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power club / Re: Power Club 774 7-13 Oct 2024
« Last post by Fultonius on Today at 07:26:42 pm »
Welcome aboard Fultonious you silly sod  :icon_beerchug:

Thanks mate!

Oh, and to top it off I'm probably under siege from my partner's Lurgy which probably hasn't helped (had lots of symptoms of maybe starting to get it that always went away and then I felt fine...)
power club / Re: Power Club 774 7-13 Oct 2024
« Last post by Fiend on Today at 06:48:01 pm »
Welcome aboard Fultonious you silly sod  :icon_beerchug:
power club / Re: Power Club 774 7-13 Oct 2024
« Last post by duncan on Today at 05:35:52 pm »
I’ve just got confirmation my operation for my achalasia is this Friday  :o. Relieved & worried but needs to be done.

I’ll be out of action for 4-6 weeks. Hope I don’t lose too much in terms of climbing.

Best of luck. You'll loose fitness for sure but it will come back quite quickly. Could you stretch? Do fingerboard pick-ups??

Good to meet petejh at the CC hut  :wave: although I always imagine mixed climbing beasts as close relatives of Thor and, disappointingly, he could almost pass for a sport-climber!

Lovely to meet you Duncan  :thumbsup:, based on performances this year I would not pass as a sport climber..

Likewise! And I think you've got money in the bank for sport and mixed climbing. Hope the Dollies trip is a good one.

Sat - Me and the kid were part of the throng at the Tor. Saw someone who I thought might have been Duncan, turns out it was! Will say hello next time. I joined the gaggle of kids on Rooster Booster, made decent progress compared to my shambles last week, but still miles behind the youths.

Please do! Although I'm not a Tor regular  - Saturday was second visit in 4 decades of climbing and getting strong enough to dog the warm-up is still an aspiration - I also see belaying there in my future.
news / Re: Bosiwad
« Last post by chriss on Today at 04:38:44 pm »
One thing that impresses me about Bosiwad is his ability to laugh & not kick his chalk bag across the hill after falling off.

Good lad.
bouldering / Re: North York Moors - beta please!
« Last post by GazM on Today at 04:26:38 pm »
Cheers for the info. Had a quick session on the Huntsman block this morning and did a few nice problems.

Did a version of Huntsman that was good fun, but don't think it was as the original FA will have envisioned it. Kept feet under the roof the whole way, no heel on the lip as per the pic in the Betaguides book. But at least that way eliminating the top of the block makes sense as it's out of reach.
shootin' the shit / Kitchen/Bathroom fitter, North Wales
« Last post by SamT on Today at 02:48:09 pm »

Anyone know of a decent bathroom/kitchen fitter operating around the North Wales area - but the Llangollen/Corwen/Bala area - (job would be in Corwen).
power club / Re: Power Club 774 7-13 Oct 2024
« Last post by Fultonius on Today at 09:39:02 am »

** someone at the wall reckoned the 7b is 7b+/c. It was definitely a good 3/4 grade harder than the 7b's I onsighted without too much fuss. It was pretty pumpy and needed some digging deep, but chuffed to get it 1st RP after the o/s attempt last week.

I guess there's not much I more I can do in 4 weeks before the trip, so I'm just going to try to keep power topped up, volume down a bit and not get INJURED!

Well well. Seem that maybe a hard redpointing session up the hill (that didn't feel too draining...) followed 2 days later by a monster session at Ratho maybe built up some major fatigue, coupled with probably not eating enough Saturday after Ratho, feeling shitty on Sunday culminated in a really poor session today. Struggling on my usual warm up grade of boulder...

news / Re: significant repeats
« Last post by jakaitch on Today at 08:49:07 am »
Arbeit Macht Frei

Completely off topic, I'm not usually one to question route / problem names....but what the actual fuck?! In what world is that an appropriate name for a boulder problem?

As Secretary of state for Work and Pensions Ian Duncan Smith said "Work actually helps free people" when talking about cuts to disability benefits and implementing austerity measures that resulted in an estimated 300,000 excess deaths in the UK. 

The sentiment albeit with ever so slightly different language is alive, well and sitting in Parliament. WTAF indeed.

For me the problem isn't with the sentiment of what the words mean literally. For me the problem is with a flippant re-use of the Auschwitz entrance sign.

If the Auschwitz entrance sign had instead been, "Don't worry, be happy" then to me, that would have conferred a sinister connotation to that, otherwise entirely innocuous, phrase and likewise have made that an inappropriate phrase to reuse flippantly.
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