Dreams... (Read 80377 times)

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#50 Re: Dreams...
December 06, 2006, 04:01:12 pm
I read recently that somebody was interviewing Dennis Hopper when he came out with something like this...
"My mom was seriously hot and I was always looking at her.  It sent me down a very kinky path..."

True romance?


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#51 Re: Dreams...
December 06, 2006, 04:32:01 pm
I dreamt last night that I was made to pull over by a woman on horse back. She said I was driving dangerously and that she could here me from a long way off. I replied to her with a load of long clever sounding words, I definitely used 'ostrasized', 'sartitorial' and 'hoyty-toyty' but can't remember why or how I structured it.

She said to me 'well you definitely know some long words.' I replied with 'I know two short ones too; F*ck Off.' and I got back into my car all smug and my girlfriend was in the car and she seemed so proud of my response.

I was chuffed still with my blunt reply when I woke up this morning, I showed her!

I often have vivid dreams like this which I remember into the day around the full moon - honestly, I really think it has an affect. When I used to work in Child care with kids with behavioural problems there would often be big kick offs around the full moon and you'd find the next day that this would have been the same in the other units too.


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#52 Re: Dreams...
December 06, 2006, 05:05:28 pm
is your mother milf fodder then viva?

I wouldn' say so, and have never thought so, in fact I guess everyone is going to say that about their parents. But I think its fair to say that in this case, the objective consensus would be that she is not in fact milf fodder. I think a lot of people get hung up on Freud's ideas by not realising that the subconscious desires are indicitive of subconscious desires that are symbolic, not literal. I very much doubt anyone (i hope) actually wants to have sex with their mother, apart from possibly Dennis Hopper and Dr. Freud.

SA Chris, the symbolism is more that its cylindrical rather than it having eyes, teeth and a taste for the legs of unfortunate sea-farers.

SA Chris

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#53 Re: Dreams...
December 07, 2006, 09:05:05 am
You could have used the word "seamen" instead of sea-farers, but that would have been to easy.

I was told by my girlfriend that I said "This harness doesn't fit over my hips!" in my sleep the other night, although I don't really remember it cllearly.

About a week ago she said something along the lines of "They are really nice earrings!" in her sleep.

Read into this what you will.


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#54 Re: Dreams...
December 08, 2006, 08:35:14 am
freud.oh dear,oh dear.he had more hang ups than his patients.also he completely bottled it and changed his theories so as not to offend polite swiss society.


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#55 Re: Dreams...
December 08, 2006, 08:40:09 am
The night before last I dreamt that...

I had to leave work sharpish for a dentist appointment (which I did actually have to do yesterday).  When I got to my car, someone had fitted spoilers and full bodykit all over it (you know the full Burnley souped up Corsa set).  I started ripping the bodykit and everything off the car when I realised that in fact, the car was not mine and it wasn't even the right colour.  I panicked but then a pupil came out of my school and said that he'd hidden my car in the field nearby.  He ran off with my keys (which worried me, how come he had my keys?) and he went to get my car.  When the pupil failed to return, more panic set in and a huge traffic jam started to build up on the carpark and road, meaning that I would fail to get to the dentists in time.  I was really panicking now.  Then work colleagues started coming out of school complaining that I was leaving early, but then they themselves left school, leaving me behind waiting for the return of my car.  Then I woke up and Bobby came out of the shower.


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#56 Re: Dreams...
December 10, 2006, 12:16:23 am
Why were you going to the dentist? Do you grind your teeth at night, perchance? ;)

I only ask because I do and have to wear a gumshield every night as I'm gradually wearing my gnashers away. Also often have screwed up work\task related dreams and usually wake up with jaw-ache from a night's chomping on the nightguard! Usually when I know I have to get up early for work the next day. Also have recurring dreams about teeth falling out, which is supposed to be common - relates to fear of gettting old apparently.


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#57 Re: Dreams...
December 10, 2006, 05:14:55 pm
Nearly posted yesterday to say that I never remember my dreams. Then I woke up this morning having dreamt about the end of the world where I had to perform a farewell concert, to the world. Then the missus woke up to say that she'd also had a dream about the end of the world, this time in a WW2 stylee. Bizarre...


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#58 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 08:18:08 am
Why were you going to the dentist? Do you grind your teeth at night, perchance?

Nope, I don't grind my teeth.  I was going to have my teeth cleaned by the hygienist.  Such decadence.

Also have recurring dreams about teeth falling out, which is supposed to be common - relates to fear of gettting old apparently.

I've heard from various sources that such dreams allegedly relate to a fear of change or the dreamer going through some form of change in their life at the time.  Undoubtably bollocks. 


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#59 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 08:19:23 am
Nearly posted yesterday to say that I never remember my dreams. Then I woke up this morning having dreamt about the end of the world where I had to perform a farewell concert, to the world. Then the missus woke up to say that she'd also had a dream about the end of the world, this time in a WW2 stylee. Bizarre...

Strong cheese that.


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#60 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 09:04:26 am
i had a long discussion about dreams last night. mainly because i seem to have been suffering from a particular theme as of late, usually after all this seasonal heavy boozing. the dream involves thinking i've woken up to hear some kind of intruder forcing open my window, something smashing in the kitchen, etc, etc.  it's all very real, but the freaky thing is that i'm totally paralysed. i can't move, speak, anything. sometimes i then wake up and realise that it was all a dream, and sometimes i wake up in the morning and can't figure out if it actually happened or not... 

i am also a fairly extreme sleepwalker. fuck knows what i was dreaming about when i climbed out of that bloody window and smashed my heel to pieces...


