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Forum software/theme

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Will Hunt:
I can live with a lot of the aesthetic deficiencies that have been mentioned, but the real turn off is the lack of a mobile friendly format. Think fixing that should be a priority.

Bikeradar forum uses the same format as the old ukb forum. So presumably the format is not an issue as that seems to be a much bigger site both in volume of use and what's on offer.

I no longer have a PC or Laptop, at all.

Both at work and at home we operate on iPads with a 2tb server; so I never view UKB on anything other than a “mobile device”.

The new format is ok on a tablet, shocking on a phone and clunky with that BBC code stuff.
All the features (like strike through etc) can be achieved by downloading a new keyboard app or emoji app.
The beauty of the Tapatalk app was direct insertion of links and photos, via Tapatalk (I guess anything that was put in through that is gone now?).

So I miss the ease of Tapatalk and the easily customised view (I had it set on night view permanently, ie white on black).
I always used the browser as well, though, because things like karma couldn’t be viewed in Tapatalk.
Really, really miss it on my phone.

I hope the forum doesn’t die off because of this and I do think it’s quite a bit more than gripping over change for the sake of it.

Obi-Wan is lost...:
Why is a mobile theme for SMF an issue? A quick Google brought up a few options;

This looks like a possibility, if we can replace the Comic Sans!


--- Quote from: habrich on November 01, 2017, 05:02:25 am ---
Karma comments: I'd like the site to clock up a few more weeks without outages before making any software changes. Also, this.

--- End quote ---

So are you saying that :

a) there is potential to reinstate / recover the legacy karma data but it's at a risk of site stability, and
b) that it's effectively unsupported functionality?

My initial reading of your comments re: karma was that all the comments etc are gone forever, and there's no way we're putting the commentary functionality back in as that's what was breaking the site.

If a) and b) above are true then I'd argue it's worth the risk - worst that happens is it get tested out in live and if it breaks it gets taken out, we'd be no worse off than we are now.


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