The Peak Bouldering Guides a bit vague about this one. Are there designated footholds like for Quent's Dyno? And is it meant to go to the break or to the sloper??? any info on what footholds are good would be much appreciated :
it goes to the big spikey jug - there are designated footholds (apparently it's much easier if you use anything - I've not done it but dave wil give you the knowledge when he sees this I expect
kim i think you are thinking of Quents not george's wall.
Are there designated footholds like for Quent's Dyno?
Also anyone claiming one arm bandit with there feet in the break can get there tippex out cos it uses the two shit polished thin edges above the break.
low cluster of knobbles for right outside edge, and the pollished crack edge level with this for left foot.
i've always done YA starting at the jug flake, double to opposing sides of the block, then double for top. feet on smears. seen some do it missing the block sidepulls, which seems to be missing the point!