How many one armers per arm? How many pull ups on jugs? How many pulls ups on a small rung? What is the smallest hold you can hang one arm? open or 3 fingers? What can you campus at the moment? Can you do front levers at the moment? if so, for how long? What weight can you load onto yourself and still do a pull up on a small rung?
This random assimilation of answers to semi irrelevant questions isn't the way to go.
How many one armers per arm? 1
Before this gets out of control it needs clearing up. It was very good of paul to post up those questions that I sent him, but I think people have taken it out of context. I sent those questions to Paul because I know him and know roughly where he is at with his climbing. Those questions were not intended to be a general test to find out where someone is. It is possible that they could be modified to create a more general rough test of climbing related strengths, but this is not what they are in their current incarnation.
you can do a one armer and climb 6c?