Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock become BMC’s new recommended retailer partners (Read 14777 times)


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BMC members will soon benefit from an exclusive range of benefits, thanks to an exciting new partnership between the BMC and leading outdoor retailers Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock.

From 1 September, Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock will become the BMC’s recommended retail partners, supporting our vital access, conservation, safety and youth work on behalf of all climbers and hill walkers.

All BMC members will have access to a discount of 15% on clothing and equipment at Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock. This benefit is available online and in stores nationwide and, to celebrate the launch, will be at an enhanced level of 20% for the whole of September. Up to 500 significant BMC volunteers will also be eligible for a permanent 20% discount. Volunteers will receive details in early October. 

BMC CEO Dave Turnbull says: “We welcome Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock on board as our recommended retail partners. There is a natural affinity between our members and the expert service offered by Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock, and we look forward to working closely together.”

Greg Nieuwenhuys, CEO at Outdoor and Cycle Concepts, the parent company of both Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock said: “We are delighted to formalise our long-running relationship with the BMC through this partnership. Becoming their recommended retail partner enables us to further engage with the British climbing and hill walking community, as well as supporting the fantastic work the BMC undertake to ensure continued access to the landscapes so many of us hold so dear.”

What does the partnership involve?

Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock have an established partnership programme with many other like-minded outdoor organisations on board, such as the Ramblers, National Trust, YHA and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The BMC have had a long-running relationship with Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock and this evolution of the partnership formalises many of the existing elements. In return for supporting our work, we will promote Cotswold and Snow+Rock as our recommended retail partners and all BMC members will get an exclusive 15% discount in Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+ Rock (and also Runners Need and Cycle Surgery).

How to get the new Cotswold and Snow+Rock discount code

On 1 September, there will be a new BMC discount code for Cotswold and Snow+Rock will change. All BMC members will be emailed the new code. The new code will also be on the back of your membership card and in your membership login area.

READ MORE: Why the BMC needs commercial partnerships

SA Chris

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So after discount, prices similar to other retailers. Support local independents!!

Richie Crouch

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So after discount, prices similar to other retailers. Support local independents!!



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I think with a little luck, you may find the independents are actually a much better deal...

Cheers Richie ;)


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I can't believe this! BMC, yes please, help people to work independently to secure things like crag access etc etc, but don't take ownership of it as part of a commercial deal.  :thumbsdown:


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I don't see a downside to this. BMC get some £££ to keep doing their good work etc.. and should you choose to shop at these retailers you get a discount!


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I can't believe this! BMC, yes please, help people to work independently to secure things like crag access etc etc, but don't take ownership of it as part of a commercial deal.  :thumbsdown:

What if this deal benefits the BMC's access work financially?

As it was, this was discussed at a BMC area meeting earlier this year, amongst other places I'm sure, which is a great place to make your views known and be informed on these things before they happen. Next one is the 13th Sept at the Maynard in grindleford - see you there.


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I might go to an area meeting one day if they weren't always on a Wednesday night.

It's an interesting tie up this. We used to be a Cotswold 'Outdoor partner'. It's an easy stream of income. We ditched it in the end as we wanted to open our own shop and to offer a more specialist range and tailored service. Cotswold do have some good shops/staff (e.g. the Betws store), but a lot of their staff don't have a clue about climbing/mountaineering. The 'benefit' to BMC members is a further 5% discount on top of what Outside or Needlesports, for example, might give. As someone who believes the BMC has its fingers in too many pies, I'm sorry but I don't buy into the argument that this tie up with have a direct impact on securing crag access.

When I think of the climbing 'scene' in the UK, I see the independent shops as an essential part of that scene. This deal is just another nail in the coffin for them, as they simply cannot compete on price with the multiples. Hopefully they'll survive as climbers will continue to support them, rather than simply shopping around for the lowest price.

James Malloch

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Did Cotswold not offer discount to BMC members already? I have definitely used my membership to get discount before, and I'm pretty certain it was 15% too.

