W Almscliff on a whim. Boiling. Also took me 2 hours 45 mins to get back home to the city of steel. Bollox
T Good gardening session. Lots of pulling pushing etc with leaves and it was t shirt glorious in the Sun
F Drove around trying to find dry rock. Walked 3 miles according to my watch. Came home and fell asleep on sofa #coreskills
S shed power
S Some gardening but not loads. Cooked the best Ribolllita I’ve made here. And made a proper ciabatta
Power Club

Mon - AM as usual; PM weights, bar work.
Tue - board climbing, did a problem that Dolly had set, real fight. Set another one.
Wed - AM as usual; PM I joined a boxing gym! Great.
Thu - weights.
Fri - AM as usual, gave blood; PM light weights.
Sat - bar work, weights, tired.
Sun - shoulder static holds, not a second to spare.
Better week than last still not 100%

T-purple circuit at works (5?)maybe some itn brus (5+/6?)
S-5k run
S-purple works circuit

STG - do more and on more days
Sounds like you’re having a great trip Duma

M - nothing
T - The Works with Sam. On the mints, I did not meet with success…
W - nothing
T - The Works, mostly yellows I think…
F - fly to Dublin, walk round Dublin, go to a gig
S - be in Dublin
S - fly back from Dublin, go to Rubicon as mat donkey/spotter

STG - stay ahead of the kids need a new goal, this is no longer viable…
Monday - rested

Tuesday - Wall. Edge lifts up to 70l 65r. Indoor problems

Wednesday - board, then squats up to 110kgs and bench up to 85kgs

Thurs - rested

Fri - rested

Sat - Indoor volume session. PB'd edge lifts, 72.5 on right, 67.5 on left. Then did loads of blocks. Deadlifted up to 150kgs

Sun - Cleans up to 85, overhead squats. Indoor blocks, felt knackered.

Weighing just under 80kgs at the moment. Keen to hit lifting goals and then go back to bouldering specific stuff, as elbow and finger seem nicely healed
Duma, that sounds like an excellent week, glad the finger is OK. Memorias de una Sepia looks great from a belayer's persective.

M - Hip flexibility: sumo squats, prone frog stretches, foot-ups.
Shoulder conditioning: side planks, Ts, bar lock-offs at ~110 degrees.
Fingers: hangs on 35mm and 20mm edges, one or two of each grip style.

T - As Monday.

W - As Monday, and 4 pull-ups (as in 4 sets of 1 rep.) ... right elbow sore after the pull-ups :furious:.

I should know the answer to this but interested if anyone has any work-arounds: I can hang painlessly with a reasonable amount of load if my elbows are at 100-120 degrees but pull-ups or lock-offs triggers "golfer's" elbow soreness almost instantly.

T - Hip flexibility, shoulder conditioning .

F - Hip flexibility.

S - Fingerboard lifts, left hand only: 18mm edge, crimp, half-crimp, front three, middle two, front two up to 36kg or ~80% max. Shoulder rehab.: Ts, side planks

S - Shoulder rehab./conditioning. Fingerboard lifts, left hand only as above. 4 laps of the Landseer Gardens climbing wall (a kid’s traverse wall, about 4c).

Not the most productive of weeks: have a cold, generally feeling my age, shoulder still achy, elbow sore again after being good for the last couple of months on a diet of little-but-often fingerboarding. It's the fortieth anniversary of the start of the elbow problem that took me out of climbing for a decade so appropriate it has made a recurrence. Won’t rest for two years like I did in 1984. (thinking about this makes me all nostalgic for the threat of nuclear war, ‘the troubles’, mass unemployment, the miners strike, and - not completely unrelated - a year of amazing climbing).

Looking forwards, trad. season seems to be drawing to a close and I'm thinking this might be the time to send my Totems for re-slinging. Jaén at Christmas is happening and the Americans I climbed with in Siurana this spring are organising another trip in March and have invited me along as belayer, cheerleader and tea-brewer.
duncan said:
I should know the answer to this but interested if anyone has any work-arounds: I can hang painlessly with a reasonable amount of load if my elbows are at 100-120 degrees but pull-ups or lock-offs triggers "golfer's" elbow soreness almost instantly.

