UKB Power Club Week 359 8th January 2016 - 15th January 2017 (Read 15405 times)


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Mon: evening route session
Tue evening route session
Wed run
Thu big route session
Fri easy routes
Sat yoga, routes
Sun Turbo session x 2. 20 routes as wrist rehab

Wrist sore. Climbing is in bad shape. Booked a flight to Majorca for a road cycling holiday! :-) Did some core training at home as well, which was fun.


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2017 goals - 8a/+ redpoints, 7c onsight, E5 OS, E6 HP, 7C.

Mon -
AM - Yoga class. Dismayed to hear we'd be taking it easy but turned out to be pretty hard at times.
PM - FB base session 1 (about same as session 6 of previous block)

Tue -
AM - garage bouldering, moving holds around and setting.  Set a cool new finish for AnCap circuit
        shoulder weights/rehab

PM  HI AeroCap - bafflingly I've suddenly gone quickly backward on this

Eve - 30 mins home yoga

Wed - nowt

Thu -
AM - Foundry.  Arrived to find Furnace closed so couldn't do AeroPow on autobelays  :furious:
Bouldered to work out suitable problems for 2nd AeroPow sessions starting next week. About 10 level 2s.
Found a partner for routes and was handed a complete spanking.  Good to know where I'm at though.
Straight from Foundry to massage which was the most painful yet.  Won't be training beforehand again. Yet more corrective exercises to build into the week

Home yoga eve. Deep stretch relaxation.

Fri -
AM -4x10 mins LI AeroCap. 5x6b+, 5x6b+, 5x6c, 6x5+
Eve - 40 mins Home yoga
shoulder correction.

Sat - just the new daily LI shoulder correction stuff.

AM -
Took all the big footholds off my board. 
Tried my new AnCap circuit.
Put some new footholds back on...

FB base session 2. Improvement on last time.

PM - shoulder weights workout.


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STG: Re-plan spring sport targets given Spain climbing partner fail.
MTG (Spring 2017): Redpoint 7b
LTG (<= 5 years): Redpoint 8a before I hit 60.

T:   Boulderwelt with M jnr. A token attempt at a once a week strength maintenance session while I'm mainly working endurance. Not much strength in evidence though unfortunately.
W: Half an hour shoulder rehab
T: Beastmaker max hangs - more successful attempt at a strength maintenance session.
S: Wall, Thalkirchen. A dozen routes up to around onsight (6b+) level plus some practice falls. Good session with a mate I haven't seen since September.
S: Boulderwelt with M jnr & friend. Mostly coaching / encouraging /spotting the kids youth, but also made a few moves progress on a couple of projects, surprisingly. I was expecting to be more tired from yesterday; endurance & stamina appear to be improving yyfy. Rounded off with 20 minutes of one on, one off on the circuit board as recommended in Tom'n'Ollie's latest movie. Surprisingly exhausting overall even though I wasn't getting pumped on the individual rounds. (I wasn't supposed to be was I?)


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Rounded off with 20 minutes of one on, one off on the circuit board as recommended in Tom'n'Ollie's latest movie. Surprisingly exhausting overall even though I wasn't getting pumped on the individual rounds. (I wasn't supposed to be was I?)

You're supposed to end up pumped but not to failure, kind of in the moderate-high zone.
From memory the acid-test is that if you were to repeat your circuit 3 times in a row you'd be completely boxed. 


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M Wave at lunchtime where I spent most of the time trying and failing to do the crux of the black at the right hand side. A few level 2s then I jumped off from about a foot high at the end and my back went into spasm. I'm usually very carfeful about this and I always downclimb. Twat. Started the high strength prescription codeine
T Lots of codeine and found some great stretches on (really) which helped massively. Did lots of them taking a long time.
W more codeine and stretching and managed to do 10 easy routes toproped at the gym in poor style as I didnt want to stretch too much
T No codeine.  More stretching and did an hour in the shed in the evening for a bit of power.
S Quick Burbage North hit. A lot of it was wet or to hot. I wanted to do In Plain sight but the top was wet
S Kettlebells and core stuff at the gym. Bit of Bulgarian at the end, even some rope juggling (or whatever its called) stuff

Day 15 of Dry January. I haven't weighed myself but I know I've lost weight. Not a great week after last week, but at least I'm climbing again.


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Hope the back gets better Dolly :( mine is restricting my climbing frequency at the moment...


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Good winter bouldering season,
8A (Hunters Roof? Full Power?)and 8b by next June
In shape for SA next summer.

Body Audit: Shoulder okish. Middle finger LH seems to be a collateral tweak, had almost 2 weeks off now (2nd enforced through illness) mummified it and climbed today, seemed ok.
Sleep: loads of time in bed, but up a lot coughing etc.