Note that I'm not saying that this partnership is a bad thing, but it seems like the actual offer may have already existed?

SA Chris

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As it was, this was discussed at a BMC area meeting earlier this year, amongst other places I'm sure, which is a great place to make your views known and be informed on these things before they happen. Next one is the 13th Sept at the Maynard in grindleford - see you there.

Thanks for the offer, but a bit of a hike. Hope this affiliation doesn't mean that other great outdoor shops drop the discount to BMC members as our local outdoor shops are very good and give excellent support but Cotswold (in Aberdeen) and the nearest Snow & Rock (Aviemore) are not great.


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Did Cotswold not offer discount to BMC members already? I have definitely used my membership to get discount before, and I'm pretty certain it was 15% too.

Note that I'm not saying that this partnership is a bad thing, but it seems like the actual offer may have already existed?

Yes the offer already existed, the difference being that prior to the partnership the BMC didn't get a wad of cash.


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When I think of the climbing 'scene' in the UK, I see the independent shops as an essential part of that scene. This deal is just another nail in the coffin for them, as they simply cannot compete on price with the multiples. Hopefully they'll survive as climbers will continue to support them, rather than simply shopping around for the lowest price.

The recent demise of Hitch and Hike in Bamford (albeit more caving focused) makes your point. The lady owner's reasons for packing in included the trend for people to visit for technical advice- and then go shopping elsewhere, especially online. That advice will disappear if enough people behave that way.


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When I think of the climbing 'scene' in the UK, I see the independent shops as an essential part of that scene. This deal is just another nail in the coffin for them, as they simply cannot compete on price with the multiples. Hopefully they'll survive as climbers will continue to support them, rather than simply shopping around for the lowest price.

The recent demise of Hitch and Hike in Bamford (albeit more caving focused) makes your point. The lady owner's reasons for packing in included the trend for people to visit for technical advice- and then go shopping elsewhere, especially online. That advice will disappear if enough people behave that way.
Moorland Rambler in Exeter - a small independent - was an important player in the South Devon scene. Sadly, they went under when Cotswold moved in nearby. That was without any additional incentive to shop at Cotswold.


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Well the Indy shops I buy from (v12 and banana fingers) i do so because they have great customer service, good price (often cheaper) and good online shopping experience etc...

Indys have to adapt to survive...


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Well the Indy shops I buy from (v12 and banana fingers) i do so because they have great customer service, good price (often cheaper) and good online shopping experience etc...

Indys have to adapt to survive...

They do... and wouldn't it be good if our supposed representative organisation set a tone that was more supportive. Rather than appearing to be more concerned with growth above all else. I'm becoming less and less enamored with the ethos of the BMC lately and starting to think they've lost their way.


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I've still not seen anything that explains what the BMC get out of it, presumably a %age of all sales? Anyone prepared to divulge the details?


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I've still not seen anything that explains what the BMC get out of it, presumably a %age of all sales? Anyone prepared to divulge the details?

I think they just get a lump sum every year.

Interestingly, Cotswold and Snow n Rock I guess are middle sized fish nowadays, given the giants of Decathlon and Go Outdoors (former I don't mind as they mainly sell their own stuff - latter I just think are shit..)

Paul B

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The lady owner's reasons for packing in included the trend for people to visit for technical advice- and then go shopping elsewhere, especially online. That advice will disappear if enough people behave that way.

I think this behavior is pretty common. I can remember spending ages with one particular couple who were buying their first rack. They essentially used that advice to write a shopping list to be bought elsewhere and didn't spend a penny.


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I've still not seen anything that explains what the BMC get out of it, presumably a %age of all sales? Anyone prepared to divulge the details?

The financial mechanics of the arrangement are commercially sensitive but to quote what I said on UKC:

In answer to curious speculation that there isn’t a licence fee attached to this partnership I can assure you that yes of course there is and that it is a very healthy sum to boot. The specific amount of the licence fee is confidential for what I hope are obvious reasons but it is a sum that reflects the high value that Cotswolds puts on this relationship and the high value that the BMC Executive places on the prestige attached to our endorsement, which by the way we have no hesitation in making - Cotswold's offering closely matches that of our members activities and they have great emphasis on customer service.

