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Forum software/theme

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nik at work:
Errrrr, how do I wad someone now?


--- Quote from: dave on November 13, 2017, 10:50:40 am ---or going and deleting cookies every time.

--- End quote ---

Disable cookies for the site completely, although this may mean you have to enter your login details each time (perhaps depends on browser), but if you leave a tab open on your browser and remain logged in anyway that is not a huge inconvenience, particularly if you use a password manager.

--- Quote from: Duma on November 13, 2017, 01:12:54 pm ---Pretty sure the other threads are locked, who knows why.

--- End quote ---

My guess...

Admins/overlords are sick of hearing the same thing being repeated when they have already indicated that they have someone working on a solution to mobile CSS/theme (albeit likely for free in their spare time so it might take longer than if someone stumped up cash to pay someone to do it).

Current database/cookie issue aside the forum is being updated, albeit slowly, and is more functional (i.e. it works) than when it was continuely crashing, even if the colours are not to your preference (and a solution has already been suggested for those who can be bothered).  I expect very few current posters have ever stumped up any cash donations to the running costs of the site (i.e. server hosting).  I have in the past when costs were covered that way because I valued the site and resources, since it changed ownership that hasn't been asked for though as some advertising has been utilised to help cover the costs (no idea how much Awesome/BMC/HP/VP chuck into the kitty).  As it is those complaining are doing so about a free service that they pay nothing for.  This is not Farcebook with billions of cash to spend on developers to run and maintain the site across a cloud of servers so should not be held to the same standards and repeating the same message doesn't help move towards achieving it.

Clearly I'm not going to log in every single time, that's bollocks, it's not 1997, it's just another hurdle to use the site. Surprise surprise, people won't bother.

Similarly people aren't going to bother install custom forum skins or whatever the solution was supposed to be. It's not a hackers forum, you want to attract users not put them off or make them jump through hoops.

It's not a free service, it's run as business with advertising. There is no "service". The only value of UKB is in users' content. Users, the ones who are now not posting due to various hurdles, are the product.

Again, it's not 1997, there are a multitude of other places online people can discuss bouldering, for free, much easier and with a much better user interface. I'm not saying Twitter or Facebook is the best place for it, but people will just take it there if using UKB becomes too difficult. They are already logged into those sites, they can post from their phones painlessly, they don't have to piss about deleting cookies or trying for ten minutes to make a post. Thems the breaks I'm afraid.

So what if they are sick of hearing the same thing - just maybe it indicates that there's something that needs fixing. Locking the thread with no explanation is hardly a sensible way of dealing with issues. Having someone work on it for free in their spare time is a pretty crappy solution - especially as, if my understanding is correct, there are several off the shelf themes that are mobile friendly. The value of this site is entirely driven by the knowledge and interaction of it's users - if their preferences are ignored/sidelined/marginalised it will die, and rightly so. I'll be frustrated and a bit sad if that happens though. The lack of a mobile theme is a big fuck up, whatever habrich thinks.

To put the onus on users to have to delete cookies, login everytime, leave a tab open, write their own code to improve the look etc is ridiculous imo.

edit - what dave said.


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