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more business, less party.
Apr 9, 2003
Does anyone have an account with G-Mail? It seems you can't just sign up to get an account but can get one if you get invited... don't know how true this is, but thought i'd find out if any of you lot had an account.

and what's going on with that aventure mail??? it doesn't even seem to be workign now!

One of my friends was invited to try out a g mail account and review it for them, but i don't know why, would have to ask him. said the memory was wierd, and that you searched for the old e mails you wanted by using a search engine, searching for name and title, etc.
Just found this app which offers Gmail type search functionality to Outlook

Whilst the product is still being developed it's free and works really well.
i got one off someone on ukclimbing...quite handy for sending large files seeing as hotmail's a bit crap at that.
i think it'll come in quite handy for emailing photos/video clips/graphics files around - functionality of a desktop-based email system with the portableness of a webmail wotsit.

(yes i like making words up :))
I'm not keen on the privacy aspect - I don't want google archiving personal emails for the rest of time.

Yahoo are offering 100mb now aren't they?
I don't think you can reasonably think anything that is trasmitted electronically is safe. Gmail are just a bit more in your face about it. Hotmail, Yahoo, etc etc probably archive everything too... just dno't say anything about. Personally, If i had genuinely sensitive material I would never ever store it electronically or send it electronically.
You're right, I'd never store sensitive mail with any webmail provider. You can send stuff using PGP which helps but I believe has been broken, though still safe enough I reckon.

Check out Drivecrypt for secure storage - it's awesome.

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