the shizzle => sponsors => Topic started by: Nails on December 19, 2013, 08:40:19 pm

Title: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Nails on December 19, 2013, 08:40:19 pm
Just to introduce myself, my real name is Hugh (and yes I am posh). You may have heard that Podsacs ( has changed ownership recently. It is now owned by Planet X the online sales Sheffield based bike maker. Well I'm in charge of Podsacs on behalf of Planet X. We met Shark today and he easily convinced us of the wisdom of becoming a UKB sponsor.

To dispel the odd rumour that I've seen flying about the Internet, we're not about to close Podsacs down or stop making climbing stuff. That would be more than a little bit daft. Plans are afoot to introduce new products, though obviously there will be a short delay whilst we design and make them.

A bit of background on me; I am a climber and have been for nearly 30 years. My level and activity has declined somewhat with the arrival of small children. However, at some point very soon I will rise phoenix like and climb something in the mid-grades.

Anyway, moving on , and before this becomes an essay; our Winter Sale, 30% Off Everything, Free Delivery On Everything:

Merry Xmas (

Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Paul B on December 19, 2013, 08:49:16 pm
Any chance of reinstating the super tear drop?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Nails on December 19, 2013, 09:01:08 pm
There's actually been quite a bit of discussion on this on our FB page ( on both the Super TearDrop and the EscapePod. I think there's a very good chance of us relaunching one of these but probably not both. Always interested to hear peoples' thoughts.

Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: underground on December 20, 2013, 01:51:34 am
Both, and the Teardrop... and the chalkbags please, all made to original (pre- Pete retiring) specs. Escape Pod is the best climbing sac I've ever owned, the Teardrop is used daily and has everything anyone ever needed from a non-technical daily sac, and the Super Teardrop is a perfect daysac. Black Ice for alpine, etc etc. I have an original Cragsac circa. 1995 and it's immaculate, all every cragging climber ever needed. No-one needs 5000 different stuffsacs, or a bag to shit in, or a drybag to put their first aid kit in, Alpkit do all them and don't charge a fiver to post... I'll know which bag contains my waste. vs. my sleeping bag or first aid kit FFS. None of this os your fault of course but I hope you trim the range and concentrate on important stuff

Podsacs was all about well designed bags for climbing and or lasting for years and I suppose the lasting for years is not in the interests of profit but it was the modus operandi. One thing I can't comment on is the fabric - so if the new ripstop cordura is as durable as the stuff my sacs are made of, then I stand to be corrected.

I want to buy a Super Teardrop for my wife but instead I look at the Outside or other websites and it's all Osprey or Lowe (another Equipe brand now I think) and it's all stupidly expensive, lightweight, covered in fastex bollocks. I just want a proper rucksack that's going to last without it being covered in plastic.

I'm in the market for 2 Carbon 456 frames and if you do all of the above I'll order immediately  ;)

My vote would be for the Super Teardrop in 3 back sizes,or a men/women selection, although I'd lament the demise of the Escape Pod and everything else.

Am aside:

My Cragsac was almost gifted to me by the guys at Don Morrison, when it was feasible for a proper climbing shop to exist on the 'wrong' bit of London Road in Sheffield - I was 15, came in asking about stuff I'd seen in the Field and Trek and Cotswold catalogues (free of charge btw but back then you could actually buy them in WH Smith - the same went for Ron Kitching for bicycles)
I First went in there for a harness (my dad's plumber's 'shop' was bang opposite) and the only one I could afford was a 'Faces' swami - i.e the one you tied a bit of tape through the lopos on in a sling knot to form the tie-in point. They gave me the one with a proper buckle instead. And a big stack of High and Mountain magazines....Went in asking for some sort of Karrimor rucksack, and as well as the big pile of magazines, after a while of waiting till it was made, I came away with a Podsacs Cragsacs - the one I mentioned earlier and still in full battle order... And I don't think it even cost trade price as it's a very long time ago.

Similar situation a few years later, in Rock + Run on Devonshire Street in Sheffield - Simon Berry being the legend he was sold me a good set of leading gear, for more than I could afford. All this is what enabled me to climb, and get out of a very dull, bullied, boring childhood and get to where I am now, which is pretty bloody happy. A few years later I came back to RnR with a leaky jacket and Si sorted it, and gave me a job - and although it wasn't a high point, I had a really happy couple of years working with amazing people and climbing in every spare moment, and loving every minute.

