Things Rich Simpson Actually Did (Read 29315 times)

Duncan campbell

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#50 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 04:33:35 pm
But f*ck me are they useful  :lol:

If only I had a bit more of them both!


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#51 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 04:41:57 pm
I'd say that they're more useful than people think. Ben Moon once said it was 65% fingers and 25% core and 10% everything else etc and that's fair enough but it's easy to say that when you can bang out one armers. I think that a lot of the time people who climb, and especially boulder, forget just how physically fucking hard it is.


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#52 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 05:50:55 pm
It depends what you are doing to a great degree. If you are tradding, the ability to make good decisions and act on them quickly is more useful than power on most routes imo


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#53 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 06:05:59 pm
I'm disappointed nibs hasn't posted up about power being the only truth in climbing or something.


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#54 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 06:12:19 pm
I’ll step up.

Quote from: Ben Moon, sometime in the 90s
Technique is no substitute for power.


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#55 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 06:19:11 pm
I'd say that they're more useful than people think. Ben Moon once said it was 65% fingers and 25% core and 10% everything else etc and that's fair enough but it's easy to say that when you can bang out one armers. I think that a lot of the time people who climb, and especially boulder, forget just how physically fucking hard it is.

Says the man just doing his first 7As whilst posting fingerboard scores that would please many 8A boulderers  ;)


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#56 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 06:21:46 pm
I've never met Rich, and I don't care how strong he was or what he did or didn't do. What he tried to do to Heason was unforgivable. For that reason alone I'd rather we stopped talking about him, and just forgot him.

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#57 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 08:04:35 pm
Feels like a life time ago now all that. What ever happened to that Scott lad and the Spanish witness? I used to re-read all those threads, while at work on the sly, like some sad voyeur. Is the age of the liar dead now? Any others about?

What’s the scene with the Hubble undercut being ‘improved’?


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#58 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 08:08:40 pm
I've never met Rich, and I don't care how strong he was or what he did or didn't do. What he tried to do to Heason was unforgivable. For that reason alone I'd rather we stopped talking about him, and just forgot him.

That is a fair point


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#59 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 08:36:00 pm
What’s the scene with the Hubble undercut being ‘improved’?

Never heard that before, not aware of any improvement. Where did you hear that?

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#60 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 08:45:16 pm
Went to the Tor and Will Bosi was on it again for some reason. My mate said he was on it to check that specific hold after hearing a rumour. might be bullshit. Do some fishing between burns next time you’re down  8)


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#61 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 09:00:14 pm
The 2.5 hr marathon is kinda believable, if he was into his running and naturally very quick.
Yeh potentially. Although what surrounded the event is what makes it unbelievable, as it follows the same pattern as most (all?) of his hardest ascents - it had to become unverifiable. In this case it was supposed to have happened at the NY marathon, but you won't find his name recorded because he only got his place by someone unknown dropping out and giving him his number.

I hope he's found a way to settle down from the lies and being happy
Yeh me too.

Long time arm chair viewer just getting back into climbing. A 2:30 marathon is hard. As in really good going like 5.40mm pace I don't think the NY marathon is a fast one either.


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#62 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 09:15:26 pm
At the time, I asked the guy I shared the office with—who was a national level 10k runner—if an amateur could run a 4 min mile and a two-and-a-half hour marathon the same year. Even though all the best marathon runners have done a 4 min mile in their youth he was not sure there was enough time in a year to go from the former to the latter.

Still, a lot more believable to me than a sub four-hour rope solo of Hasse Brandler (not to speak of the preposterous time of 1h37min).


