Tedious political thread, please ignore if you're above politics (Read 104323 times)


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No idea, probably not. They have been winning by-elections and the London mayor, but how can we tell. Polls (ironic, since I just posted one) don't seem to  be very accurate these days.

As I posted previously, form my limited social circle, he's popular with the metropolitan left but the working class left thing he's useless. I doubt they think much of Owen Smith either though.


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No idea, probably not. They have been winning by-elections and the London mayor, but how can we tell. Polls (ironic, since I just posted one) don't seem to  be very accurate these days.

By-elections in safe seats while in opposition are hardly a major endorsement.

How about the Labour's crappy performance at the local elections this year, where the national machine does matter. This is Corbyn's one successful piece of national spin - talking down the party's expectations before the voting so that it didn't look so bad.


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But is he popular with the Labour electorate who aren't party members? Those people who turned to UKIP, who voted out, who feel they don't have a voice, the working class who've been left behind by New Labour and the Tories?

(Genuine question, I don't know)

One thing we know is that the answer to that question depends fairly heavily on what mass media, perhaps particularly tabloids and the BBC, say about him. Which isn't good. But if Murdoch or Viscount Rothermere etc do support someone, they're probably a total cunt.

Will Hunt

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When I say Corbs' opinions are fringe, I don't mean that from a personal point of view. I like a lot of what he says and what he stands for, but what people don't seem to appreciate is that people who think like this are in the minority nationally. If anybody would like some fairly solid evidence that the consensus opinion of UKB is not representative of the national trend then simply click this link and look at the top of the page:,26815.0.html

Brilliant news yesterday that Angela Eagle has pulled out. She was carrying too much baggage to successfully unite the party. As for people slagging off Owen Smith because he worked in the pharmaceutical industry for a few years and did some lobbying, I can't really see a big problem with this. It means he's probably a good negotiator and a good influencer. Being in the pharmaceutical industry might not make him Father Christmas but it also doesn't make him Satan. Has anybody come up with a documented example of when he snatched food from a sick child's mouth and spat in their face as he did so, or are we just assuming that everybody in pharma is evil? Do we all have to boycott Anadin Extra and Chap Sticks now?

Do we really expect every politician to not have any skeletons in their closets? What about you lot? Are you all perfect people who have never done anything you're not proud of? Have you ever taken a flight to go on holiday to Kalymnos or wherever? Well thanks very much you complete fucking cum-filled cunt, you've contributed to global warming. Have you ever drunk bottled water? Thanks for wasting the planet's precious resources you fucking parasite. Have you ever associated with anybody, a family member or work colleage perhaps, whose views you didn't agree with, who might be slightly right-wing/homophobic/racist, but who you continue to be polite and friendly with because you know you can't change them and it's necessary to have an easy relationship with them? Die, you cunt. Just fucking do us all a favour and die.


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Do we really expect every politician to not have any skeletons in their closets? What about you lot? Are you all perfect people who have never done anything you're not proud of? Have you ever taken a flight to go on holiday to Kalymnos or wherever? Well thanks very much you complete fucking cum-filled cunt, you've contributed to global warming. Have you ever drunk bottled water? Thanks for wasting the planet's precious resources you fucking parasite. Have you ever associated with anybody, a family member or work colleage perhaps, whose views you didn't agree with, who might be slightly right-wing/homophobic/racist, but who you continue to be polite and friendly with because you know you can't change them and it's necessary to have an easy relationship with them? Die, you cunt. Just fucking do us all a favour and die.

is the warm weather, and the awful grit connies, getting to you too?

Will Hunt

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Do we really expect every politician to not have any skeletons in their closets? What about you lot? Are you all perfect people who have never done anything you're not proud of? Have you ever taken a flight to go on holiday to Kalymnos or wherever? Well thanks very much you complete fucking cum-filled cunt, you've contributed to global warming. Have you ever drunk bottled water? Thanks for wasting the planet's precious resources you fucking parasite. Have you ever associated with anybody, a family member or work colleage perhaps, whose views you didn't agree with, who might be slightly right-wing/homophobic/racist, but who you continue to be polite and friendly with because you know you can't change them and it's necessary to have an easy relationship with them? Die, you cunt. Just fucking do us all a favour and die.

is the warm weather, and the awful grit connies, getting to you too?

Very hot and humid today. Grim. Went to Almscliff last night which was fun. Did Demon Wall Roof and Demon Wall amongst other things. The top breaks of Demon Wall felt much harder than the roof underneath!

a dense loner

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I think I'm beginning to warm to you after that post Will


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Sorry - Health visitor and midwife (Ofsted and Gestapo) been visiting this morning...

Clegg - yes, I was most pissed off with how he didn't apologise... You can say you're wrong or changed your mind, but have the guts to say sorry (and he didn't - for ages). Hindsight is a great thing - and the coalition seems like a great thing now!! The AV vote was the most important chance to reform our political system since women were allowed to vote - but had a wet blanket thrown over it by the Tories (and Labour - both had much to loose or so they thought!).

One comment - people are getting confused here - as an overwhelming mandate of 300000 Labour supporters (£3'ers) and members for sure voted for JC. BUT That's less than 1% of people who can vote in the Uk. that's a long long long long way from being a vote for him, and his policies to be PM.


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Not a personal dig at yourself tomtom, just that you were the one person I could recall having written that.

But to write a party off because someone didn't have the grace to apologise/say sorry is in my view a bit extreme.


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Not a personal dig at yourself tomtom, just that you were the one person I could recall having written that.

But to write a party off because someone didn't have the grace to apologise/say sorry is in my view a bit extreme.

Non offence taken - I said it after all!

I've not written off the lib dems per se - more Cleggs leadership at the time. Now as more details come out we can actually see that they made a real difference to how things were run... It would, however, appear that at the last general election many people who voted lib dem thought the same as me....

I repeat, but I think the LP needs to really get behind PR... A big idea - sell it to the population....


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Labour won a landslide in 1997 with PR in the manifesto and then chickened out.


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Labour won a landslide in 1997 with PR in the manifesto and then chickened out.
+1 for PR*
I'm hoping the situation with Scotland might have some impact here in one of a few possible ways. One would be for labour to decide they'd like to have some representation north of the border.

*I despise the current hegemony of representative democracy. But we can at least try to improve it.


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I think the need for PR is clearer now than ever. The general election results pointed out the inadequacies of FPTP with the pitiful number of UKIP and Green MPs elected given the % of the vote both achieved, and they achieved those votes despite the tactical voting/safe seat nonsense that FPTP causes (though it could be argued that protest votes occur under FPTP because people don't think small parties will get in). It's actually the thing I hate most about FPTP is that people don't vote according to their preference, but either as a protest vote or tactical vote. I'm surprised anyone has the balls to claim they have a mandate from a general election when half* their votes are from people who didn't want the other lot in, not actually votes based on policies.

*Obviously not exactly half.


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So we all hate FPTP. How do we get PR - so we can have multiple flavours of leftie? (And I might vote Green or whatever, albeit the eventual government would end up a similar coalition compromise as it's euro counterparts which is why PR is unpopular with many on the left. But not me?)

At risk of saying you can't get there from here, it's highly unlikely to happen in a FPTP system with an eternally split opposition.


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So we all hate FPTP. How do we get PR - so we can have multiple flavours of leftie? (And I might vote Green or whatever, albeit the eventual government would end up a similar coalition compromise as it's euro counterparts which is why PR is unpopular with many on the left. But not me?)

At risk of saying you can't get there from here, it's highly unlikely to happen in a FPTP system with an eternally split opposition.

Actually, labour completely splitting might well increase the chance of PR. It would pretty much ensure that a coalition would be required to get the tories out. A coalition of smaller parties with more to gain from PR.*

*My thought train on hearing this acronym tells me I spend way too much time around medics.


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Didn't work with the SDP.  Chucking out so-called blairites and then, to get MP s elected reaching an electoral pact  so Corb lab doesn't stand against old new lab, doesn't stand against green doesn't stand against lib? Seriously?

I can see Plaid Cymry and Scot Nats not standing against each other but that's about it.


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I can see Plaid Cymru and Scot Nats not standing against each other but that's about it.

Witty. At least we agree on something.


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Splitting labour keeps Tories in. Imperfect broad church labour is preferable to Tories, as well as being the only route to or if elected in coalition. So don't split the party. corbyn can't lead a united party (demonstrably, never mind 'shoulds'), so return him to the back benches or give him some figurehead role. The end.


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Splitting labour keeps Tories in. Imperfect broad church labour is preferable to Tories, as well as being the only route to or if elected in coalition. So don't split the party. corbyn can't lead a united party (demonstrably, never mind 'shoulds'), so return him to the back benches or give him some figurehead role. The end.

Well I'm pleased to see you're so sure. Else others might have to think for themselves. Cheers.


