Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm (Read 10654 times)


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#50 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 10:08:37 am
For myself, it seems very difficult to sympathise with the view that what we do is immaterial because of "India&China".

It is somewhat arbitrary where you draw a catchment to then describe a subset of the 8B people we have on Earth. You could say a district China needn't do anything because its emissions are immaterial in comparison to "the western world" or whatever.

Like I said, we as the UK public have political power over many of the most egregious excessive emitters in the world

If, in the UK we were to demonstrate that we could implement a prosperous zero-carbon economy, then people in India and China (and elsewhere) would take note and might endeavour to emulate that.

I've got sympathy with the notion that setting an example and leadership matters. But you're naïve. The atmosphere reacts to the emissions numbers. Not leadership or setting an example. The numbers are gigantic, and a lot of it is not under the west's control. If you truly believe the developing world inc. China and India don't want economic/societal progress that we've enjoyed and are prepared to forego that, for the sake of 'the EU and UK are cutting their emissions more than us so we better follow', then you're even more naïve. Much of the west isn't even following the good leadership examples! US/Canada/Aus for e.g..

If 'slowing and eventually halting global warming' is your goal, then the numbers emitted by the largest emitters are too gigantic for your ideology to make any sense as a solution. If your underlying goal however is to end capitalism in the west (which I suspect you and many love the notion of, in theory) as an ideological win, with the benefit of eventually - within 100 years say - have halted global warming then yeah it makes sense. But that's a whole other topic.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 10:14:14 am by petejh »


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#51 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 10:15:05 am
Tidal has the catastrophic issue of the bimonthly neap-tide spring-tide cycle.

Getting a bit off topic, but why is this catastrophic? Naively, I'd assume that a constant power output is the ideal but output that is predictable with confidence over long-ish time spans is also pretty good i.e. you turn down the arc furnaces when it's a neap tide then turn em back up again on a spring.
I'm not sure about arc furnaces but lots of energy intensive industries have to run 24/7. Having twice as many factories etc (and somehow staffing them) so they can run half the time is tough. I suppose like how hard it is when a big storm shuts things down. I'm sure demand response will need to play a role though. I googled found this


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#52 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 10:18:40 am
If you truly believe the developing world inc. China and India don't want economic/societal progress that we've enjoyed and are prepared to forego that, for the sake of 'the EU and UK are cutting their emissions more than us so we better follow', then you're even more naïve. Much of the west isn't even following the good leadership examples! US/Canada/Aus for e.g..

Thats before you get on to the fact that the way India's politics is currently aligned, there is significant political benefit derived from Modi totally ignoring what the West, and the UK in particular, thinks about pretty much everything.


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#53 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 10:21:59 am
I’m in the US so (like with many things) [...]
For profit entities are not dynamic or interested in the greater good as much as keeping shareholders happy. They knock up another wind farm while band aiding their existing non renewable facilities together waiting to see which direction energy production will take. .

A lot of developers in the US are not the same companies that own the fossil generators (although some are) - those would generally love to smash out more projects but grid interconnection is a big (and growing) issue as you say.

Pete - of course onshore wind isn't essential, but it is likely to be important in the context of delivering a decarbonised grid at anywhere close to the lowest cost. As an example, the power and economics team at our parent company does some modelling on this - the grid they think is optimised for the lowest cost in Europe as we move away from fossil fuels has a bewildering amount of wind in it. But maybe people will be prepared to pay to put it offshore, or pay more for a higher % of solar (needing more storage)? There was an interesting paper in nature where they adjusted LCOEs with a non-financial fudge to produce a model that could predict the past few years of installations (how much wind vs solar vs gas etc), and that predicted a huge amount more solar and less wind than is likely to be the lowest cost solution, so to some extent we're on that trajectory already.

Sure, but that's answering a completely different question: 'what grid delivers the required power, for the lowest cost, given it cannot include coal, oil, or gas because emissions'. (ignoring the fact that the difference in emissions from just about any UK power grid we can possibly contsruct won't even be a rounding error in the actual problem of total emissions).

If you want the lowest cost grid, nothing else, you use coal - as China, India and many other places still do.

