the shizzle > power club

Power Club 752 6 - 12 May 2024

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Duncan Disorderly:
What's the fucking point... Club

M: Paddling in't lakes - fun.
T: Sheaf bloc - Tried hard, did all traverse moves, now feels only marginally impossible...
W: Matterhorn Ridge with the GF - Brilliant post work adventure climbing - loose, easy and bugger all decent gear... Mmmmm  :smirk:
T: Shoulder kicked off! Not happy at all.
F: Shoulder and hip kicking off - managed to get a last minute quack appointment - hip pain is almost unbearable! Like someone is sticking a red hot poker into my groin!
S: Shoulder seems back to normal - hip felt like murder! Sat in a hot tub under the stars and drank cocktails...
S: Hungover.

All seems to have gone south recently - no idea what the issue with the hip is, always been tight but seems to have stepped up a gear with random bouts of agonizing pain. Thankfully ROM isn't affected and standing up actually helps... Got a physio appt now so am going to push for a scan... All this is going to be after Verdon next week though so I've got a full bag of Ibuprofen and Naproxen and will dose meself up before abbing into owt and hope for the best... Arse!  :'(

M - Yoga
T - Yoga
W - Yoga
T - 5k run. Been a little lax about keeping this regular. First in just under a month. Felt so good in evening after.
F - Elbow physio exercises. Yoga.
S - Nothing.
S - Yoga

Basically a rest week. Not sure when I’ll get chance to get out again, but hopefully do some more training this week.

Hope the hip eases up DD!

I'm going to start journalling so I can actually remember what I did climbing wise lol.

Not going to go into specific days but I seem to be making progress and the moonboard v3/4 seems doable now which is cool. Will provide a more detailed daily breakdown for next week ha.

Mixing the climbing with some swimming. Trying not to climb consecutive days to avoid injury as am only about 3 or 4 months climbing after a 15 year break.

Losing weight will help, am about 10 stone 8 and 5ft 3 and my goal is to get down to 10 stone or even 9.5 stone but I don't want to be too obsessive about it like when I was younger.

SA Chris:
Motivation not great for much right now.

M - 12.5km run, big hill and slow pace. Usual pull - ups and push ups.
T - nowt apart from usual pull - ups and push ups.
W - nowt apart from usual pull - ups and push ups.
T - nowt apart from usual pull - ups and push ups.
F - lunch time bike ride - about 25km. Went on bike as i was going to run in the evening, but didn't. Up until about 2 am photographing aurora.
S - up too early to take son to DoE hike. Headed to Fulmar Wall for first trad climbing in years. Beautiful weather, and no nesting birds at base for a change. 2nded S and HS, led 2 x VS I had actually not done before. Usual faff making things fit, but good to get out.
S - knacked. Fetched tired son from DoE hike.     


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