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shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by stone on Today at 10:04:59 am »
I both think that a nation state with it's own currency is a crucial administrative unit that ought to be cherished and protected.

AND I think that it's vital that nationhood should be inclusive of multiculturalism. Basically we should all take responsibility for making our country a great place for everyone who resides here.

AND I think we should show respect for and act fairly towards people elsewhere in the world.

I realise that many people consider the whole concept of nationhood as being unseemly. They feel that we should all be making an effort towards amalgamating administrative systems with the rest of the world. I think that debate gets muddied by conflating it with the sort of nationalism opposed by my 2nd and 3rd points.
news / Re: significant repeats
« Last post by Fiend on Today at 09:57:36 am »
Max Milne has flashed the Ace, source his insta
Quote your sources FFS  >:(


He even keeps the left hand on! Super impressive, nice one Max.

Awesome. It was 18 degrees today ffs!
...and this  :weakbench:
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by seankenny on Today at 09:37:34 am »
He did mention Nietzsche though so an honourable fail?

The thing is, Dan is a cock tease. He goes right to the edge with his Nazi phraseology or blood and soil environmentalism, and then steps back. “Oh look, it’s not really that Nazi.” Or “You’d have to be crazy to think this eh? Good job I’m not hahah!”

It’s just so weak. Perhaps he has yet to exorcise his inner cosmopolitan femboi with a conversion to Orthodox Christianity or by moving his family to a lily white island on the Celtic Fringe, but he should make a start and proclaim that he is indeed a man of the far right.
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by Will Hunt on Today at 09:11:38 am »
It’s the Arthurian legend - the people and the land are one, this has been forgotten. By restoring this connection through the will of a powerful leader the land can be healed. In this sense through a sort of environmental populism, not that I’d agree with anything so crazy, but you never know.

That's not "Arthurian legend", it's

Either you're wildly oblivious or you're deliberately dog-whistling, and I suspect I know which one.

For anyone not familiar with how this little cluster of tropes tends to play out:

"The people and the land are one", so we need to get rid of those foreign interlopers who don't share the real true genetic connection to the land.

"This has been forgotten" because the people have been corrupted by decadent city life, which is full of the rootless cosmopolitan liberal elite who are only loyal to the International Jewish Globalist Conspiracy.

The land can only be "healed" if this degenerate modern democracy nonsense is replaced by a "powerful leader" who will forcefully impose their will to restore the connection of the people to their ancestral lands.


Not that you'd agree with anything so crazy, but you never know.

This is so close to a call of House in Dan Bingo, but you forgot to refer to the cosmopolitan liberal elite as "femoids and femboys" and didn't mention Heidegger once  :spank:
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by Oldmanmatt on Today at 09:06:27 am »
It always makes me laugh when the far right want pure genetically English people and for everyone else to leave even though those same people they want gone are the ones paying taxes and are an essential part of the backbone that helps keep the country running, whereas the racists are usually BaldBarry83 who spends every night down the pub being a menace to society and contributing fuck all (coming from someone who's lived here for 27 years and contributed thousands in taxes yet can't vote in the GE)
I am unusually aware of my ancestry.
Very English, of course, since it’s entirely typical.
First distinctive / identifiable ancestor having “emigrated” to the islands in 1066, decided to stay and married a local. I think there was something about a nice plot of land in Cornwall, payment for services rendered, or such.
Of course, then, there’s my great grandmothers, who are a very English Danish, Dutch and Italian Maltese, oh and Romani.
FFS, “genetic purity” winds me up.

Oh, so you’re pure English? Is that Briton, Saxon, Danish, Norse, or French English? Or are you just Welsh?
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by ToxicBilberry on Today at 09:01:05 am »
I agree it’s a stupid idea, I loathe extremism, thuggery and violence. One thing about the alt-right is they lack compassion which disturbs me. The shenanigans of the last 4 years, which IMO, has left a lot of us prior lefty guardian readers out in the cold. Hence embarking on a reading project.
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by Dingdong on Today at 08:49:17 am »
It always makes me laugh when the far right want pure genetically English people and for everyone else to leave even though those same people they want gone are the ones paying taxes and are an essential part of the backbone that helps keep the country running, whereas the racists are usually BaldBarry83 who spends every night down the pub being a menace to society and contributing fuck all (coming from someone who's lived here for 27 years and contributed thousands in taxes yet can't vote in the GE)
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by ToxicBilberry on Today at 08:44:29 am »
It was the ‘secret of the grail’ in John Boorman’s classic Excalibur which I was referencing. Here is the scene beforehand. The point was a real one though, for any real change to happen with regards caring for our environment, radical action would be required. I tend to be more interested in the likes of Paul Kingsnorth and his return to simplicity than Adolf and his pals.

shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by slab_happy on Today at 08:24:03 am »
It’s the Arthurian legend - the people and the land are one, this has been forgotten. By restoring this connection through the will of a powerful leader the land can be healed. In this sense through a sort of environmental populism, not that I’d agree with anything so crazy, but you never know.

That's not "Arthurian legend", it's

Either you're wildly oblivious or you're deliberately dog-whistling, and I suspect I know which one.

For anyone not familiar with how this little cluster of tropes tends to play out:

"The people and the land are one", so we need to get rid of those foreign interlopers who don't share the real true genetic connection to the land.

"This has been forgotten" because the people have been corrupted by decadent city life, which is full of the rootless cosmopolitan liberal elite who are only loyal to the International Jewish Globalist Conspiracy.

The land can only be "healed" if this degenerate modern democracy nonsense is replaced by a "powerful leader" who will forcefully impose their will to restore the connection of the people to their ancestral lands.


Not that you'd agree with anything so crazy, but you never know.
shootin' the shit / Re: UK General Election 2024
« Last post by Oldmanmatt on Today at 08:18:27 am »
I heard what I thought was an interesting definition of democracy. It was the ability for the wider population to change government policy without resorting to violence. I thought that was perhaps as good a definition as any and interesting in that it didn't mention elections or multiple political parties or anything. I guess those things can be conducive towards democracy but certainly aren't always sufficient.
They tend to moderate wild swings, which in turn seem to be more likely to precipitate violence.
Funny how it seems to go stale though. The US right now (and perhaps the UK). The pendulum winds down, settling to minor oscillations on one side or the other; defying physics, perhaps, defying nature.
God help us when the stalemate breaks.

It would help my mental health, if I believed in Sky Daddy, of course.
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