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music, art and culture / Re: Books...
« Last post by seankenny on Today at 09:38:29 pm »
If anyone fancies a somewhat lighter exploitation of the intersection of American new age religiosity and UFOs then I can recommend Hari Kunzru’s novel Gods Without Men. The Californian high desert setting is very prominent in the book, so a nice treat for anyone who loves that environment.
uk and eire / Re: Goldsborough Carr
« Last post by joe-m on Today at 09:15:04 pm »
Thanks, hadn’t found that!
Used it today had a great day!
two wheel spiel / Re: Motorbike pr0n
« Last post by chriss on Today at 09:14:12 pm »
Doing his dad proud. What a racer.
shootin' the shit / Re: U-S-A! The American Politics Thread.
« Last post by Moo on Today at 08:26:15 pm »
I get the feeling that a silent majority of people are sitting quietly waiting to either not vote for trump or get out and vote for Biden.

As ever the swing states will be the only ones worth watching and they haven’t been given a particularly compelling reason to vote for trump.
music, art and culture / Re: Books...
« Last post by Johnny Brown on Today at 08:22:05 pm »
Nice one, Ben, lot of interesting sounding stuff to explore there...

The Stirrings: Catherine Walker.

It's Taylor innit? Been intrigued by this since - weird flex alert - she followed me on Twitter (no idea why). Will pick up a copy as Ellie was curious too and is squarely in the core audience.

High Weirdness: Erik Davies.
American Cosmic (UFOs Religon and Technology) : Diane Pasulka.
Unidentified Hyper Object: James D Madden
Notes on Complexity, A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness, and Being: Neil Thiese

These all sound great! Which would you recommend first? Have you read John Higgs' book on the KLF, I will have recommended it many pages back? Touches on similar ground although no doubt in a lighter manner. Also reminds me I ground to a halt half way through a McGilchrist tome a couple of years back... need to revisit.

news / Re: significant repeats
« Last post by Stewart on Today at 07:47:31 pm »
I guess the joker would be one of the easiest 8As to flash from a technical point of view. If you're strong enough.. As someone that's never touched it, how do the holds compare to,  say,  the 6mm/8mm micro crimps? If one could do a similar move off the beastmaker 8mms for example,  would the flash be on?
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by teestub on Today at 07:30:36 pm »
It's not clear to me what their general policy aims are even (I guess they're hawkish on foreign policy but other than that I have no idea).

Are you ok with hawkishness for Russia Ukraine, or would you prefer something more non interventionist? I can’t remember what Corbyn’s foreign policy position was.
two wheel spiel / Re: Motorbike pr0n
« Last post by Nibile on Today at 04:54:07 pm »
It happened.
Michael Dunlop 26th win.
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by ToxicBilberry on Today at 04:15:46 pm »
Oh and even if we were to accept the “elite” shite (there are of course powerful vested interests with deep pockets, but they don’t really “rule the world “).
What’s more likely to subvert/defeat them? Loud bluster from a position of weakness? Or careful, subtle, manoeuvring and nuanced politics?
It’s either the latter or outright revolution and that seems highly unlikely.

In terms of elite theory you’re describing the difference between ‘foxes’ and ‘lions’. The current shower of shites being ‘subtle’ foxes and the other shower of shites being lions, those that are prepared to use populism and negative emotion plus violence - which would be fascism. The current fox regime enacts its sadistic tendencies in other ways - see the last 4 years of BS everyone is trying to forget about.
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by slab_happy on Today at 03:52:58 pm »
A small practical note:

Looks like a worrying number of younger people, especially in the 18-24 range, don't know they'll need photo ID to vote.

So TELL PEOPLE, and in particular check in with younger people you know.

There's still plenty of time for people who don't have photo ID to apply for a postal vote or a voter authority certificate, and students have various options for free Photo ID:

For those of us in this thread who've not given up on democracy as a concept, I think we can agree that voter suppression does not contribute to its health.
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