therabizzle (Read 4924 times)


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September 20, 2005, 09:08:14 am

Gutted last nite, managed to snap my piece of black theraband. I'd only had it 4 years anall, talk about programmed obsolescence.

Anyroad, any of you homies know the best place for me to get like a 1.5-2m length of black? Obviously I don't want or need a £50 20m physio roll of the stuff, or anything excessive like that, just a short piece will do word.



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#1 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 09:13:04 am
just contact a lcal gym where they have a physio and ask them to sell you some.thats what i did up here in fish central.


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#2 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 09:35:41 am
i think they sell the black and red ones in ann summers. look in the S&M fitness section.  i got one free when i bought a dirty dungeon multigym...


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#3 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 10:43:40 am
Coincidently I've been thinking of getting a theraband for warming up with (and self-physio-ing some aches and pains).  These places sell 6yd lengths for around a tenner.  Though the postage is around 3 quid (I think the first  site sells Strappel too).  What strength bands do you recommend - presumably fairly heavy duty for warms ups?  Know of any good resources on the net for exercises?


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#4 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 12:30:43 pm
I made a fore arm antagonist warm up trainer (ripped of the metolius one red thingy through a ball) that gets the back of your fore arm pumped.  Does away with wrist pain for me.  

Anyway, I used an old inner tube, a knife, and an advanced knowledge of linear elasticity and micro structure (alright I just cut it down and slashed it a bit) to achieve the desired stiffness and extension range.  A theraband is just the same but bigger isn't it?


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#5 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 01:05:51 pm
word paz how durable are inner tubes an shit though? i think therabands last a fair bit and don't perish cuz made of latex - also thought inner tube was less stretchy. i had my band tied in a loop about 2.5 foot long when laid flat. if i was to simulate this level of resistance with an inner tube is it viable or would i end up with a bootlace-thin piece that kept snapping when i pullit out to being 6foot long?

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#6 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 01:14:31 pm
OK so before I take the plunge and buy one of these new fangled devices could someone explain (or post a hyperlink) on what you are supposed to do with them..

I'm still on the old-skool 'wave your arms about a bit and do a traverse' warmup regime and by the sounds of things its a little dated.


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#7 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 01:24:06 pm
i don't use it for warming up (except indoors for me cellar), mainly do it for kinda reverse-bullworker excersises that seem to be good for sorting out dodgy elbows what i've had. you can also hold one end on a doorframe and pull the other end down to kinda simulate a tricep pulldown thing on a multigym, but one arm at a time.


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#8 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 01:29:34 pm
Some stuff here from an american, FD - this seems to be the standard set of exercises for working all those little muscles that climbing doesn't.

Think Beta or planetextreeeem should get their act together and get therabands on their virtual shelves, therre must be demand cos i want one too!


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#9 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 01:44:58 pm

I'm not dedicated to use my thing enough to wear mine out (you don't need to and probably shouldn't use it often due to the high resistance), and it's smaller so I don't require inner tubes any faster than I retire them after a requisite number of puncture repairs.  A long one is going to need doing properly in a workshop, or using a big steel ruler to accurately cut a long thin section without tears.  And then it will probably go into the plastic regime (e.g. break) when you put 140% strain (2.5ft -> 6 ft) into it.  You were right, you need a theraband.

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#10 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 02:14:45 pm
Dave and Stubbs - Ahh so its for working antagonists rather than warming up.. thanks for the tips.  I've been doing reverse wrist curls, dips, press-ups, supermands etc.. but I might try one of these out.



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#11 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 02:27:38 pm
Think big stevey mac had a thing about warming up with them in one of his recent climb articles, but  i think the range of exercises was pretty much the same.  I guess the Science is that it ain't necessarily about the antagonists, but also about something low impact that gets the little stabilising muscles working.


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#12 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 05:45:54 pm
wow, its turns out theres a level of theraband above black - GOLD. talk about blinging. its like spinal tap with the amp that goes up to 11. Wicked.


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#13 therabizzle
September 20, 2005, 07:34:12 pm
i think you're mistaken.  my sources have just revealed that there is in fact a limited edition louis vuitton theraband available exclusively available in harvey nichols.  apparently some of their customers have developed an elbow condition from carrying too many carrier bags from said store to the ncp at cadogan square. as a result, the in-store physio has worked in conjunction with theraband to develop a range of exercises to combat shopping related injuries.  it comes in a specially designed pouch that matches the LV yoga mat holder.  yours for £599...


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