I reckon that, importantly, all of Sheff's climbers who had a lunch break or the time, came into that shop every week - and the regulars always knew they'd get 10% discount from the people who knew them- again, bad for profit, but, they came in day after day, spending. I met all my climbing heroes and became friendly with them in those 2 years too... well - UK ones anyway. Except Jasper and the old school buggers who didn't work or shop in Sheff, anyway.

In the end everyone moved on, the rent was up, doubled, and the shop was closed. Now a Subway.

I know those days are long gone, but I'd urge those who are taking over the seminal brands to have a think....

Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 20, 2013, 08:30:39 am
If I remember correctly I thought that in the 90s pod would make you a rucksack to fit your exact back measurements, made to measure. Dod they still do this?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: fatboySlimfast on December 20, 2013, 10:42:54 am
I have 2 super teardrops, the first was made in '93 and my brother is stil using it and the fabric and zips and staps etc are all functioning well and holding up. the 2nd was around 2005/6 and still looks good and works( works!)
Pod made a limted range with gimmicks kept to a minimum and qualit sky high, interestingly a load of his innovations were copied by the big boys, usually badly.

I worked with UG(when he actually got up!) and echo the same sentiments.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Nails on December 21, 2013, 11:23:52 am
Thanks for all the input. I would have replied earlier, but I'm currently in Dinorwig with no decent mobile signal. I've had to go to the Caban to get Wi-Fi. I'd forgotten how nice the Caban is incidentally. Anyway, to return a few comments, it is profoundly in our interests to produce kit that lasts forever. As far as we're concerned that's at the heart of the Podsacs brand. It's that reputation that we've bought into and that we very much intend to continue. It's good to know that Podsacs still produces such strong opinions about packs made 20 years ago. It's confirmed what I already thought about the EscapePod and the Super TearDrop. I'd like to know whether people thought there were any improvements that could be made. Also, it might not matter to the die-hard functionalist but what do people think about such fripperies as the colours of the packs. We may have to make some more contemporary colours if we're also going to appeal to people who aren't coming from a background of having loved these packs from back in the day.

One other thing. We will definitely trim the range in some directions, but expand it in others. I'm currently trying to absorb as much as possible of any feedback I can get. Thanks again for your thoughts.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 21, 2013, 01:21:18 pm
Any plans to expand into reasonably priced crag/mountain camera rucksacs?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Johnny Brown on December 21, 2013, 03:25:13 pm
Now there's an idea.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: tomtom on December 21, 2013, 04:07:24 pm
Just ordered one of their large bouldering mats.

Bargain at £99... it may not be the best specced (foam/size etc..) but given the price of foam its a great deal at that price.. judging by their website there was still loads of stock left...

Any new people to bouldering looking to shell out for a first pad, you could do alot worse than this for the money...
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 21, 2013, 04:11:56 pm
I think I'm going to get another large pod and stick it in storage to my current one runs out. Great mat, the only weakness being the velcro that holds the shoulder straps in place isn't really strong enough to hold them on if you load the mat up with an additional small pod mat inside it (which fair enough its totally not designed for). I get around that by using an old random strap round the velcro bit to secure it.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: webbo on December 21, 2013, 04:27:13 pm
I also purchased one of their large pads. At this rate they'll be already making a profit from their sponsorship.
They should start discounting their bikes and wheels on here. Hint,hint.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Dolly on December 21, 2013, 05:13:19 pm
Me too re the pad.
Does it go black side down ? seems wrong as the stiffer foam is on the black side ?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 21, 2013, 05:29:27 pm
Stiffest layer should be on the outside, i.e. the blue side is the side you land on. At least thats how mine is.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Dolly on December 21, 2013, 06:31:35 pm
MMm the stiffest foam on mine is on the black side for some reason
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 21, 2013, 06:48:14 pm
You'll just have to fall onto it from below then.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: tomtom on December 21, 2013, 08:45:53 pm
Erm open it up and swap em around?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: duncan on December 21, 2013, 08:57:31 pm
Hugh, as a once and future POD customer:

A return to simple and bombproof sounds good to me. Everything Osprey isn't.
I'd like a teardrop to replace the one that got nicked recently. It was showing no sign of wearing out after 15 years.