I've had some golfers lately due to inactivity. I've been a bit lax on the rehab lately due to work but I found long hangs on a bar at various degrees of lock quite useful. Discomfort should be low but I find them pretty physically challenging - hanging 30 seconds on a bar at 90 degrees/ full lock is hard if you have puny arms! Maybe you could start at 90 and work your way to fully locked over time? I normally do 3 reps and change the orientation of wrists on the bar between pull up/chin up if that makes sense.
duncan said:
W - As Monday, and 4 pull-ups (as in 4 sets of 1 rep.) ... right elbow sore after the pull-ups :furious:.

I should know the answer to this but interested if anyone has any work-arounds: I can hang painlessly with a reasonable amount of load if my elbows are at 100-120 degrees but pull-ups or lock-offs triggers "golfer's" elbow soreness almost instantly.

Hi Duncan, I have been meaning to write something about golfer's elbow having had some success in rehabbing mine after years of struggle. Huffy advised me to do 120 degree locks on a bar with one arm, wrist in a neutral position, i.e. standing side-on the the bar. 8 seconds, 8 reps, one day on, two days off: looking to "really hammer them to get some analgesic effect" in an elbow position that doesn't aggravate. There should only be very mild discomfort in the first reps, then pain free in the later reps. Warm up very slowly. Any sharp pain, then stop, rest, reduce the load next session.

Once there was no discomfort then I started adding weight, reducing the rest days and finally doing some hangs on the fingerboard. I also experimented with wider grips by adding some fat gripz things to the bar. This can feel really tweaky if you're not ready, so proceed with care. Avoid climbing tweaky vert stuff, pinches, deep locks and downclimbing. Steep with big feet and straight arms is good.

The left elbow completely resolved in four months. The right elbow has been harder going with demoralising flare-ups and other setbacks along the way. It's 95% better after 10 months and doesn't limit my climbing.

I'd give the pull ups and deep locks a miss for now. I never do them these days, yet I seem to be climbing alright.
duncan said:
I should know the answer to this but interested if anyone has any work-arounds: I can hang painlessly with a reasonable amount of load if my elbows are at 100-120 degrees but pull-ups or lock-offs triggers "golfer's" elbow soreness almost instantly.

Any facilities that would allow you to do sub bodyweight pulling to allow you work at a lower intensity? Either a pulley or band set up for assistance or pull downs on a machine or maybe one armed with a heavy band? When I was rehabbing my right shoulder I spent a lot of time say in the floor of my garage using the pulley set up i usually use for assisted one arm stuff as a makeshift Lat pull down machine.
Nibile said:
Power Club

Mon - AM as usual; PM weights, bar work.
Tue - board climbing, did a problem that Dolly had set, real fight. Set another one.
Wed - AM as usual; PM I joined a boxing gym! Great.
Thu - weights.
Fri - AM as usual, gave blood; PM light weights.
Sat - bar work, weights, tired.
Sun - shoulder static holds, not a second to spare.

Beast !
Thanks everyone, all very helpful.

Tom de Gay said:
duncan said:
W - As Monday, and 4 pull-ups (as in 4 sets of 1 rep.) ... right elbow sore after the pull-ups :furious:.

I should know the answer to this but interested if anyone has any work-arounds: I can hang painlessly with a reasonable amount of load if my elbows are at 100-120 degrees but pull-ups or lock-offs triggers "golfer's" elbow soreness almost instantly.

Hi Duncan, I have been meaning to write something about golfer's elbow having had some success in rehabbing mine after years of struggle. Huffy advised me to do 120 degree locks on a bar with one arm, wrist in a neutral position, i.e. standing side-on the the bar. 8 seconds, 8 reps, one day on, two days off: looking to "really hammer them to get some analgesic effect" in an elbow position that doesn't aggravate. There should only be very mild discomfort in the first reps, then pain free in the later reps. Warm up very slowly. Any sharp pain, then stop, rest, reduce the load next session.

