Paul B gets third ascent of Voyager

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Mar 24, 2003
Twixt yither and stix
Got woken by a text at 7:30 this morn from a very psyched Paul Bennet.
Sorry if this wakes you, just did Voyager 5th go this morning. Been sat under it since 5:30 waiting for some light. Psyched out of my mind! Skin is trashed now and i've got a lab at 9:00.
Ps Sit start is in another league!

Effort yooot! :thumbsup:
Bonjoy said:
Got woken by a text at 7:30 this morn from a very psyched Paul Bennet.
Sorry if this wakes you, just did Voyager 5th go this morning. Been sat under it since 5:30 waiting for some light. Psyched out of my mind! Skin is trashed now and i've got a lab at 9:00.
Ps Sit start is in another league!

Effort yooot! :thumbsup:

Effort Paul!
Dedication, dedication
Dedication, that's what you need
If you wanna be the best
If you wanna beat the rest
Oh-oh dedication's what you need;
If you wanna be a record break-er, Oooooh.

Nice one Paul!
Good effort Paul, it's inspiring when people do things by turning up at ungodly hours, and generally just going the extra mile.
very very good effort. Those school sessions have paid off! :beer2: or should that be a protein shake?
Someone's going to be wearing a shit-eating-grin all month! Quite right too, it's a very very beautiful line. Something worth getting obssessed about!

Any snaps?
Nice one paul, that is great. Sadly, this means that you loose your title as the most under acheiving UK climber, that honor is now firmly back in the useless hands of unclesomebody ;)
Nice one again, Maybe see you when I get back from font.
Good effort lad! Maybe I should start training, I'm inspired now!

(p.s. thanks Toby for waking me up at 9.40 with that text)
james said:
Nice one paul, that is great. Sadly, this means that you loose your title as the most under acheiving UK climber, that honor is now firmly back in the useless hands of unclesomebody ;)
Nice one again, Maybe see you when I get back from font.

Dont waste too much skin in Font, you'llk need it for Swiss! ;)
When you back?
Absolutely brilliant effort. :great: Well done.

(All you need now is some pocket strength ;))
Thanks everyone and once again sorry jon for waking you up so early. I also must say thanks/apologize to Nat who now has a really bad cold after following me about the last few days at ungodly hours, if she hadn't pointed out I was being soft on Wednesday I would have sacked it off after a few failed attempts at the jump start!

Doylo, what does Ben's extension get nowadays? I did that last season about a week before I really did in my ring finger, apart from that your correct, Ive got a long list of hard problems on peak lime and grit as well as Font that I have come painfully close too but never managed to finish off! Good luck on your project this weekend, your all set for a big comeback.
I shall be heading to the sheaf at some point for a celebratory drink or two (I've ran out of REGO), anyone know if the farmers blonde is still on? :beer1:

I'm not so sure the title falls back to Keith, i have another nominee, 1-5-8 17 times in a row I believe, usually found lurking near the foundry campus board section, you know who you are ;)
America? Font? Switzerland? have a good trip Keenus, would be good to get out when you're back!
Many thanks, reckon climbing up the school has just pushed me along so much so quickly, and you can see your progress easily as there are so many problems at a given grade to test yourself on! so maybe not such a big leap considering stuey and snot, although I know what you'll say to those. Oh and cheers for your diligent problem pointing up there.

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