Groovy colours are tricky in rucksacks. A lime green or Moroccan blue anorak (take a bow Rab and Montane) will wear out well before the colours become as deeply unfashionable as turquoise and purple are now. A (pod) rucksack is expected to last, so it seems sensible to err on the conservative. The prehistoric bird lot seem to know what they are doing with this.

Is Pete still involved in any way?
How are you planning to sell the sacs? Through shops or mail-order only?
Where will you be manufacturing? A return to the UK would be a strong differentiator from 'the pack!'
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Paul B on December 21, 2013, 10:37:15 pm
Any plans to expand into reasonably priced crag/mountain camera rucksacs?

BOOM! Three buyers it would seem.

It's quite impressive/promising to have a dialogue with a manufacturer on a forum in this way (IMO).
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Nails on December 22, 2013, 08:34:07 pm
Back online and taking it all onboard.  Currently sat using wifi in the Heights which is almost empty (Sunday pre Xmas). It's looking way better than the last time I came in though. They've done a really nice job with it.

There's quite a lot of questions in there so I'll do my best to answer them:

1. No, at present we don't custom make packs to fit.

2. I like the idea of the camera bags and will definitely investigate that further.

3. We weren't really thinking of groovy colours for new packs but perhaps slightly more adventurous than the existing ones in the older range. What do people make of the blue and orange in the newer Alpine range?

4. I'm totally in to the idea of making "simple, bombproof" kit. That's the reputation that Podsacs has and that's where we want to go with it.

5. Personally, I like the idea of manufacturing in the UK and will investigate the possibility.  Whether the economics actually stack up and produce packs at a price that customers still want to buy is the key question. Ultimately, there is a reason why many firms move production elsewhere.

6. Podsacs is now part of Planet X, and as such is firmly committed to online direct sales, though we will maintain some retailers. What you can expect of us is that we will maintain/improve the quality and also reduce the price. This may sound too good to be true but direct sales makes that entirely achievable.

I'd like to thank people for their input and the general air of positivity and constructive feedback.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: petejh on December 22, 2013, 09:17:32 pm
I've got a pod alpine 30 (or 40, can't remember) pack, very good. I use it for just about everything - rock and mixed climbing and everything else. Orange or blue colours are fine with me, I quite like the orange. The plastic buckles get crushed/snap/break - change them for metal 'fast' buckles, much better. The removable lid is v.useful, as is the floating lid - essential in winter to accommodate extra stuff without crushing lunch in the top flap.

A 10 or 15 litre super-light bullet pack would be nice, for doing multi-pitche routes where you walk off past the gearing-up spot.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: SA Chris on December 22, 2013, 09:43:28 pm
Any plans to expand into reasonably priced crag/mountain camera rucksacs?

BOOM! Three buyers it would seem.

It's quite impressive/promising to have a dialogue with a manufacturer on a forum in this way (IMO).

Yup and yup. Pref one that doesn't turn upside down all the time like my current one (U guess it's a throwback from when camera bodies were a bit lighter)
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: webbo on December 24, 2013, 07:48:21 pm
MMm the stiffest foam on mine is on the black side for some reason
So was mine, also wrapped in plastic. Swopped the foam round, should I remove the plastic?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: tomtom on December 24, 2013, 07:56:03 pm
I would.. Makes it less sweaty when you lie on it ;) more sherioushly, placcy may stop foam getting damp but also stop it drying if it gets wet. Removing it will also make the two layers grip each other more if that is favourable.. *shrugs*
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 24, 2013, 07:57:27 pm
I think they put the placcy round to make it easier to get into the cover.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 24, 2013, 08:27:26 pm
OK my mat arrived today, and like Dolly's the foam is in the wrong way round. Not a big problem to rectify, except that being stored folded backwards seems to have left the thicker foam at the fold line stretched wafer thin, leaving a really thin line down the middle of the mat which feels like it hardly got any padding, in stark contrast to my 2 yr old pod in the car boot which feels fine in comparison.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: webbo on December 24, 2013, 08:42:48 pm
If I was suspicious like and had been posting on the Godskins thread. I might speculate that they've got 30% off cos they've got a load of pads that the Saturday lad shoved the foam in the wrong way round. :spank:
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: tomtom on December 24, 2013, 09:01:06 pm

OK my mat arrived today, and like Dolly's the foam is in the wrong way round. Not a big problem to rectify, except that being stored folded backwards seems to have left the thicker foam at the fold line stretched wafer thin, leaving a really thin line down the middle of the mat which feels like it hardly got any padding, in stark contrast to my 2 yr old pod in the car boot which feels fine in comparison.

