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--- Quote from: "moose" ---Vurt is probably my favourite sci-fi book: lyrical prose, a great sense of place (a remixed Manchester) and a real feeling of poignancy, unusual for the genre.  I would avoid the follow-up (Pollen) though, personally found it to be an utterly unreadable experiment with language at the complete expense of clarity and plot.
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I really liked both Vurt and Pollen - well worth reading.


--- Quote from: "Bubba" ---
I really liked both Vurt and Pollen - well worth reading.
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well everyone's agreed that Vurt's ace! Re Pollen: I tried, I really did try... just found it more effort than I suspect it's worth.  Quite liked the short story collection, Pixel Juice, though.

I am Das Uberdog.....

I did feel Pollen was a bit of a let down too as was the next one (dice on the cover can't remember the title) .  Oh yeah the other Sci-fi masterworks ones I couldn't think of earlier was "Flowers for Algernon".

If you liked 1984 why not read 'We' by Yvgeni Zamyatkin- Orwell pretty much lifted wholescale from this for 1984, its more of a diary with a bleaker ending.


--- Quote from: "moose" ---All time classic recommendation: The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald.  Just staggeringly beautifuly written - and the only one of his books where I had any sympathy whatsoever for one of his characters (as far as I can tell the rest of his stuff revolves around wealthy, unpleasant types who are drunks as an alternative to working - rather than because of it).
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Word to that - an amazing piece of writing.

Bubba - I hated Pollen. I just couldn't read it. The only other author who's made me react that way was Milan Kundera. Normally I can finish a book, even if I'm not into it.

I can recommend anything by:
- Carl Hiaasen
- Kinky Friedman
- Hemingway (esp Old Man and The Sea, and Farewell to Arms)
- Garcia Marquez (esp Love in a Time of Cholera)
- Hunter S Thompson (esp Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Great Shark Hunt)


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