M: nowt, ill. (6~hrs)
T: nowt, ill, off work.  (~6hrs)
W: nowt, ill. (~4hrs)
T: nowt, ill, shouldn't have gone to work. (~9hrs)
F: nowt, ill, off work. Feeling slightly better. (~8hrs)
S: nowt, ill, did cbt though. Felt ruined in eve, bailed home early from dinner. (~8 hrs)
S: still fucking ill, mostly cough now. Went to wall to chat and revise for bike theory, couldn't bear it any longer and ended up going round the blues from yesterday's comp, think dropped 12 pts, 8 of which were from a stupid mistake when I kicked my hand off. Finger seemed ok, so pretty happy with that, especially considering the state I'm in. (~7 hrs)

Still got the cough now, and being constantly run down means I've acquired a most attractive coldsore. Generally fucked off with the whole business. Light though!

67kg. (but prob not in a good way)


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"Furnace closed so couldn't do AeroPow on autobelays":

Ian what protocol do you use to do this?

Luke Owens

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M: Lunch - 50 Crunches
30 Side plank raises (15 each side)
5 x 5sec L-hangs
3 x 10 Knee raises
3 x 10 Dorsal raises (+5kg)
5 x 5sec L-hangs
50 Crunches

Eve: Cold water treatment on both hands - 20mins

T: Lunch - Max weight narrow pinch
Repeated the below for both arms, 1 min between reps
Pinch strength seems completely equal on both arms as all max efforts were identical...strange
R1: 10s - 10kg
R2: 10s - 15kg
R3: 10s - 17.5kg
R4: 10s - 17.5kg
R5: 10s - 18.5kg
R6: 10s - 19kg
R7: 7s - 20kg

Eve - Plas Power - 3 x 5 min on 5 min off LI-AeroCap

Deadhangs - ~25mm edge
2 mins between hangs
5 x 10 sec Open hand
2 x 8 sec Half crimp

15 mins limit bouldering on pinches and slopers

AnCap - 8 reps x 15 moves (3 mins rest between reps, 2 mins rest before rep 8 )
Powered out on move 11 of rep 8, need to make the circuit slightly harder next time

W: Lunch - 50 Crunches (+5kg)
30 Side plank raises (15 each side)
5 x 5sec L-hangs
2 x 10 Widescreen wipers
3 x 10 Dorsal raises (+5kg)
5 x 5sec L-hangs
2 x 10 Widescreen wipers
50 Crunches (+5kg)

Eve: Cold water treatment on both hands - 20mins

T: Lunch - Max weight narrow pinch
Repeated the below for both arms, 1 min between reps
R1: 10s - 12.5kg
R2: 10s - 15kg
R3: 10s - 17.5kg
R4: 10s - 19kg
R5: 10s - 20kg
R6: 10s - 20kg
R7: 10s - 20kg

Eve: Drove most of the way to the wall but snow too bad in the car, drove home, doned some wellies and ran 2 miles to Plas Power.

3 x 5 mins on 5 min off LI-AeroCap

Deadhangs - ~25mm edge
2 mins between hangs
3 x 10 sec Open hand
Half Crimp - 7s, 10s, 8s

Limit bouldering on slopers and pinches for 20 mins.

AeroPow - 30 moves (~80s) x 8 reps (80s rest between reps)
Had to tweak the circuit "on the fly" to get the intensity right, basicly all on jugs on the circuit board. Got a good circuit for next time. Need to slow down too.

2 mile walk home.

F: Lunch - 50 Crunches (+5kg)
30 Side plank raises (15 each side)
5 x 5sec L-hangs
3 x 10 Dorsal raises (+5kg)
5 x 5sec L-hangs
50 Crunches (+5kg)

S: Rest - (~6hrs)

S: Deadhangs - 15 min warm up on random hangs
1. 20mm Edge (3 Finger open hand) - 3 x 7s on, 53s off
2. 30' slopers - 3 x 7s on, 53s off (-2.5kg)
3. 30mm edge (Half crimp) - 3 x 7s on, 53s off
3 mins rest between sets

Eccentrics: Palms-Up Curls - 3 x 15 (8kg), Pronator Teres - 3 x 15 (2kg)

James Malloch

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STG: Keep up with finger physio and set training plan up for the next 3 months (plus keep to it).

MTG: Get reacquainted with the Yorkshire Limestone this spring/summer. Go for volume rather than projects and try to tick off as many 7a/b at various crags. Once finger is better do some benchmarking and tailor training based on results.

LTG (4 years): The Groove at Malham.

