Dreams... (Read 80257 times)


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#175 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2008, 06:36:08 pm
Nevermind where you are Will, when are you?  Here in the N. Hemisphere, it's winter, pal  ::)


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#176 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2008, 06:53:19 pm
Why must the weather be so SHITE  wall
Where the fuck are you? Its been perfect grit weather here since tuesday.
Harsh, but fair. Twas mint at the 'cliff on Tuesday Will...


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#177 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 12:20:39 pm
Had a poltergeist dream this morning:

It manifested itself first in the garden by making the swing loop-the-loop at breakneck speed.  Then later around the dinner table:  it picked me up while I was sat in my chair - lifted the dining chair I was sat in, rather - about a foot off the deck.  There was commotion around the table at the sight of this.  Later it struck again, but this time it lifted the chair I was in really high and turned me upside down, and there I was, upside down but sitting in my chair hanging onto the underside of it.  Odd.

I woke shortly after, though I recall the last part of the dream as myself throwing holy water around the place and stating that I was off to get a catholic priest very soon.

I think as poltergeists go this was a pretty twisted one.  A ghost-hunter mate of mine in Norfolk says it's incredibly rare for poltergeists to actually make physical contact w/ people.   ???


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#178 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 01:21:02 pm
I had a variation on my regular one-arm pullup dream on Sunday night. I was at my parents house looking at the Cow and Calf out of their upstairs window. John Dunne came up the stairs - turns out he had popped in to have breakfast with my parents and wanted to look at the view. I was surprised to see that he had shrunk to about 5'6". He was concerned as none of his clothes fit anymore. I suggested that he stretch his body by hanging off the bathroom door frame. I demonstrated what I meant by hanging one armed from the frame. This felt ridiculously easy. Out of curiosity I hung three-fingered and cranked out three good form one-armers, followed by the same off the other arm. Dunney seemed to disappear from the dream at this point and I was left with a feeling of being unbelievably lucky (and strong).


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#179 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 02:00:33 pm
The most (only) memorable dreams I've had follow a similar pattern.

First one happened in a hotel. I was convinced I'd woken up and there was a dark figure stood at the end of the bed. I was so convinced someone was there I tried to move but I couldn't. I then try to convince myself that there is no one there at all I'm just dreaming but fail as I continually try to move. Almost like I'm scared stiff.

The second time I was at home and I'd woken again hearing what I thought were footsteps outside the bedroom door. Then the tapping of my ice axe on the door (they must've found it upstair). Again I try to move but can't. I can't speak to wake our lass up. I can only stare at the door and listen for any noise that tells me they're still there. Scared stiff again. I start telling myself no one is there. The doors were locked. No one can get in. But it doesn't help.

I've no idea how these end.


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#180 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 04:33:02 pm
those sound like classic sleep paralysis dreams. I get phases of having them. Usually something scary but unseen to my left, or on my chest; very occasionally sitting on my feet. Often I am convinced that I am awake. Scary shit.


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#181 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 04:43:43 pm
Usually something scary but unseen to my left, or on my chest; very occasionally sitting on my feet. Often I am convinced that I am awake. Scary shit.

You don't have a cat do you Lagers  :-\  :lol:


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#183 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 06:09:11 pm
Are you sure?? They are really unpleasant. I get them when I'm completely exhausted and they are pretty terrifying and unsettling.


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#184 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 07:44:29 pm
Cheers Lagers. Didn't realise there was a name for them. Scary shit they definately are.

Houd tick some of these badgers. I can guarantee you won't like it.

Sleeping in a face upwards or supine position
Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation
Increased stress
Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes.


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#185 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 11:32:05 pm
Are you sure?? They are really unpleasant. I get them when I'm completely exhausted and they are pretty terrifying and unsettling.

I'm game for any dream / OoBE shit (though, I've never consumed DMT which I'm told is the daddy for OoBE's). Terrifying and unsettling sounds manageable in the short and longterm.

As for the factors that might bring them on, well, I'd say all of use could tick those boxes a few times in our lives.

Nice beast. I'm still trying to digest fragments of my poltergeist dream; really wish I hadn't woke when I did, I think a dream exorcism would've been well-whack.

From the Dream Dictionary: Poltergeist

To see or hear a poltergeist in your dream, signifies a lack of control in your life. You may be experiencing some disruptions that are hindering your goals.



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#186 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 11:39:17 pm
Cheers Lagers. Didn't realise there was a name for them. Scary shit they definitely are.

