so does that mean you can do weighted hangs all the time?think my diet os OK but had doms for about 4 days. Did vary the holds a little too which is part of thre cause.
20lbs is what like 8kg, I think thats more than enough for board climbing.Hangs god knows, a lot I think.
I've gone and tweeked my ring finger A2 doing weighted hangs on my fingerboard. I'll never do that again. Better off doing one handed assisted hangs i reckon
What do people think about the weight verses the size of the hold? is it better/safer to use the same size but increase weight or do people still use tiny sizes with weight?CheersTim
Quote from: timb on May 06, 2008, 05:15:46 pmWhat do people think about the weight verses the size of the hold? is it better/safer to use the same size but increase weight or do people still use tiny sizes with weight?CheersTimAs long as it's 1st joint, stick with the same size hold and add weight/decrease assistance/increase time etc.
I often find it easier to hold one handed holds in a locked position due to weak shoulders.
As Le Saucisson mentioned, one arm hangs will also develop shoulder girdle stabilisation. I often find it easier to hold one handed holds in a locked position due to weak shoulders.
If so gonna get a pulley from somewhere. Any cheap places for a pulley?