Strength for campussing (Read 14675 times)


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#25 Strength for campussing
August 03, 2005, 09:04:28 am
and lower slowly through the full range of motion to a lower rung. Avoid dropping onto the lower arm and shocking your elbows.

anyone who couldn't ladder up on the big rungs wouldn't even be able to touch this excersise though, unless they were some kinda slow static musclebound powerless freak.


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#26 Strength for campussing
August 03, 2005, 10:30:02 am
The lowering portion happens when you have hands on uneven rungs.  A quick hand movement down to the lower rung is where the problems may occur!  The stronger you are the more time you can 'lock' before bringing the higher hand through.  

Who said that it was meant to be easy?

Anyway Dave I would have thought that you could do these in your sleep ;)


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#27 Strength for campussing
August 03, 2005, 10:57:08 am
don't worry i can, but i still recon if someone is having trouble laddering up then trying to downclimb in control to gain the strength to be able to ladder up is still a bit of a no-brainer - bit like saying best training for curling 20kg is doing reverses with 60kg i.e. anyone who could downclimb in control on a campus board would already be able to piss laddering up. would have thought if you can't ladder up then even trying to downclimb in locking/slow control would either just not happen or fuck your elbows in the process. I remember when i was just about good enought to be able to get up a campus board laddering, downclimbing was a kinda just like falling downward but a bit slower. I'f i'd have been able to downclimb in slow control i'd have been doing 1-4-7s going up. and anyway, if someone can't ladder up how are they going to get up there in the first place in order to downclimb? :wink:


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#28 Strength for campussing
August 03, 2005, 12:29:39 pm
Maybe use a ladder ;)

Its easier to lower a weight that lift it.  Take a dumb bell and rep it until you can't lift it anymore - get someone to lift the weight for you back to the start position- now try to lower back through the range of motion.  Hey presto you can still control the weight in the negative cycle.

Don't knock controlled falling


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#29 Strength for campussing
August 03, 2005, 02:01:37 pm
point taken, but lifting a weight if different though, cos you're aiming to do that by just muscular contraction (say with a bicep curl), but with campusing you're using momentum, power, slap. etc. thats wny you don't have to be able to lockoff openhanded with one hand to be able to ladder up a CB.


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#30 Strength for campussing
August 03, 2005, 02:19:07 pm
Muscles only ever contact or relax.  What is different between the 2 exercises is the speed of recruitment and possible the number of fibres recruited of the muscles.

To try and better your laddering you can either move your lower hand up a rung until you hit your target or keep your hands in the same position and try to hit higher rung each attempt.  I also use negatives once I have acheived both of these goals before trying to complete the intended exercise.  You are right in saying that it can fuck up you bo's if you are not careful.

Although toby didn't want lock-off techniques the 2 exercises are linked by similar muscle, hence why one will help the other


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#31 Strength for campussing
August 16, 2005, 08:42:55 pm
i'm rubbish at one-arm strength but i love campussing on my stairs (supersteep carpetty goodness) and can do any amount of up and down one arm deadhangs and static reaches and i can't lock off one armedly.


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#32 Strength for campussing
August 16, 2005, 11:38:35 pm
campusing on stairs... does that mean jumping two at a time?


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#33 Strength for campussing
August 17, 2005, 11:02:04 pm
nah dude the back of them, it's really steep, my house is a dormer bungalow so the steps arem't proper, they're just like a ladder (sort of) with the back exposed. beeeeef!


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#34 Strength for campussing
August 17, 2005, 11:19:26 pm
my parents crib has got them kinda open-back stairs. I found carpet campussing was OK, the biggest problem was landing on the piano.


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#35 Strength for campussing
August 18, 2005, 03:32:54 pm
lol, i have a fish tank to contend with, and sometimes an ironing board.

a dense loner

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#36 Strength for campussing
August 20, 2005, 01:00:56 am
and static reaches and i can't lock off one armedly.

how can you do a static reach without locking off???


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#37 Strength for campussing
August 20, 2005, 09:12:59 am
armedly - is that a mixture of ars? :wink:


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#38 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 10:12:38 am
So had a bit of a campus training sesh last night, and went through my usual routine of starting off with 1,2,3,4 etc. up and down, then 1,3,5 etc, then going for my maximum (1,4,6 at the mo).  Did a few rounds of those touch things after that (as suggested in Gresh's article), but after those i was kinda stuck on what else to do.  

So what other exercises do you go through? Does anyone really do the two hand dynoing thing a la Ben and Jerry in One Summer? looks like a sure fire path to injury!

Other campus exercises please!


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#39 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 10:23:45 am
a two-handed dropdown initially is more a mental and timing/knack thing, chances areself to do it. once you've done one its much easier to do it again.

I wouldn't have thought that this kinda thing done right is very bad for injury, assuming you're well warmed up and not dropping onto locked straight arms. you'd probably find that if two-handed dropdowns would injure you then that injury-potential would have already been exposed with normal campussing.

of course proper plyometrics i think is about dropping to a rung then going back up again as fast as possible. someone with a sports science background will be able to give details on this.

be interested to know if any nonheros do the one-handed flick up like jezzer does on realthing. or the double handed sequence "that was a person best" etc etc.

a dense loner

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#40 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 01:10:07 pm
i did the "personal best" last year, quite liked them at the time. a fair bit of it is mental, as mental as can be 2 foot off the floor :roll:  however very soon i found out that i could not campus anymore cos of pain in elbows. only just started to campus again after about 12 mths n won't be doin any more "personal bests". of course the injury may be entirely unrelated...

in reply to any more exercises, i think less is best. the problem is boredom, it really is that simple, oh and of course access to a campus board


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#41 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 01:14:32 pm
Less different exercises, or less campussing?

Haven't watched Real Thing - he does a one handed dyno on a campus board?


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#42 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 01:25:19 pm
yeah he hangs bottom rung (large) with one hand then pops up for the next rung wid same hand. wearing blue lycra.


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#43 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 01:31:30 pm

a dense loner

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#44 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 01:52:58 pm
sorry stubbs, less different exercises more campusing. i was led to believe that campusing once or twice a wk was enough, until i spoke to buoux :shock:


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#45 Strength for campussing
September 07, 2005, 10:28:25 pm
what did buoux say? 5days on 1 day off. i went to the foundry, haven't campused for months, it showed. but, to counter the boredom i took some revision notes and that proved it was less boring to watch people flail on 6bs...

a dense loner

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#46 Strength for campussing
September 08, 2005, 10:29:41 am
i'm sure he'll write about it in his upcoming article on the moon site


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#47 Strength for campussing
September 10, 2005, 12:18:43 am
I find the metolius rock rings work well for building both arm and finger power.   You can make it as hard as you want what with the 3 different depths of the holds...(just doing pull-ups or holding yourself up for as long as possible on the small holds..or do a combination of both)... and you dont have to have them fixed permantly to anything, just find somewhere to hang them and leave them there or take them down.
Look on, then climbing then training aids.
Might help... :)


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