Leave both bits of foam outside the outer for a few days and it will expand (hopefully) back to its former state...
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 24, 2013, 09:03:29 pm
Aye Im gonna leave it flat to see if it springs back. Probably depends on just how long its been stored the wrong way round.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Nails on December 24, 2013, 09:25:03 pm
Hi Dave, this is the first I've heard of this. It certainly sounds like you are correct about the foam being the wrong way round. I will check all the stock we have. We didn't pack these ourselves but received them pre-filled from the previous owners. My apologies for any inconvenience. We do operate a 28 day returns policy so if you feel that the mat is not up to scratch you always have this option as long as it's unused and has original packaging.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on December 24, 2013, 09:34:44 pm
Nice one, I'll give it a couple of days and see how it looks. I would expect the thick foam to spring back, be interesting to see if it leaves a permanent fold in the hard layer.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Dolly on December 24, 2013, 10:21:18 pm
So what do I do then ?
Im easily confused with technical stuff like a mat (and I may have been on the santa juice)
Do I leave it for a bit then swap the layers round ?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on January 06, 2014, 02:22:57 pm
I took mine back today as being folded the wrong way (and presumably stored that way in a warehouse for a while) left the foam with a distinct weak soft line along the fold, even after being left unfolded in my kitchen for a week. Hopefully the replacement when it comes will be all gravy.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Johnny Brown on January 06, 2014, 02:41:11 pm
I got one of the smaller ones on the one-day deal over xmas, and happily the foam was correctly inserted.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: fatneck on January 07, 2014, 09:14:09 am
So just to clarify, I should be aiming to land on the outside of the pad so the inside goes face down? In which case, the foam on mine is also the wrong way round...?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on January 07, 2014, 09:54:35 am
Yeah inside face down, you land on the side with the shoulder straps on, which should be the hard layer of foam, with the softer thicker layer underneath.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: fatneck on January 07, 2014, 10:12:41 am
I'll be swapping the foam round tonight then.. Cheers Dave! (and Slackers on Twitter...)
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Nails on January 07, 2014, 11:04:26 am
Hi Dave,

I've got the Pad you returned in front of me now. I can see the issue you are talking about with the crease. I suspect this would disappear with a bit of use, though obviously we have no problem with you returning it. I've done as much checking as possible of what's gone out. It seems like just a handful that have the foam packed the wrong way round. I'm going over to the warehouse now to see if I can get a replacement. We haven't got much stock left so if there's not a good one I'll sort a refund.

My apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks for your feedback and patience. I'll send something out as recompense for your trouble.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: shark on January 07, 2014, 11:07:17 am
Hi Dave,

I've got the Pad you returned in front of me now. I can see the issue you are talking about with the crease. I suspect this would disappear with a bit of use, though obviously we have no problem with you returning it. I've done as much checking as possible of what's gone out. It seems like just a handful that have the foam packed the wrong way round. I'm going over to the warehouse now to see if I can get a replacement. We haven't got much stock left so if there's not a good one I'll sort a refund.

My apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks for your feedback and patience. I'll send something out as recompense for your trouble.

Does that mean there is a nearly new one going super cheap ?  ;)
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Johnny Brown on January 07, 2014, 12:35:04 pm
Having had Dave's spare 'damaged goods' in the past I'd definitely take it. Proper yorkshireman.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Muenchener on January 07, 2014, 01:05:22 pm
Wow, I seem to be in a small minority of Peple Who have Managed To Wear A 1990s Podsac Out. Retired my 35-literish something-or-other climbing sac about five years ago after all the PU waterproofing layer had flaked off the interior. Sewing, straps etc. were all still fine though.

Bought a Granite 16 rock climbing sac for multipitch in Ailefroide last summer and was pleased with it. Orange too.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Nails on January 07, 2014, 01:51:04 pm
Hi again Dave,

we only have a very small number of the Super Crashpads left. I've just checked them and the remaining have been packed incorrectly. I'll set up a refund and send you out a Podsacs Big Dipper Bouldering Chalk Bucket for the inconvenience.