No organisation is 100% perfect (I know we arent !) but my recent experience is that Cotswolds is a great organisation run by nice people and is continually striving to be even better. The BMC has a longstanding relationship with Cotswolds stemming back 20 years from when it was much smaller and Jerry Gore was Marketing Director and it is fantastic that it has culminated in this new Partnership.

By buying through Cotswolds and Snow & Rock with a discount you are also supporting the BMC finances (at a tricky time) and all the good work that is done with the money - and get a discount and special promotions. I think it is nice that hard working volunteers get a small thank you for their great work with a permanent 20% discount. The better our finances the more potential we have to do the range of work representing the interests of climbers and hillwalkers.


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" by nice people.." Sorry Simon, I'd not considered that .. not like those smelly Indy types and Moshers. I'm sorry, but I think this reads like so much barefaced spin. I'm starting to feel really guilty that I don't buy my coffee from Oxfam, failing to support all the valuable work their wonderful staff do. Shit, thinking about it, I better check out Coka-Cola's commercial partnerships. It's getting really difficult to work out which saintly organisation to support.. Sorry, that's not fair; no organisation is 100% perfect. I'm concerned with where money doesn't go, where support is inadvertently or otherwise withdrawn. This is starting to sound rather like The Great and The Good vs the little people.


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Based on a quick look at Cotswolds rockshoe prices I suspect that most decent independents won't have much to worry about after this initial 20% discount honeymoon period is over. It's basically paying for advertising space isn't it, in a nutshell? I suspect most people will see it for what it is.

I really hope the ones moaning about this aren't also the same ones who were moaning about the Climb Britain/vote of no confidence/governance this which directly or indirectly has/will lead to the BMC losing funding, which makes deals like this necessary in the first place.

On the HitchNHike thing, i'm amazed they kept going as long as they have since they had little to no real presence in the climbing scene or culture compared to other local shops, not an amazing location or building, little to no social media or marketing going on, and always had a website that looked 10yrs behind the times. Did the caving market was propping them up a bit? I suspect for climbing and walking gear their main competition was Outside rather than big national chains.


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On the HitchNHike thing, i'm amazed they kept going as long as they have since they had little to no real presence in the climbing scene or culture compared to other local shops, not an amazing location or building, little to no social media or marketing going on, and always had a website that looked 10yrs behind the times. Did the caving market was propping them up a bit? I suspect for climbing and walking gear their main competition was Outside rather than big national chains.

I guess, she told me they kept the caving equivalent of a new routes book, I started picturing the old Stoney café for a few moments...

Their lease is up and there's new legislation governing data protection coming into force this autumn which will drive up costs significantly to run online shopping, probably a much greater proportionate cost to smaller shops.

Paul, that's just taking the mickey out of the retailer/staff, shameful.


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The new data protection regs come into force in May next year, and I can't imagine them being financially onnerous on any online shop unless their current setup is a shambles. All businesses, organisations, schools, councils, charities etc are having to deal with it. Unless your data is currently in a dire situation the main change is everything is "opt in" on the part of the customer rather than opt out. So shops can't by default just send out sales mailshots to everyone, only customers who've specifically opted in for that. Or at least that's my understanding of it, bearing in mind I don't work in retail and haven't actually read the entire regs in detail.


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The financial mechanics of the arrangement are commercially sensitive but to quote what I said on UKC:

Thanks Shark, I missed that on the other channel


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In my humble opinion the fate of  independant shops in many areas of business lies with the suppliers and business owners working together. We need suppliers that offer a fair or even better deal to independents and owners who deliberately favour those suppliers who care about them. This seems like an obvious strategy I know but it's amazing how many businesses I see who let large suppliers bully them around. Sorry for going off piste and having a rant!

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