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Fingers of a Martyr:
After having read Brave New World and 1984 in three days i am now thoroughly depressed :( Poor old Winston Smith :cry:, lol.

On the other hand i thought they are both brilliant.

Anyone else got any good reccomendations/favourites?

I Am Legend, The Long Walk and The Divine Comedy are all very good as well imho.

i'm a big fan of geordie lass gets knocked up by the lord of the manor.then thrown out on the street but it turns out alright in the catherine cookson x50million.


"South" by Alfred Lansing is good as is "The Worst Journey in the World" by Aspley Cherry-Garrard.  Both a bit chilly though.  On a sci-fi tip Peter F Hamilton's "Reality Dysfunction" is great (though the other two in the series are a bit crap), "Vurt" is great (Jeff Noon), William Gibson's works are great.  And all the Sci-Fi masterworks series are pretty good.

Might be a welcome change from  "a jackboot stamping over and over on a human face"....

Vurt is probably my favourite sci-fi book: lyrical prose, a great sense of place (a remixed Manchester) and a real feeling of poignancy, unusual for the genre.  I would avoid the follow-up (Pollen) though, personally found it to be an utterly unreadable experiment with language at the complete expense of clarity and plot.

The only other sci-fi authors  I've been able to read since I was 15 (without feeling faintly ashamed of myself anyway!) are William Gibson and Iain M Banks.  Re the former, his debut, Neuromancer, is possibly still his best, though I really liked his most recent effort, Pattern Recognition (though it's not really sci-fi  - set now'ish).  Re the latter - Consider Phlebus or The Player of Games are good introductions to "the culture" (Excession and The Use of Weapons are also pretty damn fine).

Off the sci-fi, the best new'ish book I've read for years is probably Cloudwritten by David Mitchell - several interwoven stories set mainly in the far east.  Clever and great fun - it absolutely flew by (which surprised me as I normally find Booker prize type stuff to be a bit onerous).   You also get to painlessly learn a bit about Japan, and China's cultural revolution along the way... which is nice.

All time classic recommendation: The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald.  Just staggeringly beautifuly written - and the only one of his books where I had any sympathy whatsoever for one of his characters (as far as I can tell the rest of his stuff revolves around wealthy, unpleasant types who are drunks as an alternative to working - rather than because of it).

The best book i ever read is the 1989 Stanage guide.


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