In the "best of 2024" thread @spidermonkey gave his cautionary experience of injury from foot-on-campusing. I found that sobering and made me think I perhaps need to seek any advice out there. As an older climber, I guess the key thing for me is to avoid injury. I do some repeater hanging and my impression (ie utterly unscientific "vibes") has been that that actually helps me avoid injury. So, I'm not wary of ultra-simplified repetitive exercises per-se.
Although I've never previously used a campus board, I recently modified our loft ladder with a view to using it for foot-on-campusing. I just put finger tape on the aluminium steps to comfort-ize. My intention was to try and take the advice from and do reasonably large reaches, swapping between having just the right or just the left foot on with perhaps just the first finger joint on the rungs and a stonking full foot on. I was thinking of starting with a ridiculously light session of it (today was supposed to be my first taster) to see how it feels. I'm keen to hear any suggestions.
Although I've never previously used a campus board, I recently modified our loft ladder with a view to using it for foot-on-campusing. I just put finger tape on the aluminium steps to comfort-ize. My intention was to try and take the advice from and do reasonably large reaches, swapping between having just the right or just the left foot on with perhaps just the first finger joint on the rungs and a stonking full foot on. I was thinking of starting with a ridiculously light session of it (today was supposed to be my first taster) to see how it feels. I'm keen to hear any suggestions.