've edited the wiki so if anyone finds any especially useful stuff it can go in there now.
A nice rundown of training apparatus including analysis of fingerboards, different types of campus boards, pinch trainers, dumbbells, and more obscure pieces like swivelbars, rings, and so on. Good read!
I just looked at the table of contents of Steve House's new book Training For The New AlpinismI know it's somewhat off-topic for us here, and the idea that there might be any threat of me engaging in "The New Alpinism" is to laugh, but just look at some of the people interviewed/quoted: Tony Yaniro. Peter Habeler. Vojtek Kurtyka. Will Gadd. Barry Blanchard. Ines Papert. Colin Haley ... a complete Who's Who of Gnarliness. I am totally buying this book.
The Book Depository now owned by the tax avoiders.
This site is sometimes useful, though not in this case.
I have a good but old book called 'training for mobility' free to a good home.