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#63 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 09:28:08 pm
I'd say that they[strength and power]'re more useful than people think. Ben Moon once said it was 65% fingers and 25% core and 10% everything else
It's not an either or these days. The best climbers are extremely powerful and have immaculate technique. Long gone are the days when you could get away with sloppy technique and still rank among the best. You've only got to watch a bit of competition bouldering to see that all the top competitors are strong AF but it's more often than not technical superiority that get the medals. Even taking that quote about percentages seriously, I reckon it's the hardest 10% to maximise and the one with the greatest marginal returns in some climbing disciplines.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 09:54:19 pm by Bonjoy »


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#64 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 09:55:12 pm
Given what we now know for sure about his dishonesty (eg 4 minute mile) his final post on the UKC thread (that was deleted, but I’d copied it given sponsors of BH were phoning me up for my ‘opinion’) makes for interesting reading…

Having just returned home I have had a brief look through the majority of crap that has been written. I have however read bens reply and feel, along with what Ben asked, that it is better that I sort this out with Ben. I am not interested in supplying the people that read these forums with gossip, and things they can spend their days trying to criticise. The only post I have written on this forum is the first one. It neither states that Ben is a liar or that he is honest, it just asks for anyone who has witnessed Ben climbing impressive things to come forward. So far not one person has come forward to support Ben but that is neither here or their.
The point is everyone who is concerned within this matter will be contacted by me and will have the ability to contact me in person. Everyone else will have to just not know what has been going on until their is an agreed outcome by both Ben and myself. I have not set out to sabotage Ben in any way. I just want the truth, in fact as a person Ben is someone I like, but at the same time it’s hard to forget that I feel he is dishonest when speaking to him. I am not questioning Bens climbing ability; I am questioning the validity of some of his ascents. If he can prove I am wrong I will publically apologise via this forum and the mags. If he can’t prove I am wrong I will continue to feel that he is dishonest.
Reply how you like to, criticise how you want; you will not get another reply from me until this matter is sorted. The people that are owed a reply or are concerned will get one. The majority of the people that post on this forum are owed nothing from me.
If you have a problem with what I have done, or written. theirs no need to voice it on here, I will not read it and will not care. If you really feel I have done wrong, confront me next time you see me, I will be happy to answer questions from anyone who confronts me personally.
I understand that the majority of people that post on here are either bored at work or bored in life, but this is no reason to expect information you have not got anything to do with and know nothing about. In fact the amount of information that has been posted on this thread by people who haven’t the slightest clue in this topic is beyond me, surely in life if you are uniformed about things you say nothing? It’s obvious this is not the case with the majority of the posts on here.
Think what you want about me, I don’t care, anyone that knows me will know what im like, and to the rest it will just be assumptions.
I am not owed a living by anyone, and have no reason to tip toe around people, I don’t want a living from climbing so have no need to build either a good reputation with anyone I don’t want to.
I am not however stating I have no proof, I do, but this is between me and Ben and the other people involved, if you are involved, you have nothing to worry about, you will see the proof. If you don’t see the proof theirs a good chance its nothing to do with you anyway.
Thanks for reading this. Their should be no real reason for anyone to post again on this topic, fish as much as you want you wont get anything else. Like I said if you have a problem you know what to do.

Reading this again I wonder what Ben Heason did to upset, offend or wound him. Classic Narcissistic personality disorder. Cross or challenge me and you will pay for it.

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#65 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 10:07:57 pm
Reading this again I wonder what Ben Heason did to upset, offend or wound him. Classic Narcissistic personality disorder. Cross or challenge me and you will pay for it.
I’m dredging the memory bank a bit here so could be wrong on some details but IIRC Ben was on the Frankenjura trip and called bullshit on his Action Directe ‘ascent’ so it was a case of attack is the best form of defence.


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#66 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 21, 2021, 11:13:24 pm
Went to the Tor and Will Bosi was on it again for some reason. My mate said he was on it to check that specific hold after hearing a rumour. might be bullshit. Do some fishing between burns next time you’re down  8)

Top quality gossip this. I want more!


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#67 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 12:26:38 am

Reading this again I wonder what Ben Heason did to upset, offend or wound him. Classic Narcissistic personality disorder. Cross or challenge me and you will pay for it.