The Super Crashpads have been taken off sale until we get new stock as I'm not happy to send stuff out in less than A1 condition. I think that once repacked the correct way round the pads will straighten out through a bit of use, though naturally our 28 day returns policy still stands.

Thanks again for your feedback.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: SA Chris on January 07, 2014, 01:56:45 pm
Has someone there got a big bootprint on their arse right now? :)
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: Johnny Brown on January 07, 2014, 01:57:47 pm
Any chance I could buy one of the 'faulty' ones at a knockdown bargain price and repack it myself?
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: webbo on January 07, 2014, 03:28:32 pm
Mine was packed the wrong way round. However having swopped it round as directed but before the crease disappeared my daughters dogs decided to sleep on it. So as my my chance of a refund now seemed unlikely I took of the plastic wrapping off the foam and used it.
It now seems ok.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: moose on January 07, 2014, 04:02:44 pm
I suspect it wasn't use that sorted out the foam, rather the scientifically most likely explanation (trust me, I'm a Doctor) is that you have a magic dog.  You could hire it out to Pod to rectify the rest of their stock... who knows what the limits of its talents are?  Welding is now obsolete: behold the magic dog!
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: dave on January 07, 2014, 04:08:27 pm
On the one I had it wasn't so much the crease that was the issue - after being left flat indoors over the xmas week the soft layer of foam had puffed back up to normal thickness, and the top layer would probably get beat into shape once it gets used a bit.

The problem was more the distinct soft feeling stripe along where the fold was, like being backfolded with the soft foam in tension had weakened the foam a bit some how. I dare say I am being picky, but I've got an old mat of the same model to compare to, one thats stored folded up damp in the car boot 24hrs a day for the last 2 years and that doesn't have a weak patch.

I reckon sell the wack ones to johnny brown, I bet he'll leave it at home in favour of camera gear anyway.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: tomtom on January 07, 2014, 05:09:41 pm
Mines not perfect - same crease issue as Dave - but am happy to live with it - I bought it as a 'its cheap I'll need a new mat in a years time so why not now' type thing..

Webbo - how much for the rental of your magic dog? (does it also heal gammy metatarsals?)
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: moose on January 07, 2014, 05:45:46 pm
Webbo - how much for the rental of your magic dog? (does it also heal gammy metatarsals?)

Only one way to accurately ascertain the limits of magic dog's powers.  We will take you back to Brass Monkey, injure your other foot, and blindfold you whilst magic dog and a non-magic dog (or "dog" as the scientific jargon would have it) treat a foot each.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: nai on January 07, 2014, 06:31:54 pm
this dog sounds like some sort of higher power
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: tomtom on January 07, 2014, 07:04:30 pm
Webbo - how much for the rental of your magic dog? (does it also heal gammy metatarsals?)

Only one way to accurately ascertain the limits of magic dog's powers.  We will take you back to Brass Monkey, injure your other foot, and blindfold you whilst magic dog and a non-magic dog (or "dog" as the scientific jargon would have it) treat a foot each.

Sounds good. I'm in. No need to travel to Brass Monkey, a swift blow with a breeze block should do the trick...

An alternative test is to get the magic dog to lick me, and if I manage 8A this year it will truly have powers.

Webbo - you'd best watch out, accapi will try and buy out your hound soon to weave its magic hairs into their clothing products.

Alternatively - for my bouldering mat, I may get MrsTT to sit on it (she's very capable of sitting on things - excels at it to be honest) and see if that improves matters.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: webbo on January 07, 2014, 07:42:48 pm
The thing is she has 3 dogs, although I found Frankie a German spitz a sleep on it. I did find hairs from  Bruce a Maltese terrier and Harvey a Havense terrier on said mat. So finding the dog with the magic foam restoring powers might not be so simple, also they have just relocated to Guilford.
So this isn't going to be cheap, however my mate just got a Jack Russell cross puppy called Millie who will be dead keen to come and wee on your mat or even your leg.
Title: Re: Podsacs becomes UKB sponsor and our Winter Sale 30% Off
Post by: tomtom on January 09, 2014, 02:58:54 pm
I've had an inspection of my foam after letting it rest for c.10 days, and I'm OK with it. Its not perfect, but its expanded quite a bit. There is a small dip (more a dip than a crease) as Dave suggested - but for what i want it for its fine..
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