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#61 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 09:28:40 am
To be honest, I don't think dreams mean what any of us think they mean. I'm sure they do have meaning but how we extrapolate that meaning is both incorrect and illogical (in my opinion). However, lastnight I dreamt.... that somebody loved me... no, not really. But I did have an extreme dream involving another member of this board that I have never met.

I was in Italy with a girl I once knew, and we must have been staying at Nibile's house (you are so kind even in dreams!). Nibile was in the shower, and the girl I was with decided to go down on me... so whilst she was sucking me off (in the lounge might I add), Nibile walks out the shower and in a typical Italian way just stands there saying "alright...."  I'm a bit uncomfortable at this point, but then the girl I'm with decides to rip his towel off him and starts sucking him off. You can imagine what comes next... the three of us engage in some serious fu**ing. Anyway, I woke up this morning and even though I have never met Nibile, I knew it was him for some reason. I won't mention the girl's name, but that doesn't really matter.

So, to all you dream interpreters... what does that mean?  :lol:


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#62 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 09:58:13 am
It means that noone here is ever going to invite you to stay at their house?  :shrug:

SA Chris

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#63 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 10:22:39 am
Or everyone is going to invite you, depending on their current status!  ;)


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#64 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 12:13:21 pm
 :lol: :lol:
F*ckin' hell Uncle, that was a quality dream and a quality post.  Did you really dream that?  I wonder...

I also wonder whether we'll ever hear from Nibile again though.  Maybe that will scare him off.  Or send him straight across Europe to find Uncle and realise that dream.

I'm still laughing my tits off at that post by the way.  Brilliant, I keep re-reading it and pissing myself.   :lol: :lol:


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#65 Re: Dreams...
December 11, 2006, 11:26:39 pm
As if the prospect of a little/(large?) double-penetration would scare our Italian stallion off (serious scoffing face). 

(No.  NO!  Don't press 'post'!  Ooops!)

Top dream.  Sex dreams rock!


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#66 Re: Dreams...
December 12, 2006, 09:28:35 am
As if the prospect of a little/(large?) double-penetration would scare our Italian stallion off.

Strangely enough, Nibile ain't posted on this topic since Uncle's little relevation.   :-\

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#67 Re: Dreams...
December 12, 2006, 06:36:39 pm
Bonjoy - Lucid dreaming is pretty common with me, particularly when I'm very tired.  I guess I have lucid 'directed' dreams a couple of times a week.

Recurring dreams.. One of mine is that I'm going surfing, I can often see perfect waves breaking in the distance but trivial things like missing roads, picking up friends & work related stuff gets in the way and by the time I get to the beach the waves have crapped out or I never actually make it before I wake up.  There's another (very amusing and obvious) variation when I actually make it to the beach but my surfboard is all floppy and useless instead of being stiff  I wonder what that represents  :-\ :lol:

When I've been completely exhausted I've also had occaisional episodes of 'Sleep paralysis' which is when your mind wakes up but your body is paralysed.  It's really unpleasant, the first time it happened, I thought someone had broken in and was suffocating me with a pillow - apparently it's to blame in a lot of 'Alien Abduction' scenarios.  Another couple of times I've had a full-on 'silver chord' Astral Projection experience , floating in the corner of the room looking at myself in bed only to get sucked back in to my own head before I wake up - quite disturbing.

Sometimes I think I should see a psychiatrist.....


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#68 Re: Dreams...
December 12, 2006, 11:02:43 pm
i'm defo no expert on this....

what about the *shattered, just closed my eyes* GOD that's the alarm...  but i just went to bed scenario...10 secs sleep... shattered on getting up...

the sex dreams stuff is just what i would want to dream about. having said that I rarely remember my dreams at all...

SA Chris

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#69 Re: Dreams...
December 13, 2006, 07:32:50 am
FD, I have similar dreams to tat surfing one that involve snowboarding, especailly at this time of year; I am at the resort with loads of friends/family ready to go, and there are so many disruptions; lifts not working/going in the wrong direction, people wanting to stop and buy things, not having lift pass, forgetting things and faffing around generally that you never actually make it onto the slopes. Or the snow has turned all sticky. It probably stems from the fact that it does my nut in when people do this in real life; I'm normally first up in the morning, but usually have to wait while people have a second cup of coffee, sit around talking etc. I am a firm believer on the saying "there are no friends on a powder day".


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#70 Re: Dreams...
December 13, 2006, 08:28:17 am
i often sleep very poorly day before MTB uplift day  / day in the alps in summer using chairlifts - anxiety related i'm sure.. same sort of thing; i bloody hate waiting for people to piss about when all you can think is (bad quote here)

*my whole life has been about this moment*

ohhhhhhhhh, flashbacks to the alps last summer coming up...... coool.


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#71 Re: Dreams...
December 13, 2006, 03:22:03 pm
here we go guys.

sorry for this late post, but ive skipped a few threads lately...
to be honest uncles dream really made me laugh. the picture of an italian male with just a towel on is a very very funny cliche in pr0n movies!!! but its so funny to think about myself in that situation and behaviuor.
the perfect gentleman?


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#72 Re: Dreams...
December 13, 2006, 03:29:27 pm
Sometimes I think I should see a psychiatrist.....

to be honest im following a psycotherapy since 2000, and dreams have a great part in it. but their interpretation is valid for therapy and cure only inside the psychiatric setting, nowhere and never else.


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#73 Re: Dreams...
December 19, 2006, 04:06:34 pm
did i say something wrong?
no posts ever since...


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#74 Re: Dreams...
December 19, 2006, 05:26:55 pm
No, mate. Of course not! The thing is with dreams, in my experience, your own dreams are always more interesting than other people's.

I had an awesome camembert-inspired dream the other night. Vivid, trippy, vaguely lucid and containing some full-on spiritual insights relevant only to me. Any takers? No? Thought not! :yawn:... And so to bed.


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