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Mobile phone recommendations please...

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--- Quote from: Jaspersharpe on January 15, 2008, 11:54:12 am ---Nokia E65 is a nice phone. It's Smart and does loads of shit that I never use it for but it also looks really cool unlike some Smart phones. And you can get it for free without a big monthly fee. On the downside it's pretty dumb in comparison to some of the proper Smart phones. Depends what you want it to do obviously but I find it a good compromise.

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if you want just a phone  i agree.

battery life on the glam phones is a bit wank, my 2 year old pebl lasts longer than 95s by  a long way..

do you really need the smartphone? i've had loads, never last more than a year..... i use a diary, a camera, a computer and a phone...

 the e65 is a good phone, the large screen limits batt life though...

as a mac convert I'm steering well clear of the iphone... i've got an ipod, and i want a phone that works as a phone...

Don't touch Samsung kit.

Another vote for the E65 over here - I got mine for free, made it do the stuff I need it to do with the symbian customisabe menu, and set it up to sync with my Outlook calendar at work so I know where I am next if a meeting gets a bit long winded or I fancy a lie in but don't know if I have an early meeting.

Found battery life to be good, except if I'm up and down from my laptop a lot (it syncs with bluetooth whenever I get back in range, but that's just a setting)

Like Jim says, could do with firmware updating, due to a couple of funny little niggles, but all in all it's a peachy bit of gadgetry.

I would like a countdown timer though, for doing rice for 8 mins exactly while I fuck about round the house, but if that's the only major complaint.... :shrug:

I'm also with fatdoc- it's a phone, the camera is not great, it can't replace a laptop, but you can 'phone with it. Although I don't carry a diary anymore, just a Moleskine notebook for scribbling....

Just got nokia N82, camera is really impressive. I've stuck with my E65 for another 9 months and given this to the wife cos she uses the camera thing more. She says the music player is really impressive sound quality wise and likes it a lot.
Those still using N73, debrand and update to latest firmware. Its a lot quicker now, use google if you don't know how

Battery life on mobiles will never be the same again since they discontinued the 6310i. What a phone that was. Your lucky if you get 2 days max now. A week was easy for the 6310i

Jim do you get the 'mosquito' noise with E65 when it's lit up?

Bizarrely, a fucking great mozzie is flying round this office right now. Must be warming up some out there, with all this wet.


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