Not sure about the endurance/recruitment debate but I can confirm they're particularly effective at producing rotator-cuff strains/inflammation if done when fatigued after a long training session.
I've tried doing 4 hangs instead of 7 and quite like it - can use notably worse holds and it does feel more strength based than 7rep repeaters, especially if you're not using long-ish rests for the 7 rep ones.. Not being doing them long enough to know if it's working well or not in terms of getting stronger.
Anyone know what the Rich Simpson method is mentioned in an above post. ive had a google but not sure ive got the right info.
I have got results by just selecting a variety of fingerholds/combos that I could scarcely hold or hold up to 3 secs. I then ordered then in difficulty and have 5 goes at each but not getting hung up about timing between goes or rests and try to beat the best hangs from the previous session (I just count in my head so not very scientific). At the end I do a set of 30 sec hangs on the minute for endurance.
Jeff,Sepico, of this parish and the other channel, who seems to be well informed on training, seems to hold Horst in very low regard so I'd get abit more info before following any of his training plans.
Thanks for this Simon. 3 secs seems more the time duration for each 'rep' that im looking for. (or think im looking for but maybe im biased). Ill do sets of these on a variety of gripsInteresting that you work some endurance on the same session. - Any thoughts on working Power on the same session? - or even straight after each strength exercise like Eric Horst recomends and calls 'complex training'?Thanks
....working bigger muscles Serpico tells me elicits a greater hormonal response that in turn stimulates greater adaptation even if the larger muscle group worked is the legs !