Mother's Ruin

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mrjonathanr said:
I thought this might be a boulder problem on Mother's Cap or some-such. However. Not being a fan of gin I've not got much to add, apart from if you're ever in Granada there's a bar near the university that just does gin, with menus allowing you to pick n' mix all sorts of flavourings and combinations (and tonics to keep FD happy) till you can't see to read any more (about 3am usually).

More information needed please ! We're only just over an hour away from Granada. Sounds worth a visit.
benpritch said:
not a gin aficianado but i noticed the new look broady has a largish selection of gin with some of the above mentioned i think. might be a good place to sample some before committing to a bottle?

Fantastic idea. Unfortunately last night they'd run out of most gins by 9 and tonic by 10! Pissup - brewery/pub?

It was a travesty having to switch to sampling the huge array of whisky instead... :alky:
recently rediscovered the pleasure of a Perfect Martini after many years after one particular night... it is very good and a nice change from the usual Martini Cocktail.
Indeed. Though I'm not doing it justice as last summer's Elderflower Champagne wasn't really up to scratch (recipe here (sadly defunct thread)). Whilst bemoaning this and the fact that there's no Vermouth in the house, I found the Noel Coward quote re. the perfect Martini :- "fill a glass with gin, and wave it in the general direction of Italy". I like my Martini wet and dirty, but it's still a great line.
Hi all,

Had a trip around Scotland last September taking in a few nice places to eat and drink.

Came across "The Botanist Islay Dry Gin / (Bruichladdich)" whilst having a meal out in a great little bistro on the isle of Gigha.

A wonderful smooth tipple how ever you take it. I highly recommend it, though not cheap.

Its made on Isaly but not the usual dram you will find from this island.

Can be purchased or seen here ""

If you try I hope you like it I know myself and the wife does. 3 bottles since October!!! Erm maybe alcoholics
TonyS said:
Came across "The Botanist Islay Dry Gin / (Bruichladdich)" whilst having a meal out in a great little bistro on the isle of Gigha.

Good find, a Scottish Gin the missus' uncle hasn't already introduced us to! One bottle ordered and winging it's way south to Devon now...

Has anyone else tried Schweppes Orange blossom and lavender tonic.

Fooking awesome.

Not overpowering as it sounds, just adds a lovely 'fragrant' flavour.

Looked it up on the net and we are going to infuse some larios with orange blossom and lavender and see how it goes.

I also had one with cucumber in. I was quite put off at first but was pleasantly surprised.

Over here ( Spain ) they serve these gins on enormous gold fish bowl shaped glasses - think of one of those novelty fit a bottle of wine on one glass things and you're on the right lines - lots of ice and at least a quadruple measure. Beeeeaaaauuutiful !
biscuit said:
Has anyone else tried Schweppes Orange blossom and lavender tonic.

Fooking awesome.

Not overpowering as it sounds, just adds a lovely 'fragrant' flavour.

Hmmm, not sure I can get my head round that? Fever Tree is good.

Carnage, never heard of Millers, another for the list.
I wasn't sure either but it really works. Gin is infused with lots of stuff anyway and this matches up nicely.

Another vote for fever tree, though we prefer Nordic Mist.
I meant to do this ageas ago and talking to CBA a couple of weeks ago reminded me for some reason ;)

May I present my Mother's current selection

Mother's Ruin by rodma2000, on Flickr

There should probably be some sort of prize for naming them all, can't think what though.

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