Been pumpin all year, not one day out of the water so far!!! getting a bit large on the odd occasion.
Anyone had a snugg suit made for themselves? Good to support the Brits if nowt else.
Could be house sitting in Bali for 6 weeks this summer. Any flights/surf beta greatly appreciated...
shit is that the bay just north of woolacombe?
Another amazing photo - N Devon wave breaking but no-one on it.
Well...Anyone had a snugg suit made for themselves? Good to support the Brits if nowt else.
The whole innersection idea is pretty cool and would work for bouldering too without much difficulty. It involves individuals entering there own clips on a website which the viewers then vote on which clips are best. At the end of each year the best clips are re edited and stuck to gether on one dvd.
more goofer pr0n on the other channel: