U-S-A! The American Politics Thread.


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My brother in law is an economist in the Treasury - and having been tasked with a variety of wild and conflicting policies under Johnson, Truss, Sunak and now Starmer argues that being given constantly changing terms of reference for your work makes it challenging (to be polite).
Good friend is pretty high up in DEFRA and says the same. From Johnson to Sunak, not only were they pulled in different directions, they had a new secretary of state every 12 months.
Far from appearing like Hitler or Putin, Trump is starting to look a lot like Liz Truss. At some point even the nasty bastards who support him are going to start to twig that he doesn't actually have a clue what he's doing. The bubble pops and you can see he's just a stupid old man pulling levers at random with no clue as to what will happen. There's literally too much money at stake for that to be allowed to continue indefinitely. The US economy got him elected and it will get rid of him.
I am sure you're right in that Trump is an ignorant old man who makes spur of the moment decisions irrespective of any logic or advice. I'd like to believe that the economy will bring him down, but I suspect that the cognitive dissonance factor may maintain his support for a long time, possibly indefinitely. The ex-Republican party has now so much invested in him that they would probably come close to collapse without him. All those senators and congressmen would basically have to admit that they've all sold their souls to the devil for the last decade, and the devil turned out to be a blithering idiot.
Far from appearing like Hitler or Putin, Trump is starting to look a lot like Liz Truss. At some point even the nasty bastards who support him are going to start to twig that he doesn't actually have a clue what he's doing. The bubble pops and you can see he's just a stupid old man pulling levers at random with no clue as to what will happen. There's literally too much money at stake for that to be allowed to continue indefinitely. The US economy got him elected and it will get rid of him.
Surely the difference with Trump is that he has the personality and following of a cult leader. Truss might have been the preferred candidate of the tory membership, but she didn't enjoy anywhere near the levels of faith/trust that Trump does. While I agree that having someone with his volatility will make even his allies a bit edgy at times, the idea of replacing him seems impossible at this point. I don't see him going until he's physically unable to (read: nearly dead), or he can't wangle a third term so is able (even begrudgingly) to help negotiate a transition in support to someone else for 2028.
Far from appearing like Hitler or Putin, Trump is starting to look a lot like Liz Truss. At some point even the nasty bastards who support him are going to start to twig that he doesn't actually have a clue what he's doing. The bubble pops and you can see he's just a stupid old man pulling levers at random with no clue as to what will happen. There's literally too much money at stake for that to be allowed to continue indefinitely. The US economy got him elected and it will get rid of him.

I dunno about that. Fascism glorifies anti-intellectualism and reactionary politics. Trump has a lot of followers who do keep an eye on what is going on, and are actual fascists, and a lot of followers who don't really follow the news, and just kinda generically like him. And again the Dems are a highly ineffective opposition, being essentially perceived as the identity and gesture politics wing, so Trump kind of has a free pass from them to an extent.
Far from appearing like Hitler or Putin, Trump is starting to look a lot like Liz Truss. At some point even the nasty bastards who support him are going to start to twig that he doesn't actually have a clue what he's doing. The bubble pops and you can see he's just a stupid old man pulling levers at random with no clue as to what will happen. There's literally too much money at stake for that to be allowed to continue indefinitely. The US economy got him elected and it will get rid of him.
I don’t disagree with the premise here but the conclusion would be stronger with at least a gesture towards the mechanism by which this would come about. Their system is presidential, not parliamentary.
I don’t disagree with the premise here but the conclusion would be stronger with at least a gesture towards the mechanism by which this would come about. Their system is presidential, not parliamentary.
Indeed. He's been impeached twice already, on the second occasion on an absolutely watertight accusation. The Republican senators, all wary of losing their jobs if they opposed him, voted against it. I have a horrible suspicion that the only thing that will prise Trump from presidential office is his eventual demise, even if he stays there for several terms.
I'm not sure who Trump currently resembles, but it definitely isn't Liz Truss (see above comments). He's hit on the brilliant deal making strategy where you talk to one party in a dispute, or one side in a war, then claim you've solved it, and it's now up to the other side. I really can't imagine Putin agreeing to anything which isn't effectively Ukrainian capitulation whether militarily, or through a sham election so he can have another Belarus on his border rather than an independent country.
I really can't imagine Putin agreeing to anything which isn't effectively Ukrainian capitulation whether militarily, or through a sham election so he can have another Belarus on his border rather than an independent country.
Yep, the lack of elections in Ukraine (although totally legal due to the war and supported by opposition parties) has been a repeat talking point for Trump and his cronies, this seems so blatantly like looking to instal a Russian stooge.
Yep, the lack of elections in Ukraine (although totally legal due to the war and supported by opposition parties) has been a repeat talking point for Trump and his cronies, this seems so blatantly like looking to instal a Russian stooge.
Subverting elections seems to be Russia's preferred method of projecting power and influence around the world if they don't think they'd get away with military invasion. Romania and Georgia have certainly been targeted as well as the US in 2016, and arguably, the Brexit referendum.
So, a French Hunter Killer turned up in Halifax.
If you know what the primary role of a Hunter Killer, or Attack Boat is, you might sit up at this news.
They might be used against surface shipping, they might be used for carrier fleet protection (or attack of the opposition’s), they certainly do get used for flag waving foreign visits, rarely.
However, their primary role, the reason Billions are spent to build these things, is strategic asset protection. Loitering in the approximate vicinity of a very quiet, much larger, Boat.
Governments don’t often spend that kind of money on goodwill visits. Nor do they continue to make military goodwill visits to foreign nations during times of crisis or regional tensions, where such a visit might be seen to be a gesture of alliance with the host nation, unless they wish to make a point.
To many, this visit says (with a smile that does not extend to the eyes) “Hi! Just to let you know, I’m staying with your neighbour for a while. I know my big bro is a bit scary, but, I promise, you’ll never know we’re here.”
So, a French Hunter Killer turned up in Halifax.
If you know what the primary role of a Hunter Killer, or Attack Boat is, you might sit up at this news.
They might be used against surface shipping, they might be used for carrier fleet protection (or attack of the opposition’s), they certainly do get used for flag waving foreign visits, rarely.
However, their primary role, the reason Billions are spent to build these things, is strategic asset protection. Loitering in the approximate vicinity of a very quiet, much larger, Boat.
Governments don’t often spend that kind of money on goodwill visits. Nor do they continue to make military goodwill visits to foreign nations during times of crisis or regional tensions, where such a visit might be seen to be a gesture of alliance with the host nation, unless they wish to make a point.
To many, this visit says (with a smile that does not extend to the eyes) “Hi! Just to let you know, I’m staying with your neighbour for a while. I know my big bro is a bit scary, but, I promise, you’ll never know we’re here.”
The counter-story seems to be that it's in connection with Canada wanting to renew its submarine fleet, and the makers of FS Tourville angling to land the contract for that:


But yeah, I'm very sure that neither the Canadians nor the French would object if anyone happened to read any other implications into it.
The counter-story seems to be that it's in connection with Canada wanting to renew its submarine fleet, and the makers of FS Tourville angling to land the contract for that:


But yeah, I'm very sure that neither the Canadians nor the French would object if anyone happened to read any other implications into it.
Cheers Slabs, I was waiting for that.
Just like the time we spent 8 weeks in Lagos, during the unrest post the first Democratic elections since the Junta, in “92. Because spending millions to send a Frigate to West Africa, on the basis the new government were interested in purchasing Lynx helicopters from Westland, was far more sensible than flying the four uniforms (who spent an hour onboard looking at it, in the entire 8 weeks) to the Westland factory. It was not at all “Gun Boat diplomacy” and the cruising up and down the coast, strangely close to land, conducting readiness drills and flying ops, even a live fire exercise with the 4.5 (with no guests onboard); was simply to keep the crew sharp…

Edit: that’s me agreeing with you, clumsily, not arguing.
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I noted this morning that Threads is full of videos of burning Russian oil refineries and processing plants, again ( I think, yesterday, there was footage of fires in Moscow too, supposedly from drone strikes and apparently there’s a new “Home made” jet propelled long range drone, gone into operation over the last 48 hours).
I’ve seen a lot of that, for months now (hard to tell what’s accurate, recycled or repeated).
Looks like Russia is in trouble. More than I expected, tbh. They must be really desperate to end the conflict:




So, how the Clown thinks Russia has a strong hand, is even more baffling to me today. If Ukraine can hold out a few more months, Russia will collapse.
I noted this morning that Threads is full of videos of burning Russian oil refineries and processing plants, again ( I think, yesterday, there was footage of fires in Moscow too, supposedly from drone strikes and apparently there’s a new “Home made” jet propelled long range drone, gone into operation over the last 48 hours).
I’ve seen a lot of that, for months now (hard to tell what’s accurate, recycled or repeated).
Looks like Russia is in trouble. More than I expected, tbh. They must be really desperate to end the conflict:




So, how the Clown thinks Russia has a strong hand, is even more baffling to me today. If Ukraine can hold out a few more months, Russia will collapse.
Perhaps the bloated orange clown thinks nothing of the kind. Perhaps if Putin had videos of hookers weeing on his face, however, Trump might be feeling obliged to help out.
Perhaps the bloated orange clown thinks nothing of the kind. Perhaps if Putin had videos of hookers weeing on his face, however, Trump might be feeling obliged to help out.
I reckon such footage would go down just fine with his base tbh, much like all the Stormy Daniels stuff.
I reckon such footage would go down just fine with his base tbh, much like all the Stormy Daniels stuff.
I did wonder, I’ve been subjected to inappropriate tales of similar or worse antics and activities by a few men over the years, quite publicly.
No judgment, actually, it’s just sex, so if no one’s getting hurt, who cares about the details or the professional status of the participants? Still, not a pleasant image. Him, naked, not the activity.
I'm still surprised one person in the country has so much power to change tariffs on everything. Either I don't know the European systems too well or either it is strange.
Technically, I don't think he actually does. I think it's supposed to go through Congress, but like a lot of what Trump is doing at the moment via executive order, it may well be against the law / constitution but he's judging that if he just does it all quickly enough, noone can do anything about it.

There was a story on the Tortoise media News Meeting podcast this week about a US citizen that Trump is trying to label a terrorist so he can deport him, it's worth listening to.

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