If the question is 'how does the UK best contribute to the effort of reducing ghg emissions sufficiently to slow and then halt climate warming', the optimal answer surely isn't 'focus on onshore wind power in the UK'.


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#54 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 10:25:08 am
If your underlying goal however is to end capitalism in the west (which I suspect you and many love the notion of, in theory) as an ideological win, with the benefit of eventually - within 100 years say - have halted global warming then yeah it makes sense. But that's a whole other topic.
I'm not anti-capitalist. I want a mixed economy. I actually said that sane electricity systems require a regulated monopoly arrangement. That includes share-holder-owned regulated monopoly utilities as they had in the USA in the 1970s and which built more nuclear power than in any country in the world (though nationalised utilities in Sweden built most per capita and in France the highest as percentage of generation). I would probably prefer a nationalised electricity supply but I care vastly less about that than about having any system that could work.

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#55 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 10:33:57 am
Chapter 6, 'Understanding the Environment'.

I'll post pics of the relevant pages here, I think it's important enough to understand the issue and the numbers to do a bit of freeloading. The rest of the book is amazing and worth buying.

I can't find it online. I have found some pretty unimpressed reviews.

His discussion of global warming was cavalier to the point of angering me. Most of it focused on "who discovered global warming," to make the point that we have known for a long time, with the secondary focus being on the fact that we need some GHG's to keep the earth from freezing. Eventually he gets to discussing the effects and threats, beginning with the non-story that we will still have enough oxygen to breathe. This is followed by assurance that rising demand (due to rising incomes and population) threatens fresh water supplies by much more than global warming does. Unless you have wondered about comparative supplies of blue, green and grey water, the discussion is not very illuminating.

Eat less meat, but other than that, we will have to make do and get more efficient in order to keep feeding the planet. That is his conclusion. Beyond a few allusions to hysteria in predictions, and a single paragraph in which he acknowledges temperature rise and coastal inundation, most of his discussion is useless.

In the final section he addresses climate policy and prognosis. He correctly observes that we are leaving immense benefit on the table by ignoring the financial benefit of insulation and other conservation, benefits that are already available with no subsidies or other policy changes if people would respond. He takes an additional swipe at SUVs, well-deserved in my view, He concludes that we probably cannot avoid passing the mark of 1.5 degrees Celsius that delimits the amount we can absorb without catastrophic effects.

He wastes considerable ink on the uncertainties of prediction, with snide comparisons to Covid and our failures to respond to the threat with preparedness, and, almost in so many words, concludes that no predictions of global warming effects should be taken seriously because the problem of decarbonization is difficult and the uncertainties too substantial. After all, as he observes, greening has increased the net amount of vegetation, serving as a carbon sink.


with the benefit of eventually - within 100 years say - have halted global warming then yeah it makes sense.

That's the end goal yes, although we need to do it more quickly. If the warming trend isn't halted by then the earth will likely be uninhabitable. I don't think that idea is somehow tied to anti-capitalism, although I can see from some angles it might look like the shortest route.

I've got sympathy with the notion that setting an example and leadership matters. But you're naïve.

It's not naive, it's pragmatic. That's the only course of action we have open.

Taking a step back, a 'fair' approach would be to work out the overall carbon budget we can allow humans to release, divide it by people alive in that period. In the west we've already burnt through our allowance. India and China haven't. We already have a higher standard of living. So, yes, the onus is on us to lead. Meanwhile, their journey to greater affluence will be a lot less polluting than ours, so they'll have the moral high ground for a while yet.


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#56 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 10:40:10 am
If the question is 'how does the UK best contribute to the effort of reducing ghg emissions sufficiently to slow and then halt climate warming', the optimal answer surely isn't 'focus on onshore wind power in the UK'.

What would your answer be?


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#57 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:06:17 am
I've got sympathy with the notion that setting an example and leadership matters. But you're naïve.

It's not naive, it's pragmatic. That's the only course of action we have open.

