You should have tried fashioning a kneepad out of raw sausage meat, that would have got you up it in no time, or better still a full sausage meat body-suit.
I found I couldn't reach the sloper with my knee in the bar so got a good drop knee across the groove so I could (occasionally) reach the sloper and then pocket. The move at the top is the redpoint crux as Bonjoy say's. Only clip the 1st and 2nd mechanical bolts,then the 1st, 4th and last glue-in's. Extending the glue-ins helps as well.
Was a few years ago but from the jug-went a long way with left hand for positive obvious crimp directly above the jug, then up right for small sloper crimp before rocking back left-almost in balance-for the flake. Does anyone know what height La Connection joints GA? Not sure if i was too high and straying on to Quick Fixe.