Once there was no discomfort then I started adding weight, reducing the rest days and finally doing some hangs on the fingerboard. I also experimented with wider grips by adding some fat gripz things to the bar. This can feel really tweaky if you're not ready, so proceed with care. Avoid climbing tweaky vert stuff, pinches, deep locks and downclimbing. Steep with big feet and straight arms is good.

The left elbow completely resolved in four months. The right elbow has been harder going with demoralising flare-ups and other setbacks along the way. It's 95% better after 10 months and doesn't limit my climbing.

I'd give the pull ups and deep locks a miss for now. I never do them these days, yet I seem to be climbing alright.

Thanks very much Tom, I've been doing lock-offs/bar hangs at 100-120 partially as a means of keeping my elbow under control but front on with both arms. I sort-of know the importance of loading more heavily than instinct might suggest but this is a good nudge towards actually doing this! My pain is often latent: it reveals itself fully only some time after doing the exercise / injury which can make judging the dose tricky. I've probably erred on the side of caution too much. I will also experiment with different body positions ie one arm side on rather than front on.

Tweaky vertical stuff is of course the finest style of climbing but noted!

I was thinking of pull-ups as part of general preparation for doing long routes, possibly involving some jumaring. In the past there was no correlation between number of pull-ups I could do and climbing standard and I can probably find some work-around with free weights which don't seem to be so tweaky. Or work up to them through some of the ideas below.

spidermonkey09 said:
duncan said:
I should know the answer to this but interested if anyone has any work-arounds: I can hang painlessly with a reasonable amount of load if my elbows are at 100-120 degrees but pull-ups or lock-offs triggers "golfer's" elbow soreness almost instantly.

I've had some golfers lately due to inactivity. I've been a bit lax on the rehab lately due to work but I found long hangs on a bar at various degrees of lock quite useful. Discomfort should be low but I find them pretty physically challenging - hanging 30 seconds on a bar at 90 degrees/ full lock is hard if you have puny arms! Maybe you could start at 90 and work your way to fully locked over time? I normally do 3 reps and change the orientation of wrists on the bar between pull up/chin up if that makes sense.

That does make sense. I've done long-ish hangs in the past and that might be a good way to work towards pull-ups.

teestub said:
duncan said:
I should know the answer to this but interested if anyone has any work-arounds: I can hang painlessly with a reasonable amount of load if my elbows are at 100-120 degrees but pull-ups or lock-offs triggers "golfer's" elbow soreness almost instantly.

Any facilities that would allow you to do sub bodyweight pulling to allow you work at a lower intensity? Either a pulley or band set up for assistance or pull downs on a machine or maybe one armed with a heavy band? When I was rehabbing my right shoulder I spent a lot of time say in the floor of my garage using the pulley set up i usually use for assisted one arm stuff as a makeshift Lat pull down machine.

I have sufficient free weights and could probably rig up something, another way to increase the difficulty of pulling very gradually.
Keeping on keeping on... club.

M: Bouldering @ Burbage - Nice afternoon out w/ Energizer Bunny, did some mid 6's...
T: Nowt
W: Routes @ AW w/ GF - Up to F6c, felt tired.
T: Nowt
F: Pickups: Density 30s @ 30kgs both sides x 2, Max(ish) 10s @ 40 - 46kgs x 4 each side (max 46 R, 45 L).
MB 2019 @ 25 degs - 5 x problems up to 6A+ then got on project... Took a while, but finally did it - First MB problem I've set - Matcha Crimp 6C+ - EB did it aftewards and confirmed grade and quality - get to it ;)
S: Yomp round Wharncliffe, found nothing dry - AW w/ EB, routes up to F6c+, actually did summat EB fell off, again :eek:!
S: Yomp round Stanton in the rain w/ GF - nice spot, only ever been there to climb but it's pretty nice for a walk....

Did a bit - got out, trained... Motivation is getting a bit better.

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