Taking a step back, a 'fair' approach would be to work out the overall carbon budget we can allow humans to release, divide it by people alive in that period. In the west we've already burnt through our allowance. India and China haven't. We already have a higher standard of living. So, yes, the onus is on us to lead. Meanwhile, their journey to greater affluence will be a lot less polluting than ours, so they'll have the moral high ground for a while yet.

Yes, and this is the approach written into the various accords at the various COPs - the historical budget idea. And it is fair. The developing world will be 'allowed' to grow and emit vast quantities of ghg. While the west will not. Most general public in the west are currently unaware of the small print and ideas behind the accords but I think they sort of suspect.

It's the pragmatic approach academically.  But it isn't pragmatic socially, and it isn't going to work. Because people won't accept it. So it isn't pragmatic at all, it's ideological nonsense that will fail the reality test in terms of making the required reductions in ghg to slow and then halt warming by 2050. In my opinion.

You and loads of others with good intentions are hanging your hopes on an academic theory based on models that will not work - is not working - in reality. How dumb is that? What's that definition of insanity again...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 11:13:00 am by petejh »


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#58 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:11:08 am
If the question is 'how does the UK best contribute to the effort of reducing ghg emissions sufficiently to slow and then halt climate warming', the optimal answer surely isn't 'focus on onshore wind power in the UK'.

What would your answer be?

Dyson sphere


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#59 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:24:54 am
It's the pragmatic approach academically.  But it isn't pragmatic socially, and it isn't going to work. Because people won't accept it.

Wait, you just told me we don't need to worry too much about optimizing the grid for costs, but are also saying people won't accept going green (presumably because it will cost them money). Surely these are in contradiction?

Johnny Brown

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#60 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:36:38 am
It's the pragmatic approach academically.  But it isn't pragmatic socially, and it isn't going to work. Because people won't accept it. So it isn't pragmatic at all, it's ideological nonsense that will fail the reality test in terms of making the required reductions in ghg to slow and then halt warming by 2050. In my opinion.

Even while other countries were locking down, people told me 'it won't happen here, we wouldn't stand for it'. Turns out we absolutely would. People are quite capable of making big changes that require limiting personal behaviour, and surveys show the sentiment is already there. Most people are ready to change, they just need leadership and confidence that they aren't making pointless personal sacrifice. I think the scenario that we might almost wish for is something pretty catastrophic in the short term, e.g. summer 2028 where millions die in an equatorial heatwave and multiple hurricanes drift into temperate latitudes and wreck several unprepared western cities. A lot of excess behaviour would become socially unacceptable, and governments would increase the pace of change tenfold.

Look forward to your answer to Alex. 'There's no point in acting' is incredibly short-termist.


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#61 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:43:06 am

Even while other countries were locking down, people told me 'it won't happen here, we wouldn't stand for it'. Turns out we absolutely would. People are quite capable of making big changes that require limiting personal behaviour, and surveys show the sentiment is already there. Most people are ready to change, they just need leadership and confidence that they aren't making pointless personal sacrifice.

The obvious difference here is that people were largely prepared to lock down on the basis it was temporary. I certainly was, and began to chafe against it very fast. I am unconvinced there is a widespread sentiment for permanent change to peoples quality of lives.


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#62 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:53:16 am
If the question is 'how does the UK best contribute to the effort of reducing ghg emissions sufficiently to slow and then halt climate warming', the optimal answer surely isn't 'focus on onshore wind power in the UK'.

What would your answer be?

Dyson sphere
I'm guessing you're joking but really there is plenty of dithering attributable to people waiting for techno-fixes

I'd much rather we stuck to relatively pedestrian technology and just cranked it out by duplication and learning-by-doing. That was what enabled the USA to build all those battle ships in WWII (despite not having the shipyards nor the trained workers at the start) and enabled the Messmer Plan in France in the 1970s.

I just remembered about this awesome set of presentations for anyone with any interest in energy transition issues
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 11:59:18 am by stone »


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#63 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:53:27 am
Wait, you just told me we don't need to worry too much about optimizing the grid for costs, but are also saying people won't accept going green (presumably because it will cost them money). Surely these are in contradiction?

