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Looks like he used the heel thag I believe aidan discounted and others had been trying? Good effort Will!

Wonder if he will get on much else whilst in Wales, probs getting too warm for it, but would be cool to see das pumpenhaus get a 2nd ascent.
He's a wizard ! Good effort.

Actually it's quite breezy and a bit cooler today, here in N.Wales.
In the words of Sid Waddell
“When Alexander of Macedonia was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer … Will Bosi is 24”
Teaboy said:
In the words of Sid Waddell
“When Alexander of Macedonia was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer … Will Bosi is 24”

I can see it now.

To World's End (9A+), Dumbarton Rock.
FA W Bosi
I found it highly entertaining that Bosi's 9A project trip diet is steak, sweet potato wedges and chocolate biscuits. Can we get Dave Mac to live on that for a month?
Wellsy said:
I found it highly entertaining that Bosi's 9A project trip diet is steak, sweet potato wedges and chocolate biscuits. Can we get Dave Mac to live on that for a month?

His Jam Crack podcast revealed a similarly non-D.Mac approved lifestyle. IIRC, he mainly lives on oatcakes and Parmesan, with the odd deep-fried carb treat. Either the best diet is an n=1 concept that resists prescription, or he would be climbing F9B if he could buckle-down to a pure meat pattie regimen!
It's just called being in your 20s. It matters what your put in your body over many decades. Read a story on continuous glucose monitoring today.. impact of various foods on blood sugar spikes etc etc.. my mind wandered to a thread on here years ago in which JB and Stu L mentioned how a crag diet of (iirc) haribos and coke never did them any harm.
We've all done it haven't we. I shudder at the thought of how much Coca Cola I used to drink when I was in my teens, and how many energy drinks I had after that!

Does seem a little odd that he's not improved his diet yet given he's trying to perform at the absolute highest level of the sport.
Bradders said:
We've all done it haven't we. I shudder at the thought of how much Coca Cola I used to drink when I was in my teens, and how many energy drinks I had after that!

Does seem a little odd that he's not improved his diet yet given he's trying to perform at the absolute highest level of the sport.

Hopefully he’s being advised to enjoy it whilst he can! I miss the days where a whole cheesecake was just a standard snack…

Video was good, but theres so much more background which would have been cool to see (the replica, alternative betas which were tried, the livestreams etc).

I know it’s all in other content, but bringing it all together would have been nice.
Bradders said:
We've all done it haven't we. I shudder at the thought of how much Coca Cola I used to drink when I was in my teens, and how many energy drinks I had after that!

Does seem a little odd that he's not improved his diet yet given he's trying to perform at the absolute highest level of the sport.

Is it that odd given that he is performing at the absolute highest level of the sport?
Nice video. Very chill. Made me miss the north. Everything looked like home. The apartment building, the taiga, the granite.
Nice little film. And not a deck of cards/dice in sight. Would have been funny if there was a little 'easter egg' pack of cards, or even better, some furry dice on the rear view mirror :lol:.
Bradders said:
Does seem a little odd that he's not improved his diet yet given he's trying to perform at the absolute highest level of the sport.

My partner is a nutritionist, and sometimes remarks on the differences in literature about 'performance' nutrition compared to general long-term health nutrition. I won't butcher an attempt to sum this up in any detail, but as a very rough gist the former seems to be a bit more laissez-faire about additive-laden junk, within the context of lifestyle and when it's consumed etc.
andy moles said:
Bradders said:
Does seem a little odd that he's not improved his diet yet given he's trying to perform at the absolute highest level of the sport.

My partner is a nutritionist, and sometimes remarks on the differences in literature about 'performance' nutrition compared to general long-term health nutrition. I won't butcher an attempt to sum this up in any detail, but as a very rough gist the former seems to be a bit more laissez-faire about additive-laden junk, within the context of lifestyle and when it's consumed etc.

Yes seen similar, e.g. eating donuts is actually totally fine from a performance perspective if you're then going go and actually use the energy, and may in fact be optimal given such foods tend to be lighter and easier on the stomach than "healthy" foods.


monkoffunk said:
Is it that odd given that he is performing at the absolute highest level of the sport?

Fair point, just seems like an obvious thing to consider when you're trying to push your limits.
While her diet was, perhaps, a but more healthy, Janja also had a refreshingly lassaiz faire attitude to food. Maybe not stressing about it, and following what your body says takes one less stress out of the top performance game?

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