Mon 9th: Went for a run and did some stretching. Run was only 3k but I'm slowly getting back into it following injury last year. First one for a while without any pain but it was slow (5:50/km). Would love to get back to a c.20m 5k this year but I doubt it'll happen unfortunately. Lots of stretching after this which need to do more regularly.

Tue 10th: Evening at Leeds Wall with the Leeds Mountaineering Club. Really nice bunch of people and I'm looking forward to getting involved with them this year. The aim of this session (as well as climbing) was to test my finger out ahead of a Physio session the following day. I confirmed crimping hurts and sensibly avoided all but the nicest. Did quite a few steep routes which I was happy with, noting too hard (up to 6c+). Good to keep up a bit of stamina on that terrain whilst being on finger friendly holds.

Wed 11th: Had a physio session with a finger specialist in North Leeds. I was a little apprehensive at first but it was a hugely positive hour. Largely good news as my pulleys seem to be operating okay which is what I thought was the problem.

I've some swelling above and below my PIP joint which she believed was actually scar tissue build up which is in turn causing abrasion and pain to my FDS tendon where it joins above the PIP joint, and where the FDP tendon passes through it.

The treatment is a number of isolation exercises to target those areas to try and break down the tissue and stretch/strengthen the FDS/FDP tendons. Hopefully it does the trick.

Thur 12th: Yoga class in the evening.

Fri 13th: Few glasses of wine.

Sat 14th: Day out walking in the lakes. Up Coniston old man and along the tops. Lovely day with great views. Need to get fitter for steep walking!!!

Sun 15th: Day of visiting family and some DIY bits.

Again, not a great week climbing wise with only one session but I'm pleased to have a professional diagnosis for my finger which should hopefully start to get better over the next 4 weeks before my follow-up appointment. I'm off to the depot tonight and Leeds wall tomorrow so it'll be interesting to see how it goes. Whilst I'm only 5 days into the exercises I've been doing them 5-6 times a day and it's feeling a little better / less sore already. Probably a placebo but who knows.

Hopefully the next few days will give me an idea of where I'm at and I can start to train again in the next week or two. Got a holiday that will involve a few days of climbing in 2 months so it would nice to be in okay form for that.


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STG: board campaign. mod Yorkshire classics.
MTG: hard Yorkshire classics

T: 30 board. Making up some good new projects. Although struggling to find something that takes more than two sessions. Reasonable session.
W: core and deadlifts
T: 50 board. Finished off some moderates I've been trying, good progress on some of the harder stuff. Good session.
S: Barden Fell. Big day out with clear blue skies. Didn't try anything hard/new.
S: 50 board. Achey shoulders/back from (carrying pads? on) Saturday. Mainly trying hard 1-4 move sequences on new holds. Okay session.


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Achey shoulders/back from (carrying pads? on) Saturday.


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M - Foundry lunch. Recovery (general moving around)
T - Max hangs. 5 x 10 secs half crimp +25kg. Didn't do middle two as still tired from weekend. P.M. Run.
W - rest!
T - Lattice. 88, then 20 mins rest, 66, 66, 31 with rest periods same as climbing time. Apparently I have good AnCap achieving 75% of initial rep on 3rd rep. P.M. Ran home.
F - A.M. Ran to work. Lunch - a few autobelays up to 7a.
S - wimped out of climbing outside. P.M. 1-hr homeboard bouldering.
S - Works comp wall. 2.5hrs. Beasted.


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STG: Fix elbow, get fit and strong
MTG: More 7B+

M: Squash, beat housemate
T: Wall, good session considering amount of time off
W: 5-a-side footie, knackered
T: Wall, average session
F: Drive North
S: Barden Fell with 36C, glorious weather. Galaxy 3rd go (have tried it before):

Got close on Mcnab but bitterly cold by the time I was trying that.
S: Wet. Drove down to Stoney, tried Slopey Sidepull and Lucian's Undercut. Was a bit damp and not the sticky kind so called it a day and drove home.

Elbow a bit tweaky but not too bad. Physio booked for 27th and then I'm off for three weeks on a diving trip so hopefully will have some good rehab to do then.


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M: Bike commute, plus first go on freshly installed home Beastmaker1000, following "5A" routine from phone app. Bit surprised that the latest version of the app has 2 sets as default (each set being 7 reps of 6 hold types). Nearly managed to finish it but failed on 2-finger hangs on 2nd set. This is brilliant as it gives huge room for improvement, without being stupidly hard.
T: V short bouldering session at village wall to see how arms felt after BM. Ok, despite trembly triceps.
W: Bike commute, added screws to BM mounting board to remove worrying flex.
T: BM 5A - only one set as failed on 2-finger hangs. Probably not recovered from first go so decided to be sensible
F: Lunch session at wall. Warmed up on bouldering wall then did a few laps on autobelays. Pumped on easy routes.
S: V easy run with reluctant daughter. Nice to be out.
S: Local bouldering comp. First time it's been held by a new club in the area so went along to see their wall and support the initiative - good fun, "contest" format. Did 38 out of 45 problems