It wasn't until I mentioned it to someone in the trade that I found out that it is a common experience.
I often get them on the first or second night of being away on holiday. If I get them at home more than once a month, I know that it is time to examine my stress. My sleep paralysis dreams often follow dreams about vampirey type things earlier in the night (especially when staying in a hotel - check out how many vampire films feature h/motels).
When I have the sensation of being awake, but unable to move away from the unseen scary thing at my side I can sometimes manage a weak and (according to Mrs Starfish) very low "aaarrgh" whilst trying to scream my loudest. Sometimes this noise is enough to wake myself up.
I've never had sleep paralysis more than twice in one night.
These scary sleep paralysis dreams have never happened when I've been regularly climbing or snowboarding hard/scary stuff or when I've been consuming unhealthy amounts of drink and drugs. I blame it all on my brain looking for stimulation. I have no data to back this up, but as I understand it DREAM SCIENCE needs no such data for it's conclusions.

Houdi, you don't want this shit; it is just like having a very bad and undeserved piece of bad life luck - like being in a car crash when you are not driving. The after effect is just the same as having something shit happen in real life. The fact that you can reason that it was not real does not make it any better.


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#187 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 11:43:08 pm
Man! where's my copy of Tobin's Spirit Guide when you need it?!


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#188 Re: Dreams...
December 16, 2008, 11:52:43 pm
Houdi, have you had those falling/twitchy dreams whilst tying to fall asleep on a ledge on multi-day routes? They're similar to sleep paralysis except that you don't wake up and the fear builds up for far longer.


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#189 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 12:02:48 am
No, never slept on a route. 

I'm interested in the notion of building fear of which you speak as it's something I'm interested in recreating w/ sound. 


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#190 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 12:05:51 am
No, never slept on a route. 

I'm interested in the notion of building fear of which you speak as it's something I'm interested in recreating w/ sound. 

Now your talking. A worthy and realistic endeavour.


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#191 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 08:14:12 am
If I get them at home more than once a month

Twice in my life is plenty. That sort of frequency could seriously screw with my head.

Not had one for ages. Certainly not since I've been running on a regular basis, which is around 2 years now. Long may my sleep paralysis drought continue.


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#192 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 02:42:53 pm
Houdi, have you had those falling/twitchy dreams whilst tying to fall asleep on a ledge on multi-day routes? They're similar to sleep paralysis except that you don't wake up and the fear builds up for far longer.

I've had falling asleep on routes dreams - that result in me waking up when I fall off...

On a vaugely related topic - I'm stricken with consumption (tom-flu) and had the craziest night of sleep - non sleep. At one point it fely like my eyes were pressing into my head so hard it was giving me a really bad - extremely bad headache. I contemplated scooping my eyes out with a spoon - and whilst had no real intention of going through with it, did rest the nice, cool, nice, cool spoon on my eyes. Weird shit.

Paralysis dreams are akin to the 'running through treacle' dreams. THey reflect an anxiety at being unable to help in a situation. For example if you know something bad is going to happen, but theres not much you can do about it (or you are worried about not being able to do anything about it)....

Dreams are good though, as they effectively work out our anxieties and worries whilst we're asleep - rather than when we're awake.

Right I'm going to stop now, as I suspect I'm writing dribble in some sort of flu induced haziness...  :boohoo:

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#193 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 08:59:19 pm
When I have the sensation of being awake, but unable to move away from the unseen scary thing at my side I can sometimes manage a weak and (according to Mrs Starfish) very low "aaarrgh" .....

Houdi, you don't want this shit; it is just like having a very bad and undeserved piece of bad life luck - like being in a car crash when you are not driving. The after effect is just the same as having something shit happen in real life. The fact that you can reason that it was not real does not make it any better.

Same here on both counts.

Very Cthonic and disturbing.


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#194 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 09:51:54 pm
Very Cthonic and disturbing.

Do you feel you're in the presence of The Elders?

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#195 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 11:00:01 pm

More like...

chtho⋅ni⋅an     [thoh-nee-uhn] 
–adjective Classical Mythology.
of or pertaining to the deities, spirits, and other beings dwelling under the earth.
Also, chthon⋅ic    [thon-ik]

1840–50; < Gk chthóni(os) (chthon-, s. of chthn earth + -ios adj. suffix) + -an; akin to L humus earth (see humus )



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#196 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 11:03:06 pm
S'all Maltese to me?


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#197 Re: Dreams...
December 17, 2008, 11:10:51 pm
I kinda like scary/ paralysis dreams, it's similar to going to see a horror film.  Only far more intense.


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#198 Re: Dreams...
December 18, 2008, 10:53:55 am
Houdi, have you had those falling/twitchy dreams whilst tying to fall asleep on a ledge on multi-day routes? They're similar to sleep paralysis except that you don't wake up and the fear builds up for far longer.

I get the falling dream just as i'm falling asleep quite regularly, which i find quite distressing. I always wake up before/as i am hitting the ground and the mrs tells me that sometimes i damn near jump out of the bed. Never been on a multi-day route, but i imagine that could be rather unpleasant...

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#199 Re: Dreams...
December 21, 2008, 02:53:57 pm
Apparently its related to blood pressure changes when you go from standing up to lying down.


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