So doing the backwards math to figure out rest/work ratio, this comes out to about 45 minutes of resting and 15 minutes of work over the course of an hour? And the 15 minutes of work is broken into 15 different segments, meaning you're doing 30-40 moves in a minute followed by 2 minutes rest? Was this on a hangboard or campus rungs? If so, go to timed instead of moves as the moves are very fast due to no or very little foot movement. If not, then my math/understanding must be off, because 30-40 moves a minute is wicked fast climbing.Luke Owens said:2 x (30 moves 2 mins rest x 3 - Rest 5 minutes)
3 x (40 moves 2 mins rest x 3 - Rest 5 minutes)
Took about an hour in total.
From a generic standpoint, anaerobic capacity should be long work at hard intensity followed by long rest. I would say generally a 1:1 to a 1.5:1 work to rest ratio, with the work being between 2-5 minutes depending on fitness, and the rest being 2-3 minutes depending on fitness. As you get fitter, you can decrease the rest to increase the workload or increase the work.