Good week. Knee still limiting for certain moves, RH tendons aching a bit, probably from BM 2-finger pockets plus comp) so will ease of a bit this week.

nik at work

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Went to wall to chat and revise for bike theory,
Sounds similar to my revision tactics, good luck with it (you'll piss it)


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STG: Secret winter goal - first need a winter. Send existing projs at Crag X (NI), G.Orme, Gideon.
MTG: first 8b+ (Mecca), spring. Develop routes at Mega Crag X. (spring-summer). Send proj on L.Orme. (late summer)
LTG: 8c, by June 2018

Week in Cogne, introducing my gf to ice-climbing for the first time.

M. Valnontey. Climbed Acheronte. Gf's first ever ice climb, got 250 metres up the 300m route. Slow descent due to 50m ropes being too short on a couple of the abseils. A good 'in at the deep end' experience for her, hard work for me.
T. Vallielle in the morning to do El Tutto Relativo. Cascade de Lillaz first pitch in the afternoon, funky conditions, great fun.
W. Finished the rest of Cascade Lillaz. Could climb this route every year and never get bored.
T. Moline mixed crag in the morning, did a couple of laps on the middle mixed line (pic). Drove over to Valsavaranche in the afternoon, went to the Haston Cave to pay homage to the legend! Did a couple of short mixed lines not on the topo. Heavy snow all night.
F. Drove down to Gressoney valley to search for safe routes after the dump of snow. Waded in balls deep powder almost to the start of Cascata Della Ciampa then turned around. Tried a couple of the mixed routes at Lysbalma but the ice wasn't in. Unproductive day but good to see a new valley with lots of cool lines.
S. Flew home from Milan.
S. Fingerboard. 6 x 10secs with 14Kg on AAA battery-reduced BM2k slots (20mm).

A brill week that's got me fired up for more euro mixed and ice. Always a tough choice in winter for me whether to train for rock, go bouldering, go to Scotland mixed climbing, or go euro mixed climbing. First world problem.


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Apparently I have good AnCap achieving 75% of initial rep on 3rd rep.

According to my assessment feedback that rep tells you your AeroCap and the final (5th?) rep of that block gives your AnCap?  AnCap score should be somewhere around 30% iiirc.


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W. Finished the rest of Cascade Lillaz. Could climb this route every year and never get bored.

Really nice one. I think I climbed it in 2000 probably... Getting old


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STG: structured training
MTG: climb stuff

M: little time, so.. dumbbell complex (cleans, press, squat) x8. deadlifts 5x10
T: board climbing
W: push ups, tuck planche, L-sits
T: fb. weighted hangs
F-S: Moving stuff around
S: board climbing with friends. Fun and hard session.


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"Furnace closed so couldn't do AeroPow on autobelays":

Ian what protocol do you use to do this?

Sorry I missed you on Thursday, Toby. Meant to come say hello properly then was suddenly running late.

It's a base phase exercise so higher volume at a relatively low grade, basically double laps of something just below onsight grade with 10-15 mins between sets.  Routes in there suit me though so I might try adding a third rep in to get the move count and pump rate up.


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Apparently I have good AnCap achieving 75% of initial rep on 3rd rep.

According to my assessment feedback that rep tells you your AeroCap and the final (5th?) rep of that block gives your AnCap?  AnCap score should be somewhere around 30% iiirc.

Yes I noted Shark said the same in a previous post. It's not what others who've been tested have said though and would seem counterintuitive (I'm not very fit but PE has always been a natural strength). :-\


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Same for me, Aero Cap

"An indicator of good aerobic capacity is being able to beat your 75% on your second attempt." was what my assessment said

I, did not....

You say you beat yours on your 3rd rep, so there might be something different there.

Surprised there is not a specific Lattice thread on here or UKC

Apparently I have good AnCap achieving 75% of initial rep on 3rd rep.

According to my assessment feedback that rep tells you your AeroCap and the final (5th?) rep of that block gives your AnCap?  AnCap score should be somewhere around 30% iiirc.

Yes I noted Shark said the same in a previous post. It's not what others who've been tested have said though and would seem counterintuitive (I'm not very fit but PE has always been a natural strength). :-\


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I wasn't trying to beat it on my 2nd attempt. I was just trying to do 75% of max on my second and subsequent attempts (rest period same as climbing time). Clearly something has been lost in translation.


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Went to wall to chat and revise for bike theory,
Sounds similar to my revision tactics, good luck with it (you'll piss it)
Cheers Nik


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