Huh? I think we're talking past each other. I said optimising the UK grid for costs - within the boundaries we've set ourselves that excludes a high mix of fossil - from where the UK grid currently stands, will do essentially nothing to alter the path of climate change. That isn't saying we shouldn't optimise the grid for costs for other great reasons. One obviously being cost!

Johnny Brown

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#64 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:56:15 am
The obvious difference here is that people were largely prepared to lock down on the basis it was temporary. I certainly was, and began to chafe against it very fast. I am unconvinced there is a widespread sentiment for permanent change to peoples quality of lives.

There absolutely is, because the alternative is to hand your kids an uninhabitable planet.

But also the restrictions would be nothing like lockdown. It would be limiting flying - maybe issue a (tradable) allowance of 2? flight hours per year. It would be crippling taxes on inefficient vehicles (already doing that to Sheff taxis). It would be less beef (sorry dave, but decent lab meat isn't far away) etc. Plus massive investment in insulation, heat pumps, electrifying public transport.


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#65 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 11:59:48 am
It's the pragmatic approach academically.  But it isn't pragmatic socially, and it isn't going to work. Because people won't accept it. So it isn't pragmatic at all, it's ideological nonsense that will fail the reality test in terms of making the required reductions in ghg to slow and then halt warming by 2050. In my opinion.
Look forward to your answer to Alex. 'There's no point in acting' is incredibly short-termist.

This is the inevitable outcome of discussing this. You come out with slurs like 'you're saying there's no point in acting'.

I'm actually far more extreme in my views than you - I'm in favour of 'acting' far more than we (UK, the west, the world) are doing. I just think what we're currently doing is pathetic and the path being suggested will miss the target massively to the downside.  There's no point in acting ineffectively for the long term whilst also causing negative short term impacts. We'd be better to cause negative short term impacts by acting in ways that will actually achieve the aims, or close to.   


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#66 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 12:01:52 pm
It's not a slur, it's exactly how your posts are coming across. You may be meaning to express something different, but in that case several of us don't seem to be easily able to extract what you're actually trying to say from your posts...

This is my real question remains unanswered:
If the question is 'how does the UK best contribute to the effort of reducing ghg emissions sufficiently to slow and then halt climate warming', the optimal answer surely isn't 'focus on onshore wind power in the UK'.

What would your answer be?


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#67 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 12:05:00 pm
If the question is 'how does the UK best contribute to the effort of reducing ghg emissions sufficiently to slow and then halt climate warming', the optimal answer surely isn't 'focus on onshore wind power in the UK'.

What would your answer be?

Dyson sphere
I'm guessing you're joking but really there is plenty of dithering attributable to people waiting for techno-fixes

I'd much rather we stuck to relatively pedestrian technology and just cranked it out by duplication and learning-by-doing. That was what enabled the USA to build all those battle ships in WWII (despite not having the shipyards nor the trained workers at the start) and enabled the Messmer Plan in France in the 1970s.

I just remembered about this awesome set of presentations for anyone with any interest in energy transition issues

Of course it’s a joke seeing as a Dyson Sphere is nothing more than science fiction at this point.

What we need to be doing is plowing more money into nuclear energy and continue the push for fusion reactors imo.


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#68 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 12:09:26 pm
Alex, easier if you just read something like Smill's pages on what's possible, than me type endless pages.

Then I'd add to his conclusions that the way we think about the financial system will need to change. In ways currently incompressible to most of us. Money and financial cost were a root of the problem of climate warming, and are currently at the root of the hurdle we need to surmount to solve the issue. But money is a construct, not a fundamental reality, and so 'cost' in monetary terms is a construct not a fundamental reality. None of that has ever mattered before, we've allowed the illusion to work for our benefit, except during the fundamental reality of huge wars which require a minor suspension of normal monetary policy. But existential risk from the climate is a fundamental reality on global scale, and I think a key to solving the engineering problems will be decoupling the artificial concept of money/cost from the fundamental problem of climate. While trying not to destroy wider societies' faith in the concept of money. Because it's so powerful a positive force for society.     
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 12:18:11 pm by petejh »


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#69 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 12:15:21 pm
Alex, easier if you just read something like Smill's pages on what's possible, than me type endless pages.

