Just curious about the state of the fixed kit on this. I've heard that it's a bit suspect, so I guess the real question is how possible it is to back it up where it matters? Any other information gratefully received, Ta.
Followed this about 10 years ago and felt that the gear in general was pretty poor. I seem to remember a small bashed Hex at the base of the main flake and a 'sticky-out' peg at the crux. This had been tied off with tat which remained damp and therefore had corroded the peg close to the rock (nice!). Overall it felt pokey but not too physically hard apart from the crux move.
Is the bashed Hex the famous Hex 2? Souls is famous for being the only route in the world you need a Hex 2 for. I think there's some key hole slot that it goes in, so I've heard.