Pure speculation but around the time he attacked Ben rumors were starting to circulate about the validity of some of RS claims. There were also a few rumors about Ben that had been circulating.
In both cases they basically amounted to yeah I know he's a good climber and done a,b,c but nobody ever saw him do x,y,z.
In RS case there was some stuff not widely circulated that seemed to have teeth. I always presumed his attack on Ben was an attempt to suck all the oxygen from the room and stop the rumors about him getting any traction. A classic Trump "but what about Hilary's emails" kind of move.


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#68 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 08:25:22 am
I'd say that they[strength and power]'re more useful than people think. Ben Moon once said it was 65% fingers and 25% core and 10% everything else
It's not an either or these days. The best climbers are extremely powerful and have immaculate technique. Long gone are the days when you could get away with sloppy technique and still rank among the best. You've only got to watch a bit of competition bouldering to see that all the top competitors are strong AF but it's more often than not technical superiority that get the medals. Even taking that quote about percentages seriously, I reckon it's the hardest 10% to maximise and the one with the greatest marginal returns in some climbing disciplines.

Anyone who is unsure how much correct climbing movement matters could do worse than checking Master of Stone II on youtube, and see for themselves how really strong climbers could struggle on 8as.


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#69 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 09:29:03 am
What scares me is when I think about potential consequences if/when people with such profound honesty issues yet talent for pulling the wool become professionals with responsibilities beyond just themselves.

I recall a mature student from my life training healthcare professionals who told wild stories from his previous careers that were almost certainly complete fabrications. They came worryingly close to qualifying but their final dissertation was entirely plagiarised and they never finished their degree or became an xxxxxx to my great relief.


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#70 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 10:19:31 am
Lance Armstrong lied about taking drugs and having cancer so it just shows how lying is out there is professional sport. I remember in the 90's looking up to him as an inspirational figure but after all that came out feeling really let down and disappointed.


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#71 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 10:30:45 am
Lance Armstrong lied about taking drugs and having cancer so it just shows how lying is out there is professional sport. I remember in the 90's looking up to him as an inspirational figure but after all that came out feeling really let down and disappointed.
I don’t think he lied about having cancer.


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#72 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 10:49:21 am
Lance Armstrong lied about taking drugs and having cancer so it just shows how lying is out there is professional sport. I remember in the 90's looking up to him as an inspirational figure but after all that came out feeling really let down and disappointed.
I don’t think he lied about having cancer.

Oops sorry, I got that wrong, my disappointment was about him lying about having doped when all that came out and he got stripped of his titles. I got mixed up with somebody else who had lied about having cancer.


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#73 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 10:49:26 am
Lance Armstrong lied about taking drugs and having cancer so it just shows how lying is out there is professional sport. I remember in the 90's looking up to him as an inspirational figure but after all that came out feeling really let down and disappointed.

Maybe it's because I'm a fan of Olympic Weightlifting but I don't see taking PEDs as being the same as a Simpson-esque lie. At the end of the day he did win those races (and its not like his competitors weren't on drugs either, they absolutely were, they just never got caught or did and it wasn't newsworthy). Sure he cheated but like, Ilya Ilyin was clearly on drugs when he won the weightlifting gold, and I don’t really give a shit.


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#74 Re: Things Rich Simpson Actually Did
October 22, 2021, 11:05:36 am
Good lies are undervalued. Whatever else, Simpson's fabrications were pretty imaginative - not limited to one facet of climbing of even just climbing.

My favourite lie is that Belgians don't wear trousers when driving. Told with a straight face it is remarkably plausible.

The really boring lies are the mundane lies, for instance if someone was repointing a route for ages and got really, really close, so might as well just say they got it.

When good lies become bad is the collateral damage when they try to protect them e.g. Simpson with BH and Armstrong with Emma O'Reilly and lots of others. 


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