Then I'd add to his conclusions that the way we think about the financial system will need to change. In ways currently incompressible. Money and financial cost were a root of the problem of climate warming, and are currently at the root of the hurdle we need to surmount to solve the issue. But money is a construct, not a fundamental reality, and so 'cost' in monetary terms is a construct not a fundamental reality. None of that has ever mattered before except in minor ways during the fundamental reality of huge wars which require suspension of normal monetary policy. But climate is a fundamental reality on global scale, and I think a key to solving the engineering problem will be decoupling the concept of money/cost from the problem of climate. While trying not to destroy wider societies' faith in the concept of money. Because it's so powerful a positive force for society.     
You might be interested in this post all about those issues

There are very mundane ways to reduce financing costs massively. The cost the public pays for HinkleyC electricity goes 80% to financing costs and only 20% to building and ongoing costs. That's because instead of paying for the power station upfront it is being paid for via payments for the electricity. So if some Angela Merkle type policy were to close it as soon as it were built, the financiers would lose out. So they need that vast overpayment to cover that political risk that they have no control of. Total moronic madness IMO.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 12:22:12 pm by stone »


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#70 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 12:45:14 pm
Yeah but I don't mean tweaking the UK financial system, as I've said about a hundred times what the the UK does about its power grid - taking its current total emissions as the start point - is inconsequential in solving the issue of global warming. I mean the global financial system will need to be reimagined as it relates to projects to lower global ghg emissions. But doing that, without destroying all of the beneficial parts and faith in the illusion of money... ?


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#71 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 12:48:38 pm
But doing that, without destroying all of the beneficial parts and faith in the illusion of money... ?

That's what the link is about.

Sorry that I confused things by getting sidetracked.

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#72 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 01:27:56 pm
I'm actually far more extreme in my views than you -

Lol, you don't know that! 

I'm in favour of 'acting' far more than we (UK, the west, the world) are doing.

Yep, I think we're all agreed there.

[/quote]I just think what we're currently doing is pathetic and the path being suggested will miss the target massively to the downside.  There's no point in acting ineffectively for the long term whilst also causing negative short term impacts. We'd be better to cause negative short term impacts by acting in ways that will actually achieve the aims, or close to.[/quote]

Can you spell these out?

Money and financial cost were a root of the problem of climate warming, and are currently at the root of the hurdle we need to surmount to solve the issue. But money is a construct, not a fundamental reality, and so 'cost' in monetary terms is a construct not a fundamental reality. None of that has ever mattered before, we've allowed the illusion to work for our benefit, except during the fundamental reality of huge wars which require a minor suspension of normal monetary policy. But existential risk from the climate is a fundamental reality on global scale, and I think a key to solving the engineering problems will be decoupling the artificial concept of money/cost from the fundamental problem of climate.

Amen, brother.

While trying not to destroy wider societies' faith in the concept of money. Because it's so powerful a positive force for society.

I'm not so concerned about this. Because it's so powerful a negative force for the planet.

I think we might need an alternative, but not sure what and given all this is quite a long way from fruition, I do think it's worth doing whatever is possible at the present time. Which is where we seem to differ?


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#73 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 01:56:09 pm
Where we mostly differ I think is how we view the priority  of allocating resources and time to doing some of the things that are possible to do at the present time. I see almost zero virtue, in fact I see it as a negative, in sticking up some onshore windfarms in the UK. For a mix of reasons including creating the idea among the public that some onshore wind in the UK is somehow changing anything, when it isn't. I think too much is about the optics.
Also, not pissing off people and losing good faith, for no 'real' net impact i.e. no meaningful reduction in global ghg. Or spoiling natural beauty - but I accept this bit is a subjective point and wind farms are able to be accepted as normal with time. But at core because it's tinkering and pretending to act, while not addressing the issue.

Your 'doing whatever is possible' currently includes loads of things that are more impactful than some onshore wind farms which mostly won't get past objections. can't spend any more time on this.. will look back next week.


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#74 Re: Proposed Calderdale Wind Farm
March 15, 2024, 02:03:53 pm
As with so much, this link has handy numbers about the potential for UK onshore windpower


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