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Splitting labour keeps Tories in. Imperfect broad church labour is preferable to Tories, as well as being the only route to or if elected in coalition. So don't split the party. corbyn can't lead a united party (demonstrably, never mind 'shoulds'), so return him to the back benches or give him some figurehead role. The end.
I was going to contribute some more to this thread but it looks like you've got it all sown up.   ::)


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'or' should've read PR, fascist imperialist running dogs  Motorola distorting my clear message to a handful or fewer of pissed off bloody climbers :slap:. Now the end.


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The Labour Party does not belong to the Unions, the Members or the affiliates, they are just custodians for a movement who's sole purpose is to make better the lives of the poor, disposed etc. The most important people probably barely know who Jeremy Corbyn is and it makes no odds to them whether the affiliate fee is £3 or £25 as they won't be joining regardless, however it is them that should be shaping the Labour Party as they need a party in power (or at least a strong opposition) far more than the Labour Party needs unwavering ideals. When Kier Hardy started the Labour Party I'm pretty sure he wasn't thinking 'If I don't get exactly what I want then fuck it, I'll sit here with my ideals and hope I get elected anyway' and nor should today's Labour Party. To be in any way effective the Labour Party needs to get elected by whatever means possible and to enact whatever policies it practically can. Common sense tells us this will be a watered down version of the ideal but it needs to engage in realpolitik. If people want to posture like a bunch of sixth former socialists then they should fuck off to the SWP, it's what it was invented for isn't it?

It doesn't matter that JC is a good and principled man, there are fucking millions of them, what we need is someone credible. This is the most unprincipled, amoral govt. we've had since the 19th century and JC has not landed a glove on them. It's no good whinging on about the media being unfair etc., it was ever thus from Foot's donkey jacket through the Welsh Windbag and on to Ed's bacon sandwich, once a narrative has been created around someone it's impossible to reverse and JC has long since passed that point, he doesn't seem credible so it's time for someone else to try. It might not be successful but we won't get anywhere with JC. Much as we might wish it otherwise politics is all about personality and charisma (q.v. the rise of Donald Trump, and the Brexit campaign) and JC has neither. I'm not saying anyone else does either but we are right up a creek and Owen Smith is the only vaguely paddle shaped thing around.

Will Hunt

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There's people on Facebook saying that everyone who doesn't agree with Corbyn should get out of the party. Get rid of all this broad church crap. No point being in power without principles.
What the shit eating fuck is going on in these people's heads? It could make me weep. The thing they are looking for is not a parliamentary democracy, but a dictatorship dear JC at the helm. Can you believe that i spunked 25 quid away today so that I can vote for the other guy?


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Tea boy on the money there...
will, you're not the only one ;)


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The Labour Party does not belong to the Unions, the Members or the affiliates, they are just custodians for a movement who's sole purpose is to make better the lives of the poor, disposed etc. The most important people probably barely know who Jeremy Corbyn is and it makes no odds to them whether the affiliate fee is £3 or £25 as they won't be joining regardless, however it is them that should be shaping the Labour Party as they need a party in power (or at least a strong opposition) far more than the Labour Party needs unwavering ideals. When Kier Hardy started the Labour Party I'm pretty sure he wasn't thinking 'If I don't get exactly what I want then fuck it, I'll sit here with my ideals and hope I get elected anyway' and nor should today's Labour Party. To be in any way effective the Labour Party needs to get elected by whatever means possible and to enact whatever policies it practically can. Common sense tells us this will be a watered down version of the ideal but it needs to engage in realpolitik. If people want to posture like a bunch of sixth former socialists then they should fuck off to the SWP, it's what it was invented for isn't it?

It doesn't matter that JC is a good and principled man, there are fucking millions of them, what we need is someone credible. This is the most unprincipled, amoral govt. we've had since the 19th century and JC has not landed a glove on them. It's no good whinging on about the media being unfair etc., it was ever thus from Foot's donkey jacket through the Welsh Windbag and on to Ed's bacon sandwich, once a narrative has been created around someone it's impossible to reverse and JC has long since passed that point, he doesn't seem credible so it's time for someone else to try. It might not be successful but we won't get anywhere with JC. Much as we might wish it otherwise politics is all about personality and charisma (q.v. the rise of Donald Trump, and the Brexit campaign) and JC has neither. I'm not saying anyone else does either but we are right up a creek and Owen Smith is the only vaguely paddle shaped thing around.

+1 to all that.


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